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this speech is about the 30 years war and about Sweden but im not going to go into details into

ive mentioned a couple of names first of all the veranghien god, constantinopol, bizantien, but Ill talk
about someone called Gustavo ziels.

dear colleagues for a while I was doing some research on smth completely unrelated ive heard that
mothers still scare small children the sweets are going to come and get them idk if this is true or if polish
children eat their vegetables and go to sleep early because the vegetables will get them. more
theoriously its amusing to think that its even possible to be scared of sweets nowadays or that sweets
could have a reputation I don’t wanna insult anyone but when ppl think about Sweden they think of a
very nicely organized country, a nice country. sweeds tend to be a bit bossy (autoritari) theres this one
girl who tells everyone to go save the world

and of course like most sweeds shes probably right but again that’s one of the clichees about sweeds
theyre people that pretend they know better than you do im married to a sweeed so I couldn’t
comment. sweeden has a reputation not only a reputation for neutrally but also being a non scary
country so where does this reputation from Poland come from if you go back in history youll see that the
sweeds used to be Vikings, in western Europe we are aware of the Scandinavians who attacked France
those Vikings tended to come from Norway or Denmark. you can say that a lot of the early kingdoms in
Russia might have been started by ppl who could be tied to sweeden origin but its wuite controversial so
im not going to start an argument with our Russian friends about that

the sweedish Vikings went very far east and south they went all the way to the black see and the Caspian
see and they went to imperiul bizantin, constantinopol at one point the elite soldiers of the emperor of
constantinopol, his personal bodyguards, the veranghian guards are now called sweeds. the real
reputation of the sweeds as scary ppl came during the 30 years war between 1618-1648, it devastated a
large part of the central Europe, one of the great leaders, the king of sweeden was very farsighted
military commander is still one of the great military leaders if you study history.

the sweeds have a reputation and based on that on parts of the

(in the) eastern Europe ppl still talk about them if its true that in sweeden ppl use times have changed a
great deal and as I said sweeds don’t scare you anymore they let you know about the future of the
planet having said that I recently read that the british government has decided to start improving their
military so who knows the sweeds might start to become scary again, which may be a good thing
ladies and gentlemen a while ago I decided to try out a new recipe, si pentru ca asa e la moda I decided
to look for the recipe on the internet and on the internet it was very simple but the temperatures were
in Fahrenheit rather than C since I live in Europe we use C here so I had to figure out how many degrees
Fahrenheit and how many degrees C I needed, I went on google and I got the the answer:300 grade
Fahrenheit ajungea undeva la 100 grade C. I started feeling very guilty because when I was about 6 or 7
years old I could tell how many Fahrenheit degrees are how many Fahrenheit degrees.

mortgage = impoteca

compound = cumulata

it was part of the mathematics and aritmethics class we had basic problems like pounds to kilos and
Fahrenheit to C sau invers and this was something you were expected to know and ideally you were
expected to do it in your head and back then it was an ancient time before we had calculators let alone
telephones so a child was expected to make these calculations without writing anything down and you
had to know these things in order to pass the exams and move on to the next year and for a good grade
you had to solve these problems quickly, if you had problems you could take a stick to a school and
there’s no waya    child would be able to carry these arithmetical calculations and I used to know these
things I was very good at mathematics

and in fact I tried to remember the formula for conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius and after a while I
was able to bring back the memories I remembered the formula somewhere in my brain after being
beaten several times I still have a few brain cells left for instance I remember what compound interest is I
do remember the relationship between latitude and longitude

while latitude and longitude might not be extremely useful if we get into it we may do it without a
computer or phone if we think of the financial crisis ppl got into depth because they borrowed money
without understanding how much they had to pay, what interest rates were, what compound interest
was, these things should be taught at school, I suppose teaching them at school again idk how that
would be useful

ladies and gentlemen ive chosen to make a speech about family because ive been told that there are no
speeches in English about family after all we all belong toa family and for most of us family is one of the
most important things in our lives. I think the reason is that technology and the global economy have
pushed family to the back of the cube of the many things competing for our attention. the classic image
that comes to mind about this is of a family sitting around the table and each person is entitled to their
phone and only sometimes interacts with another family member visibly present at the table. Today’s
children are digital natives they’re home in an online world and their grandparents are more like children
and their children themselves because a new reality has overtaken them.
digital natives = natives dpdv digital

global village = lumea globalizata

logical divide = decalaj logic

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