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Sujit Kumar Singh Email: singhsujitkumar574@gmail.

Gender: Male Phone: 7439726577
Course: M.Sc. in Statistics Linkedin:sujit-kumar-singh
Banaras Hindu University

Write in short (2-3 lines) about yourself, what do you want to do and
how you are working towards it.
Educational Qualification:
Degree/Examination Year of Passing Institute Name Percentage/CGPA
M.Sc. Statistics 2023* Banaras Hindu University
B.Sc. 2021 Calcutta university 7.76
12 2018 W.B.C.H.S.E 80.42%
10th 2016 W.B.B.S.E 83.57%

1. Name: Mention the name of your project Start - End
Description: Write in short about what you did in this project and how.

Areas of Interest:(Optional)
Write the list of areas you are interested in.

Relevant Courses:
Academic Testing of hypothesis , Correlation ,Sampling Distribution.
Online Write the names of courses you have done through Udemy, NPTEL, Coursera, or others.
(* indicates ongoing course)

Key Skills:
 R(Basics)  Python(Basics)  C(basics)
 MS-Excel  Any Other

 Write the extracurricular activities you have participated in.

Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University

Varanasi, 221005

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