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Welcome to the class,

A Crash Course in Data Science. I thought I'd start off by

telling you a little bit about the instructors in the class. The three of us are
the co-instructors and co-developers of the Executive Data Science Specialization
and so we're all gonna be part of this first class and getting you comfortable
with and introduce you to data science. So I thought I'd tell you
a bit about each of us. So Brian Caflo is a professor of
Bio Statistics here at John Hopkins. He works primarily in the analysis of
data from neuro-imaging experience. So, he leads a team of data scientists
that analyze that type of data and interact with medical professionals and
scientists here at Johns Hopkins campus. I am also a data scientist
here at Johns Hopkins. I'm a associate professor
of Bio Statistics and Oncology here at Johns Hopkins and I work
primarily on the analysis of genomic data. And so that's the data about your
genome and how you use that genome and relate it to personalized medicine and
other areas where you can use your genome to tell you something about how you're
going to vary compared to other people. And then the third
instructor is Roger Peng. And Roger Peng is also
an associate professor here in Bio Statistics at Johns Hopkins, and he works
primarily in the analysis of
data from environmental health studies. And so
he analyzes again data sets that come in that relate environmental health
data to other public quantities that are of interest to regulators and
other people. And so, the two of us, Roger and I, actually write a blog together,
the Simply Statistics blog and so that blog deals with a lot
of data science issues. It covers a lot of the material. You might see some of
those blog
posts pop up in later lectures and then the three of us also co-created the
Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization, which is actually a more low level
specialization focused on, actually, how do you actually, do the grunt
work of data science day to day. And so, this overview in this class is
gonna be more like a crash course in the concepts of data science and
how they apply, and how you can use them
when you're managing people. Welcome to the class.

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