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1. Prylon had a contract with Mannix corporation to carry out his business but Mannix corporation
failed to succeed in prylon’s business in both the attempts. Prylon did not wanted to continue the
business deal with Mannix anymore but getting a new contractor will affect their business as ERP
system to be operative it takes at least 2 years which was too long for prylon. Hence, prylon gave
Mannix corporation a third chance to succeed in his business as their ERP system is in operation as
they are performing since long time.
2. When we go through the case, we can clearly understand that there is no project that goes from green
to red overnight, we as a project managers must look into the warning sign and work accordingly. In
this case, both the project managers of Mannix corporation failed to understand the business and they
overlooked the warning sign which indicated that there was a trouble coming towards the business.
3. ERP states that it is used for improving the business performance in terms of resource, business
activity and information moreover ERP focuses on the single data-base related to all the departments.
Therefore, firm fixed price will be rewarded to the ERP efforts.
4. The third project manager Jerry, expects the requirements to have a change during recovery. This is
essential in every project to implement the business plans in a better way and control it
5. According to Jerry, every project must have a controlling Pannel that involves in any changes. This
is because the goal of any project recovery is not finish on time instead to provide the best out of the
expectation of the owner. And the longer you as a manager wait in making a change in the project
the operating cost might also increase.
6. Yes, Jerry as the project manager and even a stakeholder will expect for a trade-off. They have
certain terms and conditions while expecting this, Jerry with his team had set up a chart which
indicates the way of approach towards the trade-offs that is when there is hard trade off the
stakeholders are willing to have that particular trade off at any cost when the trade-off is easy then
the company most probably ignore the trade-off.
7. In this case we can understand that at the time of change or recovery there will be huge requirement
of cost and resources in order to carry the business properly. As we involve in any project recovery,
we need huge resource and in case if we wait for some time and conduct a study on the requirement
then by the later days the cost might reach sky.

Dept. Of. Jan-April- 1

8. Before Jerry enter in to the contract the Mannix corporation had failed to succeed in accomplishing the
project and the working team under the previous managers could not complete the task and this is because
the previous manager could not manage team properly. Here, Jerry when he first looked into the project, he
faced a challenge to perform as the team had already failed twice and there was low morel in them as the
team stated that they are on a death spiral.

9. The characteristics of death spiral are as follows: a team which is burned out, team that is emotionally
drained, poor morale, exodus of talented team who are highly required elsewhere, lack of faith when it
comes to recovery, customers who are furious, indefinite management, lack of sponsors.

10. In this case, Jerry wanted to succeed in this project hence he decided to study the past mistakes properly
and then start on working. So, Jerry asked their team members to stop working for few days and let's focus
on the previous mistakes and recover those mistakes so that we can achieve this time. And main intention of
Jerry was to recover the project in this attempt.

11. In terms of previous question the major risk that Jerry had expected was that if he asks his team to take
leave from work for few days then the team might change their mind set and place themselves in any other

12. Jerry formed a recovery life-cycle phase in order to survey and accomplish the project this attempts and
they are: -
Understanding phase: here, Jerry collects all the necessary information regards the project and previous
Audit phase: in this phase jerry intended to improve the morale and ask employees to stop working for few
days so that Jerry can study the previous mistakes.
Trade off phase: in this case the stakeholder expects trade-off.
Negotiation phase: Jerry promised to complete the project in a time period of 6 months and asked for a
effective governance which was agreed by Prylon.
Restart phase: Jerry planned the way to restart the failing project.
Execution phase: this was the stage at which Jerry started the recovery process.
13. During the audit phase Jerry asked the team to stop working so that he can conduct a survey and
understand the mistakes happened previously in case if Jerry finds out that one of his friends is the main
reason for the mistakes then I suggest Jerry to speak with his friend and check where he had gone wrong and
keep an eye on his movement and help him to perform better this time.

14. If Prylon come with its own plan which can accomplish their project and at the same time if they reject
Jerry’s, he has to either work on their plan or come up with better plan that Prylon appreciate.

Dept. Of. Jan-April- 2

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