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The owner of the dog, Max, tells him that they are going to the vet to check him out. The worried
puppy sits down and sees a cat next to him, which tells him that he is sick in the head and begins
to meow, then he sees a hamster. which runs and stops and then does the same, so the dog max is
worried that he is sick like the other animals.

The rabbit is brushing his teeth with his friend. Then he is running to put on his superhero
costume. The rabbit is imagining that he is very strong, moreover, he believes that he can fight the
bad guys. After this, he is escaping from a circus dog. Leaving the circus he meets a monkey with a
hat that ends up hitting him. Snow ball is playing superheroes with her friend, then she says
goodbye and goes to school. Finally, the rabbit is chatting with the stuffed animals.

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