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Mark Bien J.


Negative Utilitarianism Prioritizes or weights The goal is to The big problem with
negative utility minimize total negative utilitarianism
(usually defined as suffering. is that it appears to
suffering) over require the destruction
positive utility of the world.
(usually defined as
happiness or well-
Act Utilitarianism is distinctive not only states that an outcome It can be used to
in the stress on utility, becomes better if you justify evil or illegal
but in the fact that make more people actions (if they please
each individual action better off and less the majority and cause
is the primary object worse off happiness)
of ethical evaluation
Rule Utilitarianism Rule utilitarianism is particularly strong, Can be viewed as
a form of abandons the elitist – not everyone
utilitarianism that situationalist appeal of enjoys going to the
says an action is right the theory and turns it opera or reading
as it conforms to a into an absolutist (higher pleasures)
rule that leads to the approach
greatest good,
Preference Happiness is It encourages us to If people cannot state
Utilitarianism maximized by broaden our moral their preference it
allowing people to decisions to include would have to be
satisfy as many of their global impact. guessed e.g. young
their first preferences child.
as possible.

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