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Let's work on our Prosperity Consciousness!

We have an incredible energy in this group. So let's raise the prosperity consciousness all together! This will
work on personal level and at macro level.
Görselleştirmek Görselleştirmek a silvery white sphere at your chest level approximately at distance of 20-25
cm. This is the sphere of Grigori Grabovoi's teachings.
We are working on the platform of Macro Salvation and Eternal Harmonious Development.
Put our aim into this sphere. Our aim is to raise the prosperity consciousness for all mankind. 
Repeat 5555555, send it digit by digit into the sphere. This is for clarity and rapid assimilation of the
teachings, repeat 1888888 9 1 and send it digit by digit to the sphere for expanded consciousness. 
Now 1888948 to change all the negative thoughts and events about prosperity to positive ones for all
mankind. Finally 71427321893 for normalization of the finances and prosperity!.
Watch the sphere, see it getting brighter and brighter with the vibration of these numbers. It might spin,
different colours may appear and disappear , you might see sparks.. or not.. don't force... Observe your
feelings, what do you feel at physical level, at emotional level? Do you feel any change? It is OK if you don't
feel anything, it will still do its job. 
Watch until your sphere is shinning again with bright silvery light.
Then watch the sphere as it expands, it covers your body, then it gets as large as your room, then your
house, then your town, your country, continent, other continents, oceans.. finally it covers the entire earth.
This bright silvery sphere is all around the earth now. Let it shine, all mankind is receiving the energy. Enjoy...
Let's do this everyday, just 3-4 minutes! If you don't have time to do the entire process, do it just once and
next day (or next hour or whenever you remember) just visualize the bright silvery light covering the earth and
send some more light to it, keep it bright and shinning.
We have the power to create this change!

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