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Gypsy family outraged during quarantine!

Being forced to stay at one location or even when you are in your
own place you call home for a long time, can be a quite daunting
experience for a lot of people. Following, a gypsy family not far from
Poprad was forced by the hand of the law to not break their mandatory

We have sent a team of our reporters to gain more information

about this thrilling story. Reportedly the whole family came back from
England and are now at their cousin’s house. Our team reported that the
family is furious and outraged on our government for putting a thing
called “quarantine” into action. The family would rather that the
government take back their actions.

Subsequently, after the short conversation, we had with them the

family decided that is best if they went for a walk into town. They stated
that the walk was necessary for their survival. Not long after, the police
caught them and wrote them 6000 euro fine for not staying quarantined.

Our reporters have stated that the family was so mad that they
started shouting at the policemen and that they had never heard such
disrespectful language. The policemen were forced to take them all to a
holding cell where our reporters couldn’t follow.

We went to the family’s house where we were greeted by the

family’s cousin who told us the moment he saw us that he would rather
we did not record him. Furthermore, we obliged and he let us talk to him
without recording.

He told us that the situation that comes with this quarantine is

making him and his neighbors very scared and he thinks he would rather
live on an island somewhere alone than in his own house. He can’t
financially help the family and is left helpless and alone. He said if we
don’t get rid of the situation, everyone he knows will riot and panic.
To end this story, we would like people to not boldly say that we
need to fix the problem but rather that they would think of a solution.

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