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6) What does pt.nehru mean by 'make friends with the sun and work in the light'?

in about 50 words.
In the given text of Nehru's letters', he made use words like "make friends with the sun
and work in the light". All of these words symbolized various meanings. They were
connotations. It meant make friends with people who are hardworking and do things not
in secrecy and not hidden.

For instance, he used words like,"In the letters he wrote that 'he and Indira' were not
afraid of saying what they perceived was right. And that people who open up are those
who have worked under the scorching sun and know what they are saying. And that he
and Indira did nothing in secrecy. He advised her not to do anything in secrecy either.

7) Imagine that you had a discussion with your parents about your career plans.write in
about 50 words what was discussed,what advice your parents gave you and how you felt

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