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Revision Sheet - Grade 7 -ANSWER KEY

Chapter 10: Diseases (page 151, 152)

1. What do you mean by the word sterile?

When something is free of Pathogens.

2. Explain how each of the following help in destroying pathogens “Outside

the body”?

• Heating:

It is used to sterilize hospital instruments. They are heated up to 120 C

in autoclave.

• Radioactivity:

Dressings are sterilized.

• Disinfectants:

These are chemicals that kill pathogens on non living surface e.g.

kitchen work surfaces and toilets.

• Antiseptics:
Chemicals that kill pathogens on living tissue.

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3. Give one word answer.

• Who used the first antiseptic? Joseph Lister

• What was the first antiseptic? Carbolic Acid
• Which bacteria is most commonly found in hospitals? MRSA Superbug
• Which antibiotic was used to control 95% of the bacterial growth mentioned in
the previous question? Penicillin

4. Label the barriers and identify how do they stop microbes from entering

inside the body.


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