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Labiano, Enoch Sebastian D.

1. What preventive measures could you recommend to older adults to promote bowel

● A diet high in fiber and fluid

● Regular activity
● Foods (prunes or chocolate pudding) incorporated into the diet
● Yogurt or apple sauce for individual chewing impairment
2. What age-related changes affect bowel elimination?
● Decrease saliva production
● Decrease gag reflex
● Altered intestinal enzymes
● Abdominal wall/muscles get weaker
● Decrease intestinal tone
● Decrease peristalsis

3. How will you promote rest and sleep in older adults?

● Make sure your room is comfortable, dark, and quiet, and your bedtime rituals
are conducive to sleep.
● Improving your daytime habits, especially diet, and exercise, can help.
● Regular aerobic exercise during the day can promote good sleep.
● Social activities, family, and work can keep your activity level up and prepare
your body for a good night’s sleep. If you’re retired, try volunteering, joining a
seniors’ group, or taking an adult education class.
● Bright sunlight helps regulate melatonin and your sleep-wake cycles. Try to get at
least two hours of sunlight a day. Keep shades open during the day or use a light
therapy box.

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