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1 Homonymy ( quan hệ đồng âm )

2.9.1 Definition
Homonymy are different words that are pronounced the same but may or may not
be spelled the same.
Meet /miːt/ ( to see and talk to someone for the first time = gặp, gặp gỡ ) vs
Meat /miːt/ (the flesh of an animal when it is used for food = thịt )
Break /breɪk/ ( to (cause something to) separate suddenly or violently into two or
more pieces = làm vỡ ) vs Break /breɪk/ ( to (cause something to) stop working by
being damaged = phanh, thắng )

2.9.2 “ A case of HOMONYMY is one of an ambiguous word whole different

senses are far apart from each other and not obviously related to each other in any
way withrespect to a native speaker’s intuition. Case of homonymy seem very
definitely to be mattets of mere accident or coincidence. “
Piece / piːs / ( a part of something = mảnh, mẫu, miếng ) vs Peace / piːs / (
freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together hap
pily without disagreements = hòa bình )

Pair / peə(r)/ ( two things of the same appearance and size that are intended to be
used together, or something that consists of two parts joined together = đôi, cặp )
vs Pear /peə(r)/ ( a sweet fruit, usually with a green skin and a lot of juice, that has
a round base and is slightly pointed towards the stem = quả lê )

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