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Dear Parents,

Thank you for your trust and congratulations on taking the first step into a brighter
future for you and your family.

With the Parent Academy you will be optimally prepared for every single step alongside
the development of your child. All my guides focus on a specific phase of a child’s
development or a common challenge in family life. My tips will transform every child-
related challenge into a walk in the park, and you will even have fun with your child
while mastering them!

In order for me to send you the right guides for you and your family, please let me know
the following:

- Age of your child

- Your top 3 challenges at the moment
- And everything else you think is important

Just send me an email to with your questions and current

challenges and I will make recommendations within 2 days. You will also receive
automatically every month a new guide, depending on the information you initially sent
me. This here is your personal folder to which I already uploaded several guides that
give advice on the most common issues. I will update this regularly and add new
content based on your information.

Of course, you can update me on your “at home situation” at any time so we can
prioritize new topics quickly. Popular topics include games and activities, vacation
with kids, sleep, potty training, childhood illnesses, learning and development, linguistic
development, nutrition, defiant phase, stress as a parent, love and relationships &
many more. Just let me know what topic (even if it is very broad) you are interested in!

All the best to you and your child. Enjoy the time with your little one, these incredible
moments in a child’s development only last for so long, and in a moment’s time, they
are gone!

All the best to you and your family,

Your Susanne

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