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Set up the acctivity Once students understand the rules of the game, the teacher will

start the game. The teacher is the one who projects on the board
some crosswords (behind each crossword is a picture of some
kind of food) by computer for students to see, is both the
observer and invites the groups to choose the crossword in turn
and stand up to state the answer and must give the answer in 10
seconds. If the student fails to answer the question within the
allotted time or answers incorrectly, the right to answer will be
ceded to another group and if the other group answers correctly,
points for that question will be

Close the activity and invite Once the student has opened 2/3 of the total number of cells, the
feedback from the student teacher announces how many remaining cells need to be opened
and guesses how many, offering words of encouragement to the
underdog teams if they want to win and cheering on the top
teams. Once opened and guessed all the images, the teacher
recounted the scores and ranked each team in order from low to

Close the activity and invite The teacher will give gifts to the team with the highest score. Then
feedback from the student ask the class, "What's the topic we're going to learn today?" Those
who raise their hands to speak the fastest and answer the topic of
today's lesson correctly will receive a gift.

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