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NCKU 2019 Fall Midterm Exam

( )
11 19 3-4 2 OPEN BOOK TEST 120
Short Assay ( , each problem is worth 10%)

1. /
Describe the characteristics of the service industry in your team report and explain why these firms cluster.
2. / LQ
Explain whether Rank Rule may or may not be applicable to your country.
Describe the key success factors for the development of Taiwanese pop music industry and name a major
pop music city to explain the phenomenon.
4. Covid-19 / /
Evaluate the negative impacts of Covid-19 regarding the economic development on your city and propose
your suggestions for improvement.
Calculation ( , each problem is worth 20%)

1. Ln () P (
) XA ( ) XB ( ) XC (
) XD ( ) XE ( ) XF
( ) 30
60 40 3 2
1 0.5
The hedonic housing price equation for Dragon City is shown below. Ln () is the natural log. P is housing
price in million; XA is lot size in m2; XB is floor area in m2 ; XC is age of the house; XD is the household
annual income in million; XE and XF are the distance to CBD and to MRT station, respectively. Find the
price elasticity of all the variables. Ming currently own a condo with XA = 30 m2, XB = 60 m2, XC = 40
years, XE = 3 Km, and XF = 2 Km. If his annual income is 1 million, and he want to buy a new flat with
elevator given XA = 15 m2, XC = 1 years, XE = 12 Km, and XF = 0.5 Km, what is the largest floor area (XB)
of his new house?
Ln (P) = 1.0 + 0.15 Ln (XA) + 0.35 Ln (XB) - 0.25 Ln (XC) + 0.5 Ln (XD) - 0.3 Ln (XE) - 0.4 Ln (XF)

2. 1000 G = 600 –4 p p
pG The Township of Happiness is populated with 1000 households who have identical
demand for a local public good G that can be expressed as G = 600 – 4 p, where p is the price per unit of
the public good paid for by the residents. Suppose that each unit of the public good costs $60,000, and each
household pays pG for taxes.
1) Tiebout If
the Tiebout Model is applied, then what is the optimal amount of the public good for the Township of
Happiness? And how much will each household pay for taxes?

2) 1500 G = 640 – 15 p

Suppose that the Township of Happiness is merged with the Township of Harmony with 1500 households.
And the demand for public good in the Township of Harmony is G = 640 – 15 p. If the median voter
model is applied, then how much of the public good will be supplied in the newly merged township? And
how much will each household pay for taxes?
NCKU 2019 Fall Midterm Exam
( )
11 19 3 -4 2 OPEN BOOK TEST 120
2 1
÷ (x + 1)2 x
The citizens of Winter Fall wish to build a library, a fire station, and an incinerator on the
communities shown in the following diagram. Given that the distance between two nearest
communities is 2 km, the population of each district is 10,000, and the index of pollution for an
incinerator is equal to population ÷ (x + 1)2, where x is the travel distance from the community to
the incinerator, what is the best location for each type of facility? L



4. 10
(FAR) (BCR) x
( )
The City of Kings Landing is a circular city with a radius of 10 Km. And the CBD is located at the center of
the city. If a developer wants to propose a land development project, given the housing market prices,
maximum Floor-Area Ratio (FAR), maximum Building Coverage Ratio (BCR), and the costs are shown in
the following table, where x is the distance to CBD measured in km, then what is the best location for each
Market Price Land Costs Construction Costs
Project FAR BCR
(1,000 NTD / m2) (1,000 NTD / m2) (1,000 NTD /m2)
Commercial 200 – 20 x 600 – 40 x 50 2000% 50%
Residential 200 – 12 x 600 – 24 x 50 1200% 50%
Townhouse 120 – 8 x 90 – 9 x 40 300% 60%
Plant 50 – 2 x 40 – 4 x 20 200% 50%

了 ,
圖書館 → 迎 臂 設施 → 平均 距離 最 ⼩ 化
Z -0,25
015 焚化爐 嘟 臂 設施 → 平均 汙染 最⼩ 化
⼆ 0 1 15 h 1 5 +0,35 h
距離 最 ⼩ 化
消防隊 救難 設施 , 最

Z ⼆
係數 便 是 彈性 。
係 數 為 正 代表 正
ex ⾄ 市中⼼ 距離 的 价 格 彈性 為
: -0 ,
反之 為 負 代表 負 效⽤
因為就是 双對 數 迴歸 函數 的 係數 △ 迎 臂 設施 會 設在 ⼈⼝
救難 設施 會 設 在 地理 中⼼ ( 旅⾏ 時間 中⼼ 點,

家 ⼾ 所 淂 沒有 變 ,
所以 不 緲 計算

4. 利潤
競 Gmmercidizoozox ⼀些
每 單位 公共 財成本 分 摊 甃 北 峪
"" 九 ⼀ ⼆
1 2018 ✗
租 16 0 0
理 Residential
360 2 00 1 2ㄨ
⼆ -

1200 %

每⼾ 分 摊 21600
= 60 ㄨ 36 0 ⼆
50 -5✗
-40 ⼆

合併 後 新 需求 G 640-1517
plantiozx ⼀些 普 -
2 0 ⼆ 10

勄分摊 器

⼆ 24 洉

1 20 18 x
1 0 0 1 0x → ㄨ =
2. 5
64 0 1 5ㄨ 2 4 280

1 0

50 -5ㄨ → x
1 00 1 0 ㄨ
- =

每⼾ 繳稅 24 ✗ 2067 20

ans :
0 EXE 2.5 → commercial

2 -5 EXE 10 → residential
10 Ex → plant

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