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Dea Fahmi

Garut, Jawa Barat 44112 | | +62 821 2691 4401

About Me:
Hello, I'm Dea Fahmi, an Industrial engineering student who likes to improve and implement personal life and environment in the principles
of effective, efficient, and ergonomic problem-solving. My experience is becoming the chairman of the industrial engineering student
association of the Garut Institute of Technology and joining many Organizations that deal directly with many people.

Skill & Competency:

• Microsoft Office : The ability to process data using Microsoft Office fluent.
• SAP Business ERP : The ability to process data using SAP immediately.
• Photoshop & CorelDRAW : The ability to design posters, flyers, and banners fluently.
• AutoCAD : The ability to design house plans, product designs, and building designs intermediately.
• Team Work & Leadership : The ability to work in a team very well as well as the ability to be a team leader.
• Event Planning : The ability to plan, design, execute and organize events well.
• English : The ability to speak English intermediately.

Organizational experience:
• Industrial Engineering Student Association IT-Garut
Cadre division staff HMTI ITG (March 2019 – March 2020). My job is to be responsible for productive activities in creating cadres to
create self-confidence and being the ability to lead financially in the organization.
• Industrial Engineering Student Association IT-Garut
Cadre division staff HMTI ITG (March 2020 – March 2021). My job is to be responsible for productive activities in creating cadres to
create self-confidence and being the ability to lead financially in the organization
• Industrial Engineering Student Association IT-Garut
President of the industrial engineering student association (March 2021 – March 2022). My role as president of the industrial engineering
student association of the Garut Institute of Technology is to control, be responsible for the entire governing body of the association, be
responsible for all members of the association, and be responsible for all work programs carried out and many other things. I supervise
38 students as the association's governing body.
• SuperFriends Garut
Creative team, Public relations, Planner (November 2018 – Present)

Institut Teknologi garut (2018 – Present)
Engineering Faculty, Industrial Engineering Department.

• Highest National Examination Score SDN Keresek VII (2012)
• Highest National Exam Score SMK Santana I Cibatu (2018)


• SAP 01 Simulation Process With ERP.

• PTESOL (Proficiency Test of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
• Charge Of The HMTI ITG National Webinar.

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