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Analytical analysis of solar thermal collector with glass and Fresnel lens glazing

Conference Paper  in  AIP Conference Proceedings · April 2018

DOI: 10.1063/1.5027920

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4 authors, including:

Idris Zulkifle M.H. Ruslan

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


M.Y.H. Othman
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Analytical analysis of solar thermal collector with glass and Fresnel lens glazing
Idris Zulkifle, Mohd Hafidz Hj Ruslan, Mohd Yusof Hj Othman, and Zahari Ibarahim

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1940, 020005 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5027920

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Analytical Analysis of Solar Thermal Collector with Glass
and Fresnel Lens Glazing
Idris Zulkifle1a), Mohd Hafidz Hj Ruslan1b), Mohd Yusof Hj Othman1, Zahari
Ibarahim 1
School of Applied Physic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 UKM Bangi Selangor Malaysia


Abstract. Solar thermal collector is a system that converts solar radiation to heat. The heat will raise the temperature
higher than the ambient temperature. Absorber and glazing are two important components in order to increase the
temperature of the collector. The thermal absorber will release heat by convection and as radiation to the surrounding.
These losses will be reduced by glazing. Other than that, glazing is beneficial for protecting the collector from dust and
water. This study discusses about modelling of solar thermal collector effects of different mass flow rates with different
glazing for V-groove flat plate solar collectors. The glazing used was the glass and linear Fresnel lens. Concentration ratio
in this modelling was 1.3 for 0.1m solar collector thickness. Results show that solar collectors with linear Fresnel lens has
the highest efficiency value of 71.18% compared to solar collectors with glass which has efficiency 54.10% with same
operation conditions.

Keywords. Solar Collector, Linear Fresnel lens, Glazing, Efficiency, V-groove

Malaysia is a combination of Malay Peninsula and the two states on the island of Kalimantan namely Sabah and
Sarawak. Malaysia receives abundant amounts of solar radiation throughout the year with sunshine durations of
more than 2200 hours per year and an estimated 1000W/m2 intensity of solar radiation in a day [1]. This is an
opportunity to make solar energy as one of the energy sources in Malaysia. The potential application of solar energy
is to convert solar energy to supply electricity for rural areas and drying systems for small industries.

Solar collectors are one of the main components of the solar system. A solar thermal collector consists of frame,
glazing, absorber and base. This device will absorb the incoming solar radiation and convert it into thermal energy.
This thermal energy will transform to fluid form (air, water or oil) flowing throughout the collector [2]. It can be
used for many applications such as water heater for domestic usage and drying of agricultural products. Most studies
done by researchers were on improving the thermal performance and economy for different applications. Several
studies discussed on improving the solar collector performance by modifying the thermal absorbers into V-grooved
absorbers, double pass with fin absorbers, wavelike shape absorbers, metal matrix absorbers [3, 4, 5, 6].

In this paper, a mathematical equation was used to predict the efficiency of the solar collector with different mass
flow rates for V-groove solar collectors with glass and linear Fresnel lens as the glazing. By changing several
parameters, we expect effects on solar collector performance. Therefore, this simulation was run under the same
conditions using Microsoft Excel.

The 2017 UKM FST Postgraduate Colloquium

AIP Conf. Proc. 1940, 020005-1–020005-5;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1632-1/$30.00

The objective of the mathematical model developed is to provide researchers to see the effects of variables that
can be controlled. Mathematical modelling simulation for collectors can be solved by matrix methods to solve the
energy balance equation in the steady state. Initial temperature value for glazing (T g), air flow (Tf), absorber plate
(Tp) and base plate (Tb) are estimated to start the iteration. The heat transfer coefficient is calculated based on the
estimated temperature after all the constants were defined. After the matrix [A] [T] = [C] was provided, the [T] can
be obtained by multiplying the matrix [C] with the inverse matrix [A] -1. The iterative process is carried out so that
the temperature differences between the estimated temperatures acquired are smaller than 0.01 °C. When the
difference is obtained, the iterative process is stopped and the temperature is used to calculate solar collector
performance. The iteration computed that the corresponding inlet temperature is 29 °C and ambient temperature is
25 °C with 1m2 V-grooved solar collector. The height of the V-groove was 0.058m and 56° for angle.

Energy balance for glazing, absorber plate, air flow in the collector and the base of the absorber plate is shown in
the equation below by Ong [7].

Energy balance for glazing :

Itαc+( + ) (Tp –Tc) = UT(Tc-Ta) (1)

The coefficient of overall top loss (Ut) defined by Ut = hw + (2)

where hw = 5.7 + 3.8V (3)
And = σ εc (Tc+Ts)( ( ). (4)
Ts is sky temperature estimated Ts = 0.00552Ta1.5. (5)

The convection of heat transfer coefficient is calculated with the following:

= Nu (6)
k is thermal air conductivity and Dh is hydraulic diameter that can be solved using an equation by Bashria [8]

Dh = (7)

where is height and θ is angle of V groove.

Nu is Nusselt number. This value can be calculated using equation:

Nu= 5.4 + Re 2300 (8)

Nu = 0.116( )( ) Re 6000 (9)

0.8 0.4
Nu = 0.18Re Pr Re ≥ 6000 (10)

Reynolds number, Re can be obtained by Re = (11)

where m = mass flow rate kg/s, A=Area air flow and
μ = (1.6157 + 0.06523T - 3.0297 x 10-5T2) x 10-6) kgm-1s-1 (12)

Energy balance for air flow in the collector:

(Tp –Tf) = (Tf –Tb) + (13)

Where Q = ) (14)

Energy balance for back plate:

(Tf –Tb) + (Tp-Tb) = Ub (Tb-Ta) (15)

Where = . (16)

Energy balance absorber plate:

Itαpτc = ( + )(Tp-Tc) + )(Tp-Tb) + (Tp –Tf) (17)

Where =σ (18)

However, for the Fresnel lens as glazing, the value of the incident solar radiation on the absorber plate shall be
multiplied by the concentration ratio, Cr. The value of the energy absorber plate is :

ItαpτcCr = ( + )(Tp-Tc) + )(Tp-Tb) + (Tp –Tf) (19)

Equation (1),(13),(16),(17) and (19) can be converted to a 4 X 4 matrix to form [A] [T] = [C]. The equation can be
solved using simultaneous equations with iterative methods using Excel software.

Using this matrix, the temperature of the glazing (Tc), the absorber plate Tp, base Tb and Tf air flow can be estimated
by multiplying the reciprocal of the matrix [A]-1 and matrix [C].

[T] = [C] [A]-1

After the iterative process was carried out, output temperature was used to calculate efficiency following this
equation :


Where c = air specific heat JKg-1C-1, T0 = output temperature, °C, Ti = input temperature, °C, A= Collector area, m2
and I = Intensity, W/m2.

Before the iterative process is carried out, several assumptions have to be made to complete the solution of the
mathematical models [9].

a. The whole system is in a steady state.

b. The intensity was received on top of glazing surface of the collector is the same.
c. The ambient temperature, bottom and sides of the collector are same.
d. No temperature drops by glazing, absorber plate and base plate.
e. Free leakage on channel and dust or dirty on the top was considered negligible.


FIGURE 1. Efficiency comparison for solar collector using glass and Fresnel lens as glazing at 450W/m2 and 750 W/m2

Figure 1 represents the comparison of efficiency for solar collector using glass and Fresnel lens as glazing. The
solar collector that uses Fresnel lens as glazing has efficiency of 71.18% and glass 54.10% at radiation of 750W/m 2.
At radiation 450W, the efficiency of Fresnel lens and glass is at 65.50% and 47.10% respectively. From the results,
the solar collector with Fresnel lens is 17.01% more efficient than glass at 750W/m2.

FIGURE 2 : Outlet temperature for solar collector using glass and Fresnel lens as glazing at 450W/m2 and 750 W/m2

Figure 2 show the effects of mass flow rate on output temperature. It was noted that lower mass flow rate has
better output temperatures than higher flow rates. The mass flow rate is inversely proportional to the output
temperature. Solar collectors with Fresnel lens as glazing show better output than glass with a difference of 11.81
°C. Radiation has a direct impact on output temperature with higher radiation giving higher output temperature.


A mathematical model and simulation of the solar collector with Fresnel lens and glass as glazing was conducted
to predict the effects of mass flow rate and radiation on solar collectors using different glazing. The results show that
solar collectors with Fresnel lens as glazing has a higher efficiency and output temperature compared to glass as
glazing. However, the influencing parameter will change to get optimum design and be more economical.

The authors would like to thanks The Ministry Of Higher Education of Malaysia for sponsoring this project
under Grant TRGS/1/2014/UKM/01/11/4 and School of Applied Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for
support this project.


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