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Isabella Tuason 34

10 Optimism

“Reborn in the ashes”

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West. One of the
biggest mysteries in life is how to live it to the fullest. Despite this, our current circumstances
make it incredibly difficult to maintain a positive mindset in solving this mystery. This pandemic
has not been without panic attacks, sleepless nights, anxiety, depression, and dread. But on the
other hand, it has allowed me to take time for myself, meditate, and reflect on myself. Now that I
have learned more about who I am, I am impatient to go back into the world and rediscover
myself as a member of the community and explore the outside world once again. Luckily,
COVID restrictions have been heavily eased, and I have had the opportunity to have new
experiences in a world after a hard-hitting pandemic. This has been the cause of numerous events
that have changed the trajectory of my life , especially as pandemic restrictions have eased and
the HyFlex modality is in motion in the months of August to October. During these months, I
gained invaluable knowledge, discovered new passions, and met amazing people who changed
my life.

A tremendous amount of sacrifice has gone into adapting to the HyFlex Modality last
August. August was the month we would see our classmates in a school environment after
almost three years of no physical interaction. I was excited to be back in the classroom and eager
to begin fascinating lessons. However, I was also afraid of socializing with new people again.
Having been confined to my room for years, I was worried about my social skills. Despite all
this, I came home from the first day of face-to-face classes, fulfilled and excited for the next day.
Stepping into ICA and conversing with old friends brought me a sense of nostalgia and
normalcy. It felt as if I had traveled back in time and had never left the premises. I even felt more
engaged and curious about the lessons during the lectures than in the online setup. This
experience makes me even more open-minded to change as we transition back to full

Last September, an ice-blue Yamaha electric guitar caught my attention while walking
past a music shop near a mall. This was a rare occasion for me as I was still used to being
restricted to my home, and I had only begun adapting to the changes of pandemic restrictions.
Nevertheless, I decided to walk into the shop and ask the cashier if I could touch the guitar. As I
gently grazed its fretboard and plucked the strings, I knew it was destiny for me to see to have it.
As soon as I bought it, I meticulously worked, searching guitar tutorials, watching youtube
videos, and learning to read guitar tabs. It was difficult initially, but I felt so much passion and
enjoyment in practicing the guitar that I kept going. I also discovered how much I yearned to be
in a band and play for large crowds, which I knew would require me to further study music
theory. With this, I learned the power of commitment and discipline. Learning music
theory continues to be one of the most mind-boggling things I have ever experienced. It can
sometimes get extremely frustrating and feel pointless, but I am reminded of the reward of
consistency. This experience inspired me to continue my music studies and pursue my passions.

Since the pandemic restrictions have been lifted, I made new friends last October. When
the pandemic initially hit, I had a sense of who my true friends were. Many of those who claimed
to always have my back had deserted me during a time of difficulty which led me to question
most people and their motives. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to meet genuine people who lift
me when good things come in my life. It started when I was invited to hang out with my friend
and two other people I had never met. The night began very awkwardly since there were people I
did not know well. However, as the night progressed, our comfort with one another became
evident in how we carried ourselves. We walked around a mall and began sharing our thoughts,
hopes, and dreams for the future. After that night, I have only gotten closer to them by staying in
close contact through messenger calls, online movie nights, “kwento” sessions, and more. I am
wholeheartedly grateful for the government’s ease of the pandemic restrictions because it has led
me to two people I love and trust with my life.

Regardless of the struggles I have faced during this pandemic’s initial havoc, it was all
worth it to come out the other side a better version of myself. It was all worth the wait for these
new and incredible experiences that have taught me indispensable lessons. Experiencing
face-to-face school, learning how to play the guitar, and making genuine friends have changed
my outlook on life. Now, I wake up excited to begin a new day and explore the secrets this world
August 2022 September 2022 October 2022

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