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Analytical Exposition

Nama : Naufal Fadhillah Pellu

Kelas : XI-IPS1
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Carrots Is Good for Eye Health

Have you heard the facts about Carrots is very good for eye health? Our parents must
have been advised since we were young to eat lots of vegetables. That’s because in
vegetables there are vitamins and other substances that are very good for our growth.

Then, have you ever been asked to eat carrots? And is carrot good for eye health?
Carrot contains beta-carotene antioxidants, compounds that are converted into vitamin A in
the body. If vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness. Because in fact, vitamin A
deficiency is a cause of blindness in some children. Vitamin A is also very important for
a strong immune system, and healthy eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin A deficiency can also cause xerophthalmia, a condition in which the eye

cannot produce tears, dryness in the eyes, swollen eyelids and corneal ulcers. Eating carrots
can prevent us from vitamin A deficiency which can also prevent the formation of cataracts
and macular degeneration.

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