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Sociétés et cultures 4 (ANGL502_LEA)Emma BELL 21/09/2021


Class Plan Introduction

​ What is political economy ? The link, the political conditions to lead to economic
​ What is liberalism? Political/economic/ Social: what is the meaning? Having an
autonomy from the state but not only democratic societies individual free from the
state, individual right but also social rights free education free house care… all
those things are social freedom.

i)Political liberalism

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview based and founded on ideas of liberty and
equality. Freedom of speech. The oldest idea from the political liberalism is the idea of
personal security.
Freedom of the state an individual freedom from arbitrary power
“Magna Carta” a king sign to promise he will not pass a law without the agreement of the
nobles (the high elite).
The rule of law: nobody is above the law it doesn't matter your social class, religion…
everyone need to respect it. A fundamental law from the British constitution.
A trial, you must go to a trial a judge need to find the reason from imprisoning you.

By philosopher at the 17 century John Locke: Second Treatise on Govern inspire the
American declaration of independence, freedom as a natural right even the state can’t take
your rights, to any kind of laws made by man, the king cannot make a law to take away
your rights, this is to protect those natural rights and these are the right lo live, the right to
freedom and the right of property, a conservative thinker the point of a governor is to
protect those natural rights and if he does the contrary we can bring down that
The human is a rational being, so each citizen respect the law and obey it, the governor
need to do the same to protect our rights.
Politicians should protect the basis of a democratic society.

ii)Economic liberalism

The idea of protecting the economics freedoms the state should not impose or regulate the
market, high taxation into corporations individual have not much regulation individual are
free to create a company. Less regulation and taxation to give freedom and do as they
wish. Negative

iii)Social liberalism

Is a more positive freedom rather than the economic freedom.

The promotions in a social aspect: the right of abortion, to gay marriage…

Associated with the new liberal in the 19 century. The liberals was a party, the members of
the party support it but the member of newliberalism are different they started to believe
that social individual is more important that market freedom, is a protection of the
individual freedom.

T.H Green, L.T Hobhouse and John A. Hobson they believed not from state the treat
material poverty if you were poor you were excluded from activities you cannot realize your
The explanation of taxation in corporation restricting market to give the money raised to
the people to make them realize their potential. To have access to the basis services.

Do not confuse new with neo liberalism.

Classical Liberalism

i)The Context : Mercantilism

The develop of mercantilism was in the 16th and 18th. . The object of a nation is to have
enough gold currency, how to get much gold as possible to keep your money in the nation
the UK in this case is to export a lot and to import a little, they thought it is the best way.

From foreigner competition your own industries, try to fix the market to control it by putting
high tariffs in imports to imported goods, manufactured goods particularly. More attractive
to consume local. The navigation laws, in 1651 did prevent Britain and their colonies from
non British ship, monopoly in trade, no other ship cannot come to that colony.
The Cron Laws 1815 prohibited the import to protect the domestic market important to the
elite in Britain, no proper competition to prioritize local market
The middle classes to trade with the emerging colonies they fight with the elites, the living
conditions difficult to the working class.

b)Opposition to mercantilism
Anti-Corn law league: a popular opposition, Richard Cobden: campaign of popular
agitation, leading to economic oppression, the hungry hostility between working and
middle class to the elite class from the conditions.
In 1846 the laws were repeled the corn law 1849 the navigation laws the victory of the

1840 with mercantilism
was born laissez-faire a l 1776 an idea by Adam Smith to refare what policis contribute bst
to the wealth of nations, mercantilism was an obstacle to do wealth he showed that to
serve to the interest of a few, monopolies, free trade is more beneficial not only a few.
Opening British markets up to international trade would provide new market a lower cost to
some products, basically the market was a natural of rational beings that freely have
interest to trading relationship with others to survive exchange, should be guided not by
the state a natural process the hidden hand and spontanouse process rather than the
visible hand and the regulation and control of the state. Natural forces of the demand and
supply, to self regulate.
Without interference from the state

Extremes think there is not place for the state but not for Adams Smith he do think state
have important room but it should provide the frame work infrastructure, building of roads
to allow to move goods to another place to make trades; A good system of laws to function
efficiently agreements, administrating justice insurance legal, the laws are respected, the
policy, the army,

knowing the limits of the state with interfering to the market.

A little case with the united states in the 1980

a)The Philosophy

David Ricardo
Thomas Malthus: population exploded
Samuel Smiles : In Victorian era, poor relief encourage laziness and vice
They all believed the state assistance step back also with social policy, they believe they
were poor of their self choose in a rational way not Smith but they 3 yes.
Theory Poor relief they will have automatically more children they will become more poor
in more dependent a vicious circle, the state should not help.
They were not a proper social system but they were church

b)The Practice -The Poor Law -Economy and the State

Social policy in practice not just the repeal of barriers to free trade it also lead the
introduction of punishment policy. Unconditional relief they were paid low wage, unable to
very costly in 1850 the end of wars difficult in inserting in society, the system by local
taxes to be redistributed, was real criticize particularly Ricardo and Malthus moral
influence, that distore the natural force and reinforce the lazy, to rely in the system instead
of the market.
A new system was introduce the new poor law 1834, centralize control, national centralize
system in the interest making the poor less dependent from the state, they giving health an
organize system.
Creates categories, indoor relief and outdoor
indoor undeserving poor, they were those to fit to work but they were not working wven
thought they were able, able-bodied yo needed a punishment to be reeducated, indorse
the workhouse is you have to go and work and you be given a meal, bed...
the rational thinking of choosing poverty, you can work but you choose not to.
absolute poverty that you can’t survive
Adam Smith you are poor did not own 18 century not a days internet access

The principle of less eligible: for the fruits of their own industry (thir own work/ effort)
indolence laziness and vice the conditions being worsest of the market conditions
to scare them to use the system.

iii)The Decline of Laissez-faire

Classical Liberalism
The poor law

the link is religion suprevased very often

hard work is moralaly good is the economic philosophy in the liberalism in the classical
liberlaism you can redeem yourself to improve
you were defective when you were poor that you were lazy by your own choise.
The terrible conditions the hostire conditions, separations of families, man and women,
even children from their mother because they didn’t want that children repeat the unmoral
behavior of their mother.

Why is this link to classicla liberalism, insurance that is not intervention in the market, if
you provide people with charity as an interference because they will choose to rely rather
than the bloru market. All about getting the poor to take responsibility, to fin job. The labour
maket is a paradoxe, in order to do less intervince more in individual lives, if you want to
take any kind of help is an interference.
Not always the state of less state because you will have in some way maybe less state in
one case but more in another. Is a contradiction.

Classical Liberalism
The state and the Economy
in practice in the economy, in the middle of the 19 century, government policy was laisez
faire but in practice rule was limited, to the rule of a traffic policeman. For public services,
believe on the free market. In Britain private companies who decided the system no
government control, no central organization.
In the middle of 1840
There were never totally laissez-faire, is a contradiction in terms, only there to regulate but
laissez-faire would mean no government at all, policies will have always some influence on
the market.
Taxation on the limit of the free market, because government take it but what it do with the
It can still be kind of interventions.
It was supported by the new classes, the born of middle classes, were benefit of it
commercial classes to see a huge increase of manufactured products, more trade at this
type of the empire, world power among the differents colonies.

The decline of laissez-faire

why people begin to questioned it in the early 1860-1870?
More competition of the United States, is not the best economic choice, a magical solution,
the economy is not that well so maybe is something wrong, the increase of industrila
Increase of the organization of the working class, signing up getting involved to be part of
a movement of trade unions, they were being listen to, to their voice to be heard.
Working people demand that the state do more, social legislations. They started to feel the
pressure the fear of revolution working classes couldn’t vote, it was this fear of revolutio,
until 1918 were able to vote some legistation were in benefit of everybody, this imporve the
conditions of the living poor, responsible of the prevision of street lighting*, gas lamps, to
prpovide clean water, to provide sewage disposals. It provide public parks in the 1870, the
public toilets but not for women, until later they will be provide with it, they think that
women shouldn’t be that long away from home so they didn’t need them.
Factory act, limited market freedom,not maneged as they wanted. They used to do can as
they like, its them to decide how much they payed, how many hours they should work but
they the gover said no it is us that need to decide it, and they decided what is the maximal
working hours, the minimal working age. Regulation of the market.
In the 19 century it was new of recollecting information of poverty. Poverty studies they
descrive their living conditions a proper stadistical they 30% aprox of he population was
living in poverty.
IF YOU HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE living in poverty they must be another explanation of
the reason of their poverty not only laziness. They used to blame the individual what is the
problem of the system perhaps is not only their fault but also the organization of society.

They were also morals concerns to have a rich nation with a high porcentage of poverty, if
people are poor, y also have ill health they are not fit to defent the nation, they fear that
people of poor health wouldn’t be able to defent the nation. BOIR, were the dutch
colonizer, of the control of south Africa.
Were many of young man were sent to fight in South Africa and they were concerns of the
physical decline of the nation and then it will be a decline in the nation.
The relazation of a moral impact to do smthing about of poverty in the name of freedom.

New Liberalism
Towards social liberalism
Individual freedom is much more important than market freedom for the New Liberals, the
classical could limit individuals

the worker has the freedom to accept in the contract what they want. Was freedom to
accept werever job they want but is not real freedom because often the worker has to
accept whatever job give him enough to eat. Kin the 19 century the concer was the market
freedom, in the 20 century they were worry that the market freedom will limited individual
freedom by creating more poverty, doing little to support workers, but not much freedom
from the state but of poverty to realize your full potential, if you are not free of povert you
are not really free, in that way you can realize your indivudual potential. Your are
essentially excluded of society, education to give you more opportunities. They started to
John Stuart Mill, we can do as we wish if he do not harm anybody. Not form the sttte but
the majority is the enemy of the freedom. Democracy is a limited way to express our
individual freedom
Yo have the freedom to what you want if you dont harm, for the new is poverty the enemy.
who is the enemy of freedom the classical ?it was the state, it acted as an obstacle,
The tyranny of the majority: he worries about this phenomen because the fear of an
individual to act because the tyranny of the majority and you can’t realize your potential.
New notion of the indiviual in the classicla they believe as a single idenity as a rational
actionner, making his own decitions example not to work . A selfish thinking
The New, started to see the indiviual diferetn it is rational but also lives in sociality its shed
of the context he is dealing, not only by individual but also the context your are living on,
we are not giving you enoguh to realize your potential. They also think as interdependent a
better society if we are concers of loose individuals who live in poverty. Molded by society
the actions.
Similar to socialist but no, they worked closely but the differecne the new liberl still believe
in the free market but limited and socialist didn’t have this believe.
In practice the policies

New Liberalism
New Liberalism in Practice: Phase I a)The Foundations of the Welfare State
The liberal party 1906 picking their ideas into practice. Llyod George Chancellar of the
Henry Herbert Asquith
they started to implement the forms to free people in poverty, the very begginigs of the
welfare state
was to focus on children, the concerns in a national level, the kids are the future of the
nation, to be adults in good health. Education (Provision of School Meals) Act 1906

taxes is a directly interference in the market, you impose the taxe and you use them later
of the people.
Also in 1907 a free health service in the school they were charities but they weren’t
It also reflected the value, also a particular focus in the elderly, is always the vulnerable
population. Old age pensions Act 1908, elderly people subjected to poverty, the very firs
the national pension was introduce. 70 years old to benefit of it, your earning needed to be
less of what you benefit, the state taking on a responsibility
the new reforms, for e

brought together employers and employees representatives, to discuss what would be the
fair wage in a sector. The labourer changes, focus on unemployment, the cause of any
other problems, a publi concer the labour movement claims a right to workthat shoul be
guarantee its what exist today.the very first time that you have this, a very early system of
what exist today. Here is a recognisition that the fact that they didn’t work is not just an
individual laziness, they resposabalise that it was a system problem.
National insurance act, in 1911, social security system of compulsury social insurance
against the risk of unemployment and sickness. When a working person had to pay a
small part of your salary into this. By the workers themselve but also their employers
contribute. Free health care of gps visits. And unemployment care, you will still benefit and
more generous. Quite controversial because of working people weren’t in favor, a
voluntary system and they resented this idea, people saw Llyod George as a highwayman,
they tough they were being robbe, to give up their wealth in taxation.

b)The State and the Economy



New Liberalism

The State and the Economy, the new reforms in the system: much more interventionus in
the economy it had to become that way in order to take the money to fund this reforms, the
people’s Budget 1909- became known as the first budget to take wealth from rich to give it
to the poors to urdinary people also, to fund the pensions,
to wage implacable warfare agaisnt poverty and squalidness a range of problems known
to be bad housing and poor living conditions in a city. Were did the money come from to
fund it, the new tax will be place on the elites . A constitutional crisis, the king had to
interfire into the house of lords and common. A symbolic budget , to be more economic
intervention particullary during the WW1.
The government took a management of several industries that were vital for the war,
materials, armaments… also could control railway system and fix the price of consuming
boots (demand) but here ir dit intervine to make it accesible for people. Possible to not like
but unable to say that it didn’t work because it prove it was efficient state planning could
work. Continued after war even in the 1920 nationalisation→ when a state buy a private
company and manege it,
into just 4 the state to lead to nationalisation to reorganize the systmem those 100 hundred
companies were reduce.
Amalgamation: to bring them together.

The electricity supply, 1929 the famous wallstreet crash a recession, lead tot the Great
Depression but not only in the United States to justifive government intervention to further
state intervention
A return to protectionism and this empose 10% tariff for the imports
The very end of laissez-faire by the middle 1930, even as an idea. imperial preference
escentialy a system of free trade between the countries of the British Emipire. But it was
pretection but they onlt trade in the startling erea without aany kind of taxe only in their
protecting trade the

During WW2 the interfirence was more notorious in the interest of the
Emergency Powers: over manpower oblige people to work in facories no freedom be
forced to work on a company complety gains the cold to contrlo import. The reason on the
government benefits was
controling import raw matirial an f pirmary only
the intervention of the government in the rations of things, ideological climate was chift or
change come to believe that only state intervention can
in 1944 a huge victory, a huge majoroty in the comment the liberals were really influential
intensify state intervention

New Liberalism in Practice phase: II

the notion Keynesianism the theory by Keynes one of those infuentional liberal a new
economic theory quit oposse to lassez-faire he introdcue hwhat was kno the man
manegemnt of the economy. Tht he prioraty should to stimiuklate demand. Its to intervine
people need
A vertious cycle

In 1944 the government made a commitment to fullfill


It justifies the classification is not a radical departure, it was universal, some benefits on
the contribution,
The support of Churchill
1945 for children, every child except the first under the age 16 a weekly benefit
everyone who work you get all kind of benieft unemployment benefit, sickness benefit,
maternity benefit, retirement pension , a widow benefit (viuda) a guardian allowance,
the poor law19 century was abolished, the means


Tacling disease much further than the 1911 law in 1911 if you contriuate GPE treaty but
then every single citicen whether they work or not could have free health care not just with
GPE (general) but also in a hospital, dental care, eyes… a hole free health system in 46
Quite revolutionary system particularly in the universality it cover everybody in any
possible health care need, a significant rol e of the a centralize service and importantly
free at the point of access in the UK,
in 1948 the national health service was inaugurated they were some opposition by doctors,
before was liberal profession they could charge any tariff they could see who they wanted
they have a freedom to private practice to civil servants and they were forced to however
they did get some private patients they have patients from the government and private
patients the government permit it in fuction that the doctors support the system but with the
system they did notice the service had improved a lot and the benefits to the nation
specially children, before even though they were sick they didn’t go because of the price
and the treatment even not vaccination, so because of this system the whole health care
nation improve.

An individual as the americans they say is up to the individual but a social system is fair
system.escentially an statement for health.

Unemployment (tackling idleness) Keynesian demand policy for unemployment

the best way by stimulating industries to insure tbhaht industry dont have difficulty they
have money they keep spending.

Tackling ignorance 44 an education act a huge advance to have free education until 15 it
wasn’t encourage but just a minority that wen to university in 60 just a 30% that went to
university the beginning 1860 of free education just an extension of it.

Tackling squalor: House-building programme.

poor housin 2ww particularly from the nazis the housing was really poor really dire
escential to tackle the housing problem they did the gov would build houses and the
government own it and then rent to the poop a house building programme

46 Green belt areas or spaces to avoid urban sprod tpare vevitar que sigan creciendo las
zonas urbanas y prevenri que crezcan para dejarlas en la cuidad y poner un limite y tener
aire limpio. Only in the 1950 a concern from pollution the smog
1950 completely abandon the laissez-faire problems that individuals suffer from. Mesures
to improve in the social problems they were involve

they were still a free market it wasnt just private they were still competition but certainly
they were an intervention but in a good way allowing to still have some freedom

IV) The decline of new liberalism

mid 1960 already thi new liberal concences was challenged by the left n the Labour Party
the disa over that the state should intervine in the economy and the policy about what
should be role of the state and in 1950 the amercian got involve in the Korean War and the
British help to finance it, in order to do it they Labour conceler introduce some charges in
the for dental treatment and half of the treatment optolommogue eyes treatment event the
Labour governmetn was dilouted the HS no longuer this properly health system even the
reagard of nationalization disagreement bcs in the 1959 there was an attempt by the
lidership of the Labour Party to modify the parties constitution did by 1958 and close or
aticle 44 of the consittution committed the party to nationalization a key in the labour
government policy they wanted to get ride of it, this created huge controversy taking
genesis out of the bible you start questioning the socialism why they wanted to do it that
nationalization wasnt any more essential, the free services the biggest challenge was the
rediscovere of proverty: form the social sice was discovere welfare state eliminated it to
tackle poverty 1960 it didnt exis anymore but social researches that it still exist they didn’t
vanish it written by Brian Abel-Smith that it increased employment didn't prevent for going
to poverty household 1/3 that were found to be in poverty have 1 person working

Fiscal welfare is the idead that the state giving to you but in not is the state not akng
money away from you an example all the taxes benefits to work on our home remplacing a
heathing system is something that you will have a lower taxe, a morgue tax when buying a
Who benefit from it not the working class but the middle class so it have more access to it
because it do pay more taxe the TVA a great proportion of your salary an
Occupational welfare this is smthing you will due to your profession an exmple a company
car and the state lose money bc the company doesn’t really pay for it.
To benefit middle classes and to help to concretacing any parties in existing inequalities to
be a fair society
Education is a good mesure of improvement to get better conditions 1960 only 10% came
from the working classes so the system was failing somehow. Geographical divisions in
the 1930 even in the time of the welfare the Lord side diveded is not really true this idea
we saw this already in the 1960 in the but more significant in the 1980 manufacturing
industry, an industrial decline

Division in the public and private wrote about JK private influence(wealth) and public
square public services were often old and not in good conditions or qualities they weren’t
tha good as they sould be for not doing enough they should do better. Radical people of
the left that even critice the welfare as a chantage to keep the happy the working classes
while the capitalice part wasn’t limited. The women were discriminated in the system
except of wife's and mothers. The labour party was form as 1906 division the unions,
politicians and intellectuals they begging to critice no exactly the welfare but

The trade unions by criticising the labour party and by do it they bring it down in the 1960
Tatcher to power. They used to support it yet in the 1960 they were more critical the mian
problem stagflation : economic stagnation for rising inflation no rice in wages (salaries)
they reamin low bt I nflation make prices increase and the inflatio in 60 ws huge from 25%

this was rejacted by the worker it began as a


an end for the winer of discontent but it was to late for the government reputation the
labour governes was powerless an the prime minister Callaghan the prime minister was
portrait as relax and didn’t understand the situations, the government collapse it was the
decline of new liberalism

Criticism from the right:

right and left fight in the welfare in the new liberalism 1955 a change Edward Heath the
leader of the
1 conservative leader to be very critical on the New Liberal concern’s.
Criticism from a kind of an association of particular ideas in this case we have discus new
liberal ideas and to criticise the new liberals and liberalism and the concenses and they
propose their return to classical liberalism who where this people? Intellectuals, business
Freidrich von Hayek- The road to serfdom to go back to the old system and argueded that
socialism will always lead to a totaliarism why? Bcs to much state intervention, will always
take more and more until it became a kind of totalitarianism 1944 he is considered to be a
radicl his views where minorities views until 1955 in Britain the IEA was set up was to
spread new liberal ideas still small but becoming popular for a return to classical idea, they
spread it by articles, paper news, on the radio, tv and the press the idea ws becoming
slowly bu surely popular an at the 70 more Adam Smith institue founded in 1706 and
,1964 the studies was cofounded by Margaret Tharcher; believe in intelectual foundation
the policies she became leader for the main leader of the conservative party and then
The aim of the CPS the freedom of choice british people the difference was social market
policies, free market policies and trow the market and not the state, she believe social
improvement, not from state but the free market.
These idea 1970 were follow noteble by the young conservative newer member of the
party particularly form men who in the 1980 a key role in government, the radical gape
between the one who where with the free market and the one of the traditional one nation
one nation toryism in the 19 century had a duty to bring the 2 nation together the rich and
the poor with some state intervention.
head of the conservative party, here you don't vote conservative gets more seeks he will
be the one to become the prime minister
In practice 1965 competition of the leadership of the party, Margaret Thatcher, to discredit
the, the portrail of a trail of conservative valuables she define as independence an
individual responsibility private property of the ,1970 she blame all the problems of the the
starvation on the welfare state an the kenysian economics. The market would be more
stronger with the Adam Smith laissez-faire the moral decline of the nation, the welfare
state. She mean about the welfare state she critize for trapping people in the head of
dependency culture on the state no longer individual responsibility. Without it not real
freedom not about the poverty but as the new liberals was the responsibility of your own
self to get the real freedom, that the key mentality of Thatcher. For her the obstucle if the
state, and if you are free they were moralcripper’s, hand and hand responsibility and
moral, the state the problem not the solution. And for new liberal the state was the solution
from poverty and be free for her wasn’t the case was bcs of them they were poor bcs of
the responsibility.
She often refers the era classical liberalism, and a new form of the classical liberalism and
neoliberalism. Victorian era indivual responsabilty during war that why she mention it, she
believe int the tradiotal family and didn’t really believe in other women.

Neo liberalims – classical liberla free market laissez-faire

The neo is not idential to classicla but the state can help create that free market. Pretty
much the same.
Ver bien lo que escribi con new por que era neo.

The idea and the practice are different in politics

To define it is not that easy, it’s identify with any particular political party, in Britain was
conservative but the trditional
not geographical idea, develp particularly in Britain and the USA but even in China but not
really getting involved not the case, has been adapted in very specif ways by divers in
political adopted and adapted by varios politicl parties, across a variety of states and
differents times.
It also full of contradiction sometime as an economic policy but no really it’s a part of it but
not the totality of neoliberalism, not only economics. A political ideology, an attemp to
liberate the market from political and social constraints menas limiting the wellfare state,
creating a flexible liberal market privitasing state industries and utilities(any kind of
service), diregulating the market, spreeding market ideology into areas wich remain
previously immune to the market ideology.
The stae doesn’t intervine but only for optimals conditions for free enterprise, encouraging
competition and well creation creatted by private competiteve companies benefit the poor
society she means free market competition to create business and wealth to create jobs
and move very slowly trickle down to poor population, not the state but incouraging it. Just
a theory not prove.
To realize their potential but poverty was an obstale but for Thatcher was the state. The
radical interpretation freedom from the state.
This believe in the free market it justify of what they should do so its more political.


what it is in theory that what we are studying but later we will see it in practice and where
they come from
The IEA who spread the ideas
The keys ideas:
The h history of people who change the life in Britain, all started with chickens, about the
farming in Britain and change the political life, freedom about totalitaria Germans, the
labour linside, the welfare state was introduced it was movie in social life, then comunism
Rusia, the danger of life and the treath of freedom, Fisher influenced Frederich haw
freedom coan only e assured by capitalism “The road serfdom” by Frederick Hayek, the
personal freedom, the security of liverty
The messafe a lab of university in Oxford Margaret to be a politicia/ mternity service,
dental care, drugs and medicine. School of economics, do not go to politics but to form his
own idea nad be initiated in a liberal market in order to drift of what socialism is and a
flame of economic freedom and an impact in the 17’s he told to Fisher to star a institute of
economic affairs 1949 and speech of free market, liberalism and market economy,
heard by few when they delivered their message
The IEA said that an charities to not help people impediment to progress,

Britain was changing, free market ideas, in 1954 price maintains, to specify the price of
what the good was, abolish price inflation, the stagnation a Liberal Party gave an answer
to this problem to limit the growth of the money to prevent inflation, the access to money
Free market was searching of the revolution of fashion and music bcs this help the idea.
The pop music The beatles a youth economy a new society but they were antagonist his
ane was a Tatcher free market totalirism,
the man who deregulate the price of chocolate biscuit, and he became prime minister to
stop nationalization, he wanted to unir

THE INSTRUMENTAL IN THE IEA: Arthur Seldum and Lor Harris they believe in the free
market Anthony Fisher was just there but didn’t direct it. Arthus Seldum ideas were apart
free market firstly she and her husband to make their own choices not gouvermental
chocies, classical liberalism the rational individual they are better to make their decisions
that the government, basically in a socialist government they tell you what to do. Individual
to drive the economy they create wealth, the Keynesian collectivist consenses they were
oppose to this, a frozen economy full employment why? Keynesian we support industires
and they were opposed to this idea they said we need to let die some industries so new
industries can establish, also of the welfare sate they said it was unnecessary because
poor could get help but help throw charity or friendly society( in a particular profession you
can contribute to the peron in need a privite system of insurance) again individuals can
help each other instead of the government. Int he 1960 sometime started to change he
had cultural complain about taxation because of popular culture of complaining in the
keynesian system one of the restriction If you could travel you can only take a small
amount out the country a way of protectionism( the only 5 pounds policy) Reteal price, the
price you see as a consumer and that prices were fixed by the government and they
started to have some resistance of this policy, the stagflation and also of individual
freedom more cultural expression new forms of music of dress, that helped to new
liberalims is a choice a cultural individualism it means they are less happy of state control
even if it were in their own good,we started to see in the late 60 and 70 more people to
adopt the ideas of free market Peter GAI the ecomic of the Times he was important bcs he
went to America and he met Chicago School Economics they spreed the new Liberalism
ideas, Milton Freedman and he performed of monetaris to austerity the control of the
money supply he siad to tackle inflation we need to limit government expanding public
expending was high and their were against to stop the high expandings in public sectors.
In a anicpowilg we has more conservative party to spreed their idead the post office a
national service was also a telephone service he didn’t believe in this monopoles.
Controversial speech in immigration repratition to send them back to their countries.
Ted PHitcht free market manifesto, electicity supplies a three day week they couldn’t mke
work industry in a 5 day week, because of unemployment he retourned to the keynesian
The damage of political credibility, he basically suggested that poor people should not
have children a controversial suggestion. Keed Joseph they both lost it of the racist
reprationion speech and the other of poor women.
The outsider that became leader she won in 1975 will she became leade before becoming
minister she start to meet people who will give here the intelectual flesh to
if you want reel change you need 3 things: ideas, events (to make people accept the
ideas), and personality that was Harry said. And this idea was an element to Tatcher to win
and to became prime minister.

The trnasition to one policy to an another is a messy transation James Callaghan Liberal
Conferance, in december, 1976 the CALLAGHAN governement was forced to accept a
Loan from the IMF
Tatcher dopt this policies she attempted to limit public borrowing however in practice
moneturism was to difficult to implement and the hole point was to limit inflation and it
didn’t work it actually rose from 10% in 79 to almost 22% 1983. Thatcher first government
that why Keegan
Monetirism also failed to control public expending did reduce it as porcentage of BGP but
continue o rise in real terms 1979-1999 period of Thatcher, they did make big cost? Public
expanDING on education notable and high-cine the value of social benefits decline
however unemployment increase although te benefit worth less they were more people
demanding it. The sate may be spending less but because of the policies the people
demand more, The Welfare State, for corporations middle classes for more rages to buy
their own home (mortgage). She intempted to control it but largely unsuccessful. The
working classes and middle clases welfare were compromise. They were taking less
money from them less tax but it didn’t work.

Labour, 1990-97
Cohelision period
The conservatives Party / The labour Party we can talked about it in the examination
The third wave: new consenses but liberal consense under new liberalism mid 1970-6
before Thatcher, the end with rejection of Callaghan to keyn
New labour when they become to power . Only to invest
Public expending debt fell, was also a period of economic prosperity. The conservative
party as a problem of public expending,

The coalition this was a very rare situation 2010 humgparlement no one party wins more
than 50% of the sets in the house of cards, they could go for a minotrity government must
of the legislation will not get through difficult to govern as this way for any policy or law will
not go through they demand the conservative joins with liberal . They tendend to be into
free market but not really as a centrist party but they were moving to the right. They
respond to the finantial crush such a crisis was in 2WW so it was an exc they reject
keyneseen policies and instead they respond with husterity is abpout reducing the public
debt and to do it by reducing public expending and borrowing you could try it with
increasing taxation but it go against their believe of private property, for recession.
A colision agreement between the 2 parties a structure deficit over the next 5 years. 1
month after they were in power it commited the government to massive reduction in public
spending. Cut by almost 10 %
To a new Liberal Theory.
Cutting taxes is new liberal is interfiren less in our private property,

Meanwhile basic rate of income taxe 35% and it was lower to 20%.

Key dates: Mercentalism period eraly 1800- 19 centry

Classical Liberalism 1830 at the end of the 19 century
The New Liberal period verly early 20 centru 1900 up to mid 1970
Phase 1 : the first part of the century 19
Phase 2:1970
The neo liberal period:

Exam dissertation: how we can use the knowledge to be coherent


one nation tourism briths nation was divided in the rich and the poor to bring them ogether
socialism create two nations says Thatcjer

A problem ghettoansation: means in certain areas with segregation in social classes

The privatisation wasn’t possible completely so they did an indirect privatisation- market
mechanisms in public services: example- Health Service
3 kind of hospital the founded by the Gp, from the gouvernment and the private sectors
and the private hospitals run by private companies so they were autonomus from the state
whoever the government pay to private hospitals to provide free health care. They create a
competition for funding. Politics limits. Piblic service still founded by the government but
they involved they private sector. The paradoxe the state is paying but te nw liberalism the
idea was less intervention of the State but the british governmetn is funding the private

competition in the public service the Gps only gave money to the best hospitals, they
tought that the best option was creating competition. Between the foundations hospitals
form private investment to attract more patience but a complexity in notion of competition.
Fundations hospitals the Nei to be paid by the government founded by the minestery but
not exclusevely they also where encourage to seek funding of the private sector

Privitisation by step to make able the complete privatisation they wanted competition to
incourage the efficiency by the idea of the private sector but the public still expect the
government intervention.

The formalitation the last point

The final stage was in 2012 Health and Social Care Act: created clinical comissing
meaining crews
was it is? The original Thtche reform it was to the to dcide money from the gouvernment
it was up to them to decide to what kind of hospital the pantient needed to go to private
sector hospital, a voluntary(charity from the state) hospital or the public hospital. To create
internal market even if the government is paying, to make an internal structure. The key
word competition

to bost the private sector rather that to create another market no free market is a
myth because of the intervention Neoliberalism a hybrid system.

Universities more competitive why? RAE the research assessment exercise to asses the
amount of research. They look how many books, article where published by them. The
more research tat university produce the more money they get. Is like the case of hospital
to compete for founding to create pressure. Criticize because of the notion of academic
independence because they were no freedom because the government were creating
pressure and took as a treat to academic because they was no creation because it can be
useful rese but to get founds.

Funding the state but also from the private sector maybe only provided to the private view.

The New Labour introduce to create a market in the educatio sector and less depentent in
state founding to get private founding bu to get money to student so they will be
consumers of the service. The increment in tuition fees under the coalition. A neoliberal
mentality is individual responsibility (students)
The government excuse them because poor students free education the working class
wasn’t that concern but the middle class was really affected so they get in debt and
eventually you will pay the loan. To make education a business.

No longer government control, in the secondary education, the neutral competition they
are not the same
The academies Actm 2010

PFI : Private Finance Initiative introduced in 1992 the aim of this to incoruge private
sectors to fund public sectors, they would get the role of the state is reduce but
The state creted new markets for the private sector this is the real New Liberalism, no free
market but a new market structure in a sector.

Outsourcing no only to build and provide infraestrucutre when they paid th private sector to
have some responsibilities the examples: prisons the private sector not just builds but also
ran them and they are paid by the government to do it.
The benefit sector, disability the government provide you benefit and outsource the control
to carry to determine if it can benefit it or not.

Deregulation: the removal of regulatory barriers to free trade. They cannot hold foreign
currency, exchange control they could trade in whatever currency they wanted before was
in starlin; the 5 pound man announcement they cantity you were able to get out of the

Like wall-street, the liberalization of the City of London the removal of trade barriers. The
growth of the Financial sector because of the deregulation GDP 10% in the UK, a very
high porcentage.
Red tape – red regulation an obstacle of the free market, is a critical term to regulation.

Investement and retail the problem was

tuesday 14 of december in the morning

Deregulation of the market of the financial sector

The deregulation of the labour market: mean removing legal restrictions the protection of
the workers
the manager to be able to regulate their work to be able to manege again the salary and
the rights of the employee to be more competitive. To determine the fair wage should be,
in Britain they were no minimal wage until 1999, so they were worry of fixing the wage.
This was a limit of freedom of the employers .
1997 New Labour, social policies Tatcher didn’t do it before, the right of workers.
The minimun wage was still really low . A wage to live dicently

Ignore the entreprise and regulatory reform

The trade union for Thatcher were a huge obstacle to act for their benefit she though in
was the problem.

The EU legislation, the UL has repeatedly resisted it. European legislation is the
European social charger of the mastered treaty. To opt out (no participation in the
Worker rights, pay leave, maternity leave
Half in and hal off, to no apply european legislation. The euro another example, their
postiton Tatcher pro European as a free market, in the single; markert social Europe she
was against it for her neo= Tatcher.
The post-Brexit

Tonny Blair go to private sector the extra expending to encourage the private market they
are trying they care more about social issues.

Flexible markets, in Britain only in full time employment. Tatcher limit the trade of unions,
the labour force.

Rolling Back the State? Mean to be faire recouler l’etat the intervintion said Tatcher but the
pardoxe is not anti-state. Andrew walbol free economy to have strong state to produce a
free economy.
Why close the mine she believe to be cheaper to import coal mine they were no
competitives. The national of mine workers. The minor strike, the worker stopped
producing but Tatcher already had prepared a stock of coal to no have a escsez of it. The
restriction of movement of minors. Battle of Orgreave.

The lgbt movement and the minors movement union, unlikely to be liados but they had a
problem in common the police harassment.
Free market doctrine.
PFI contacts warranty income

The creation o the free market

Forcing people to become consumers of goods and services offered by private companies
and unfourcing them of to be less dependent on the state
The paradox of being less dependent but the state more interventionist to make them less
Neo liberalism is over? During the covi crisis they spend more, taxes increased the
The failure or success less state? Intervention.
Tatcher really critical of the welfare spending critical in economic terms she said it was
simple to expensive, also in moral terms the dependency culture into the state. Limit
welfare she unemployment benefits were reduce even if she failed but more people were
clinging; economic conserns they were ideological concerns rather that a culture a culture
of an entreprener rather of the culture of dependency, to take responsibility of their self.
She persued a deliveral strategy

19 30% children in poverty whey Tatcher take the power and in 1990 they were 30%
children in poverty an increase of 3% when Tatcher gouvernance finished. Midlee class
poperdome the state of being dependent even the middle classes fear dependency why?
Middle class poverty.
Another 30% in insutble employment. Meaning 40% only who think of themselve secure.

Tenden to encourage individualism and very much criticize for creating a divided
society.Indeed she said there is no such thing as society. She did believe in charity;
responsible of their own problems, for her if she were poor you had
Neoliberls belive society were interconnected and for Tacther gouvernemet didn’t have
anything to be there.

Social Policy under Blair.

“The new Deal” not the same as the americain. The new Deal for the unemployed, under

you have to proof you were actively seeking work, even if you didn’t like the offer you
needed to take it if not you will lose your privilage, even if they were fare or not the skill
you have
Change on discors the NEW liberal ant the labour party the proverty was the problem you
ca not be truly free if you were living in this condition but here you see a cahnge in the
discussion about social exclusion. You can find it in different ways as (the lack of money)
if you were poor you were exclude of several services (credit card) you need to have
access but you are excluded, almost esential, living further from service asolated, not only
the lack of money but also the consequences, depending in how we define it.

The introduction definfing the terms. For the essay.

Clasification for Ruth Lebetas 3 discourses in social exclusion.
The firs on is the moral (MUD) this represent of being moraly different from the others.
They self exlclusion, themselves excluded fro society from they deficted moral values (19
To distinguis 2 categories of poor people(under class): 1)to try to work hard good moral
values, trong families with 2 parents , they believed in independence and liberty. Deserving
2) they didn’t believe in any of this, the opposite, they don’t give a try, they believe they are
irresponsable, divorce absent parents, high crime. Disorder in general. Undeserving poor.
Margaret Tatcher believe in the underserving poor.

Redistributionist Discourse
The reditrbution discour= from unestructue, the strucutre of society to blame, it is the
result of inequalities, not good redistribution. They believe in the good redistribution of
wealth between rich and poor, in order to reduce inequalities. Higher taxes for the rich to
have better public services.

The Social Integrationist Discourse (SID)

It doesn’t blame the system, to get it ignore the problem of the working poor they work
hard they get paid little.

New Labour adopted a combination of the main answer was employment but they also
believe that the causes of unemployment was individual. Not the fault of the state

Veru influention with a discours,m a moral underclass blair a trditional way in the right not
very explicit.

If they are not working is their fault bcs they are moraly defective. Individual respnsabilty.
George onborne he tlked about the worker sherpers the workin har or lazy of the
relexion and analysis.
Also make the difernces of each period !! not jus to focus in one , give details the constarn

Social Policy under the Coalition.

The welfare system fail to solve social problems,

the new liberalism they belive that the welfare state was meant to be about freedom
empowerment that that was the solucion BUT for the neoliberalism was the opposite that
traps or imprison people in proverty, perverse insestim that some people calculate that
they could get more money by not working that working, whether they want to profit the
benefits of unemployment or not. A parallel between both.

The chancelor Cameron declared claiming benefits it is a choice that radical

the solution was to make people was employment not welfare to be responsible
to force people of welfare to employment. The state is doing less but they are bieng more
authoritarian to make them independent, a new compasion of a aproch to welfare. Givin
them the chances to get on, to climb the social lather. Loss your benefits
outsorcing private companies help the unemploys that have been like this for a long time
but they are employe by the state, this is the help but if you miss one appointment for any
reason it a reason to lose your benefit, the more people they help the more benefit the
companies will get from the state. In favor of private companies.
They were force to take the job to still have their benefit, a lot of companies look like slave
bcs they weren’t getting paid

The idea and practice of it, the reality are opposite. Bcs we are taking away their individual
liberty by “helping” them.

Describe as a way to promoting freedom

Individual responsibility → choice → freedom.

It is the state forcing the social system. The laws, the sanctions.

A conservative revolutionary (Tatcher)

classical/ new / Neo liberalism main characteristic?

New social? Individuals not society the discours the compromise the minimal wage, the
parties. Expending in the public sectors, education, outsorcing
Neo more social and political?

14 tuesday 8h30 (3hours)

we can note so she can see a point even if it the end.

The key is showing our analytic capabilities the link between the question and our answer,
why ours answer is relevant, to show re-flexion that we went further.

Neo liberalism we need to focus in the period maybe we can make some references but
not being our main focus. It need to correspond the question/ the time period/ define a few

Introduction: the main is to define the main terms, that make take with different
Theory – practice
the therm is understood in different ways

NOT the first person, instead passive voice

In the first part suchn thing will be studied, analyse, discuss
inform our plain, the why

a few introductive lines, defining and plan, she need to understant what are we going to

NEVER a binary plan: means yes or no BUT a thematic plan to outsorce the yes and no in
each paragraph, until the conclusion we answer if we agree or not. Factual knowledge, a
little debate going on.

Always remember to give a clear transition, all the possibles sides. The flow of clear
argumented ideas.
1 idea per paragraph. With evidence or facts, insure the balance.

Conclusion: what we believe is the answer, after we gave each argument. It is believable,
not vague or banal. Relevant and precise. Summorise the key points, clear answer and in
the end we can evoke the future, the link with the past and the present whoever NEVER
introduce a new idea.

Basic spelling.

Tatcher there is not such thing as society.

How did the role of the British State change in the passage from New liberalism to
Neo liberalism?

New liberalism characteristics, their concern to have a better society

Neo liberalism characteristic, their concern
Their definition of society

The Brithish state over the past od the 200 different phases of new liberalis, classical
(shorttly), new and neo. The idea of the state , the market, increase of the policy, to
become more independent

New= the creation of the welfare state, more intervention in order to support,
The change in order to give them freedom to proverty, in the economy nationalization,
employment, basic elements. (Half of a page)

Neo= give people more responsability, social cahnge in the policy do less regard to the
welfare a returning into the classical liberalism
Just the theory, the state does less
Role meaning, the extent of they way the British state intervene

Highlight the paradoxes in the development.

Andrew gamblen
did it really change between each one,
34 years

conclusion they is always an intervention because the practice is different from the theory.

(Economic and social field comparaison)

Economic policy the passage from new (interventionist, keynesin, nationalization)
Neo = the theroy of highyak
privitasation/ give more “freedom”
the deregulation of the montant of money you can take away from the country

labour market:
minimal wage the controling the work market

resisting of the European legislation, the social European legislation

social policy
moving of the classification of the poor/ the old distinctions a return to the 19 century the
under class
those who work hard and sheark (to avoid responsibilities)
the benefits and the takin away to the underserving poor more conditional

what it is happening right now?

Freedom from the state ,
new not much preedom the state is more interventionist in order to give you a positive to
be you best version

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