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good day class my name is teacher Mera

and i am your instructor for

understanding the self

so today first i am going to greet you

so how are you today
Is everything alright?

let me check your attendance and raise your hand if i

call your name okay

Okay so before we proceed let us pray first

as we begin our class okay so let's

start for our great discussion for today
diverting to our main topic for today's
discussion let me first ask you a
i just have question here so
So the question
that i have here is
how much do you know yourself

have you ever ask yourself of who

you really are
or what is beyond yourself
have you ever wonder
okay so no one wants to answer that

so the main topic of our

discussion for today is all about the
the self has many aspects
self awareness
self esteem self self-knowledge and
are that aspects
makes up the self
so with these aspects the person is able
to alter
change add or modify himself herself for
the purpose of gaining social acceptance
and that is the self

the self also is an important study in

the philosophy
it holds that the self is either the
cognitive or the effective
representation of the individual.

cognitive is when we say cognitive it

relates to or involves conscious
relativity or intellectual activity
affective is relating to or arising from
feelings influenced by emotions
so let's go for ourselves
so how well do you know your sums
how much do you know yourselves
are you
aware of your talents
skills weaknesses and strengths
the persistent questions that we look up
to is who am i
it is rooted in the human need to
understand the basis of the experiences
of the self
when people are asked to explain their
understanding of the world
the world
the useful answers are
it's who i am
it's me it's my
essence myself
it what makes me unique and different
from everyone else
that is the common questions that we get
when we ask
what is their sounds
so studies and approaches about self
because there are various
perspectives that relates to self
Philosophers from asian
temporary time so to describe the
essential qualities that compose a
person's uniqueness
like sociology
eastern and western civilizations
for the west

for east
and psychology
that are the few
few various perspectives about the self
but for now we don't have to tackle all
of the various perspectives about the
we should go on
and focus on the self
from various philosophical perspectives
so we are
so we are describing the selves based on
philosophy so what is philosophy

can anyone knows here what is philosophy?

okay so philosophy is from the greek
fellow or loving
and sophia
knowledge and wisdom
in simple terms
philosophy means loving knowledge or
loving wisdom
originally greeks remains the pursuit of
knowledge for its new sake
and there are a few philosophers that
have been famous
and that have been for
the concern of the self
and the ideologies that they have made
for the
self so the few philosophers that has
the perspectives about the self that
they have
different ideologies about the selves
Are socrates, plato
st augustine
randy carts john locke and david hume

so first
are going to tackle about socrets
beginning with socrates
the kinds of questions the ancient
scholars asked themselves began to shift
they became more concerned with human
than the matter
questions such as was there an absolute
or good
how must we account for the world of
for knowledge and for morality
he was concerned with political behavior
ethics economics and aesthetics
so in the sense he was one of the first
social scientists he spoke with a site
which translated literally means spirit
or soul more of socrates
one of his most quoted phrases is
the unexamined life is not worth living
first of create
self-knowledge or the examination of
oneself as well as the question about
one or to live one's life are very
important concerns because only by
knowing yourself you can hope to improve
your life
socrates also believe
that you as a person should consciously
constantly bring your gaze inward and
analyze the true nature and values that
guarding your life creates also believe
in the existence of the two kinds the
visible and the invisible
the visible
existence changes while the invisible
existence remains constant
the body is the visible changes the
other part the kind the
invisible humans such as the mind and
those are the ideologies that socrates
from the philosophical self
so let's go to

or platoo
so peter said
where did the ideas exist
in the world beyond the heavens said
plato and this could very easily be
misinterpreted in the light of the
christian doctrine of the divine
in some passages of plato's dialogues it
appears that he believed in a soul as
immaterial and immortal in a more
spiritual sense according also to plato

the soul
is indeed the most defined aspect of a
human being
his concept of the divine is not a
spiritual being but rather that one has
intellectual connotation
so parts of the soul the appetitive or
the sins well the element that enjoys
sensual experiences such as food
drink and sex these are the things that
we can gain pleasure or happiness
the rational or the reasoning the
element that pervades the person to
enjoy the sensual experiences
the part that loves truth
hands should rule over the other parts
of the soul through the use of the sun
and that is rational
the spirited or feelings
the element that is inclined towards
understand the demands of passion
the part that loves honor and victory
that is spirited or feelings according
to plato so let's go
to ready cards okay
randy the cards 1596 to 1650 is also one
the philosophers that have perspectives
about the philosophical self okay so
randy the guards was the most interested
in psychological issues
in psychology
he knew he knew about the action of the
nerves and other biological structures
of the human
many automa
automatic actions of the human body
operatedly in a purely mechanical way
unlike animals
human was idoled with soul
although the body and soul are connected
in some way
there were still different substances
the soul was on an extended mother and
the body was extended matter
okay so for ready cards he created the
famous line
kogito ergosome
translated as
i think therefore i am
became a fundamental element of a
western philosophy i know you are
familiar with that word
or as i think therefore i am
he asserted
that everything perceived by the senses
could not be used
as proof of existence because human
human senses could be fooled
he added also that there was only one
thing we could be sure of in this world
and that everything could be doubted
the cards explained that by doubting our
own existence can make us thinking in
peace so if we doubt our own
existence so we are thinking in the case
according to
ready cards
so let's go to our last philosopher and
he is david young
for him david you the mind is nothing
but a hip
or collection of different perceptions
unified by certain relations he doed
with a perfect simplicity and identity
okay for him
all you found was a flowing stream of
impressions and ideas you've also
identified with the bundle theory
wherein he described the self or person
which you assume to be the mind as a
bundle or a collection of different
perceptions that are moving in a very
fast and successive manner he calls this
perpetual flux
you also believe that human interaction
intellect and
experiences are limited
therefore it is impossible to attribute
it on independent process persistent
entity such as zone
so jung concluded that the self is
mainly made up of successive impressions
who did that believe also in the
existence of the self because he
stressed that your perceptions are only
active for as long as you are conscious
so he did not believe for the self if it
was unconscious so perception can be
removed for any time such as when you
are sleeping or you can no longer sense
yourself then you also cease to exist or
you die
for the human world from the human world
you seem to reduce the self as a light
bulb that may be switched on or off
and that is the perception of baby doom
various philosophical itself

so i hope now i lighten your mind and

those philosophers that i mentioned
has the different perspectives and
ideologies about the philosophical self
they have different meanings they have
different they have different
advices for the
philosophical self
okay so because it is now time so i will
give you assignment this is worth 30
points and another assignment which is
based on your experiences or point of
view how will you conceptualize your
philosophical statement of self
so it is
to be submitted on our before
july 30
okay thank you goodbye class
have a good day

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