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Actividad 3-Presente continuo y adjetivos terminados en -ed/-ing

1. Pon estos verbos entre paréntesis en presente continuo:

- My mum……………………..(drive) her car

- Peter……………………..(talk) to me

- The girl………………………….(eat) a cake

- The boy………………………..(drink) some wáter

- They……………………………(not listen)to the music

- …………………….Jane……………………..(watch)TV?

- …………………….the children ………………………….(cook)?

2. Añade a estos adjetivos entre paréntesis -ed o -ing:

- My dad is very………………………………….(interest). He knows many things.

- The girl is very…………………………………(interest) in fashion.

- I am very………………………(tire) because of the gym.

- Running is very…………………………..(tire).

- This film is very……………………………….(excite)

- I am very……………………………..(excite) because I am travelling to Japan.

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