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Number : 03.

05/ANJUKSI/COORDINATOR/OSDN/DN/X/2019 October 6th, 2019

Concerning : Invitation

The Respectable,
Ust. Muchtar Ghozali, M.A.
at Darunnajah

Assalamu’alaikum W., W.,

Praises and thanks to Allah SWT, hopefully we are always in His shelter, Amen. With
this letter, we as “The Committee of ANJUKSI” would like to invite you in our program, that
Insha Allah be held on :

day/date : Monday/October 7th, 2019

time : 16.00 until finish
place : Rektorat Building
program : Opening Ceremony of Ajang Unjuk Kreasi (ANJUKSI)

Your generous cooperation will be highly appreciated, Thank you for your attention and
for giving permission.

Wassalamu’alaikum W., W.,

Muhammad Junior Sukarno Aufa Rizq Nur

Chief of Committee Secretary of Committee

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