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As we were learning about analyzing advertisements and we could not get in depth in our class,

I felt like I should get better at this and do some more research. And while doing the research I
decided to make an advertisement instead of analyzing it as it is a creative project. I wanted to
relate it with one of the literary texts we studied in class. So I chose The Great Gatsby By F.
Scott Fitzgerald. I remember the Gatsby’s luxurious party and I thought about making an
advertisement for something that played an important role in these parties which is Alcoholic
drinks. so , I started by doing research about the most popular drinks in the upper class during
the 1920’s and found a very popular cocktail called French 75.
After getting enough information about the drink and where it came from. I combined this
information with The Great Gatsby's plot which included Parties at night with expensive drinks
and fireworks. That is why I chose a Dark background with stars and fireworks symbolizing the
parties. For the Title, I chose to combine the name of the novel with the Cocktail's name which
also gave the drink a catchy name so the audience can always remember it after watching the
advertisement. I chose the colors blue, white and red for the number 75 symbolizing the French
flag as the original name of the drink is French 75.
I drew a glass of the Cocktail with yellow and fairly orange colors because these are the original
colors for the cocktail. The title is written in Block letters to give importance to it and to avoid the
audience ignoring the new name of this drink.

It was a fun and helpful project as I was able to get to know more about the 1920’s era which
helped better understand The Great Gatsby. And get more experience with advertisements as a
non literary text which will help me in my analyses in paper 1.

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