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WJB Middle School - Teacher Talize Zilio - Date: 01-12-22

Avaliação Final de Língua Inglesa

1. (PUC-GO) Complete the following text using the correct past tense conjugation of the
verbs in parenthesis in English:

Last night Susan (go) ____________ to her friend’s birthday party. She (dance)
____________ with her boyfriend, and (eat) ____________ cake. After they (leave)
____________ the party, Susan and her boyfriend (decide) ____________ to go and watch
a movie at the theater. They (see) ____________ the new Transformer’s movie, and then
they went home. When she (get) ____________ home, Susan (take) ____________ a
shower and (fall) ____________ asleep quickly.
Choose the correct option from the ones listed below:
a) go / dance / eat / leave / decide / see / get / take / fall.
b) went / danced / ate / left / decided / saw / got / took / fell.
c) will go / will dance / will eat / will leave / will decide / will see / will get / will take / will fall.
d) had gone / had danced / had eaten / had left / had decided / had seen / had gotten / had
taken / had fallen.
2. Complete as lacunas com os verbos entre parênteses conjugados no Simple Past:
a) She _______(go) to the shopping mall.
b) Marisa _______ (want/not) a ride.
c) Your parents _______ (make) a cake.
d) ______ (you talk) to his friends?
e) Sofia and Jane _______ (be) at the party.
3. Assinale a alternativa correta para o Simple Past dos verbos irregulares:
drive, forget e got.
a) drive; forgot; got
b) driven; forgotten; get
c) driven; forgotten; gotten
d) drove; forget; get
e) drove; forgot; got
4 - What is the simple past of the following verbs, respectively?
hurt – bet – run – shake
a) hurt, bet, run, shaked;
b) hurted, betted, shaked;
c) hurt, bet, ran, shook;
d) hurted, bet, runned, shaked;
e) none of the answers.
5 - We...the information on the magazine's website. (Find)
a) Finded
b) Found
c) Founded
6 - She...a few mistakes but, even so, she won the game. (Make)
a) Makes
b) Maked
c) Made

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