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Chapter Page 1

All capital
letters. Bold
Entire Intro
3 single spaces 3.5 Pages
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letters. Bold Introduction All pages must have at
least two paragraphs.
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In order for the students to be successful in their academic life, they have
statement to determine their own study habits at an early age, which will lead them to
discussing the
assumed success. Studying is an action that we do and have to do in every aspect of our
relationship of
the variables.
No citation.
lives. In this age of speed, gaining and assimilating the most permanent
Use your own
words. information in the shortest time is a necessity of life. Given that the success will be

achieved by studying effectively, not by studying hard, students need to have

efficient study habits and reading skills to be successful. In the case that proper
1.5” left
margin study habits cannot be determined, and when the text cannot be understood even
1” right
if they are determined, success cannot be achieved despite studying hard margin

The vast majority of successful students achieve their success by

developing and applying effective study habits (Loveless, 2020). Successful

students review what they've learned during the week over the weekend. This way

What does they're well prepared to continue learning new concepts that build upon previous
literature say
about your coursework and knowledge acquired the previous week. In addition, reading
comprehension is an important skill in studying. According to Reading Rockets
With citation.

(2020) comprehension is the reason for reading. If readers can read the words but

do not understand or connect to what they are reading, they are not really reading.

Good readers are both purposeful and active, and have the skills to absorb what

they read, analyze it, make sense of it, and make it their own.

1” bottom

Moreover, a study by Nagaraju (2014) in Indonesai as cited in Siahi and

Maiyo (2015), he found that students usually do not devote sufficient time to their

studies and seldom have proper study habits. Mendezabal’s study (2013) as cited

by Siahi and Maiyo (2015), showed that the participants do not have favorable
With citation
study habits and attitudes. Among the noted unfavorable study habits were

inefficient time management, lack of planning and concentration in their studies,

poor skills in reading, ineffective test taking techniques, and failure to inform their

teachers of their difficulties with school work and ask for their help. The participants

also demonstrated unfavorable attitudes toward teacher’s behavior and methods.

Okanezi and Braide (2018) have stated that regular reading, which is one

of the important factors of study habits, will positively affect the students' academic

performance. Bentil et al. (2018) stated in their inventory of study habits adapted

and used by them that reading and note-taking are among the sub-headings of the

scale together with doing homework, allocating time, concentrating and time

management. In the study, it has been emphasized that reading and note-taking

and time management have an important contribution to the academic

performance, thus teachers should take precautions to increase the academic


Global. Further, Nandhini (2017) considered the factors of study habits as reading
With citation.
With transition and taking notes, concentration, time management, home and school
environment, and memory, whereas Fazal et al. (2012) emphasized a significant

relationship between time management, reading and note-taking skills and

academic achievement.

National. In the Philippines, increasing students’ reading comprehension of scientific

With citation.
With transition text may be one of the components involved in students’ science
achievement. The new challenge to focus on improving students’ reading skills to

address the problem is a paradigm shift. How does reading, which is a language

skill, promote students’ success in science? It is argued that despite

the overwhelming use of today’s technologies to get information, these could not

replace the fundamental skill in reading which one needs to utilize to acquire

knowledge. In fact, the availability of reliable materials online like e-books and e-

journals increased the importance of reading (Sofsian, 2006 as cited in Imam,

Mastura, Jamil & Ismail, 2014).

National. Ramos (2014), in his article, also said that metacognition is essential for a
With citation.
successful cognition, because it allows individuals to better manage their cognitive

skills and identify weaknesses that can be corrected by creating new cognitive

skills. Encouragement of metacognition begins with creating a perception that

metacognition exists and differs from cognition, and creating awareness among

students who increase his/her academic achievement and improve study habits.

Use of metacognitive strategies increases the ratio of reading comprehension and

the students using the strategy have a high ratio of reading comprehension.

Research studies focus on metacognitive strategies have indicated that less

competent students can improve their skills by studying the strategies specified by

the successful students

Local. At Jose Rizal National High School where the researcher is currently
With or
citation. connected, she observed that most of the students do not go to the library to study

during their free time; instead, they prefer to lurk around the campus and hang

around their friends. When asked about their study habits, some of the students

also said that they seldom do advance study.

Present the With the literature presented on the influence of reading habits on the
research gap.
This also serves
metacognition and academic achievement of the students, the researcher feels
as your
sentence. there is a need to look more closely on the influence of reading habits as a variable

to the reading comprehension skills of the students.This is the reason why the

researcher was inspired to look into the relationship between study habits and

reading comprehension of students.

3 single spaces

Purpose of the Study

3 single spaces

See Template The purpose of this _______________________ (narrative,

phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, case) study is (was, will be) to

___________________ (develop, understand, describe, discover) the

_________________ (central phenomenon of the study). At this stage in the

Identify who
will benefit research, the _________________ (central phenomenon) will be generally
from the study.
Then discuss defined as (a general definition of the central concept).
The researcher hopes that this study will be beneficial to the Department of

Education, School Heads, Teachers and Students.

beneficiary. Department of Education. The officials from this department may utilize the
Not bold.
Italicize. At result of this study in preparing programs that will encourage students to develop
least two
sentences. Do their study habits. They may also conduct trainings on how teachers can inculcate
the same for

study habits among students to improve their reading comprehension.

School Heads. The school heads may also find this study beneficial

because it will show them how study habits can be a great factor in improving the

reading comprehension of students. By realizing this, they may be able to take

study habits as a skill more seriously.

Teachers. The teachers may also find this study useful by acknowledging

more strongly the relevance of study habits in developing students’

comprehension. They may also include more activities that develop study habits.

Students. Lastly, the students will also benefit from this study because the

teachers will help them improve their study habits. Through this, they may be able

to also improve their knowledge and skills across discipline which will prove useful

in both personal and academic life.

3 single spaces

Research Objectives

3 single spaces
This is your
general This study aims to explore the experiences of Grade 11 students on
objective. The
phrase is your studying for improved comprehension skills. It has the following specific objectives:
research title.
• To describe the experiences of Grade 11 students in studying for improved
The underlined
phrase is the comprehension skills
• To explore the coping mechanisms of Grade 11 students in studying for

improved comprehension skills; and

• To discover the lessons and insights Grade 11 students in studying for

improved comprehension skills.


Theoretical Lens

3 single spaces

This study will anchor on Schema Theory as cited by Dimaggio (1997). It is

This is your
first theory.
The support an explanation of how readers use prior knowledge to comprehend and learn from
your thesis
statement. text. Further, Anderson (1980) defines schema as a data structure for representing
1. Identify the
theory with the genetic concepts stored in memory. The fundamental tenet of schema theory
and year
2. Present the
assumes that written text does not carry meaning by itself. Rather, a text only
claim provides directions for readers as to how they should retrieve or construct meaning
3. Relate the
theory to from their own previously acquired knowledge. This previously knowledge is called
your study
the readers' background knowledge (prior knowledge), and the previously acquired
Do the same
for the 2nd
theory. knowledge structures are called schemata (Anderson, 1980). This theory is best

for my study since study habits form one’s schema and in effect it becomes helpful

in the improvement for reading comprehension.

This study will further anchor on Active Learning Theory by Thorndike as

cited by Cherry (2020). It is a method of learning in which students are actively or

experientially involved in the learning process and where there are different levels

of active learning, depending on student involvement. Bonwell and Eison

(1991) states that students participate in active learning when they are doing

something besides passively listening. They cite literature that indicates students

must do more than just listen in order to learn. They must read, write, discuss, and

be engaged in solving problems. This process relates to the three learning

domains referred to as knowledge, skills and attitudes. This taxonomy of learning

behaviors can be thought of as the goals of the learning process. In particular,


students must engage in such higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis,

and evaluation. This is best for my study because study habits also involve active

learning. When students study, they involve active learnings strategies which may

be helpful in the improving their reading comprehension skill.


Sample Only References

All citations
must be in Anderson, R.C. (1980). Frameworks for comprehending discourse. American
reference list Educational Research Journal 14(4): 367-381.
Bonwell, C. & Eison, J. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the
Classroom AEHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1. Washington,
D.C.: Jossey-Bass.

Imam, O, Mastura, M., Jamil, H. & Ismai, Z (2014). Reading comprehension skills
and performance in science. Retrieved on September 2, 2020 from

Lovelss, B. (2020). 10 habits of highly effective students. Retrieved on

September 2, 2020 from

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