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Antioxidants - are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals,

unstable molecules that the body produces as reaction to environmental and other pressures.

Free radicals - are waste substances produced by cells as the body processes food and reacts to the

Antioxidants Antioxidants
Vit. A Milk butter, eggs and liver
Berries orange, kiwis, cantaloupes, papayas, broccoli bell peppers,
Vit. C tomatoes, cauliflower, brussels sprouts
and kale
Nuts and seeds-almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts,
Vit. E peanuts, spinach, kale, soybean, sunflower, corn and
canola oils
Peaches, apricots, papayas, mangoes, cantaloupes,
Beta-carotene Carrots, peas, broccoli, squash, sweet potatoes ,beet
Greens, spinach, and kale

Lycopene Grapefruits, watermelon, apricots and tomatoes

Lutein Spinach, collards, kale, broccoli, corn, peas, papayas, and oranges
Selenium Pasta, bread, grains, (corn, wheat, and rice), beef, fish, turkey,
chicken nuts, legumes, eggs and cheese
flavones, they are all found in plant-based foods

Common Antioxidants

1. Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is found in many different fruits.

2. Tocobiol is a natural antioxidant that is produced by a short path molecular distillation of
vegetable oil.
3. Nutraboil is a powerful natural antioxidant that is produced by a short path molecular distillation
of vegetable oil.

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