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TIM S. GROVER choice, committed the time and effort, and did the work bet. ter than anyone. But as soon as they won, they renegotiated everything. The celebration began, the pressure was off, the priorities changed, and the focus on Winning was suddenly blurred by the pursuit of countless other things. For my clients, I have one nonnegotiable: Performance, Everything contributing to that is open to discussion, as long as we arrive at the same end result. If it helps you to train on a game day, if you perform better with a steak in your diet, if you want to ride a bike in the 120-degree des- ert, you have my full support . . . as long as your perfor- mance proves the benefits. You need to have that drink? Okay with me. I know all the studies on the effects of alcohol on performance, but I have also seen firsthand what a glass of wine can do to relax the body and mind. I’m not prescribing it or telling you to do it. If you need to go to that party and have some fun, I understand, but if your performance starts to make people wonder where you were the night before, now we're going to need some limits and restrictions. Because the one thing we're not going to negotiate is anything that adversely im- pacts your performance. If you’re out until 5:00 a.m, if you had a lot to drink, if you smoke to relax, I'll judge you by your results. Did you play like garbage the next day? ‘We're going to have a talk about what happened the night before. You played great? Remind me what you did the night before; we might need to do that again. a nee ‘remember all the times I trusted my own think oe me ee But Ican remember the times T ignored rughts, did what I was told to do, and failed. 38

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