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January 2 144 dni

1/ I can’t walk because I have a ............................... in my knee.
Have you ever
2/ (you / ever / eat) ............................................................................. snails?
Is this
3/ (Czy to jest) ..................................................................... your book?

4/ The coffee machine is broken. (ORDER)

out of order
The coffee machine is ..........................................................................

5/ Jak wygląda twój młodszy brat?

How does your little brother look like?

January 3 143 dni

1/ I couldn’t solve the puzzle so I gave .............

2/ When (be / your aunt) ............................................................................... in China?

it was raining
3/ When I woke up (padał deszcz) ................................................................................

4/ I gave my mother a book. (TO)

the book to
I gave ............................................................. my mother.

5/ Czy jesteś dobrym tancerzem?

Are you a good dancer?

January 4 142 dni

1/ Come in and ......................... yourself at home.
was visting
2/ Who (visit) ............................................................................. you yesterday?
broke down
3/ My mobile phone (zepsuł się) ............................................................ two days ago.

4/ Unless you study harder, you won’t pass the exam. (DO)
you do not
If ................................................................. study harder, you won’t pass the exam.

5/ Gotowanie sprawia mi przyjemność.

Cooking brings me pleasure
January 5 141 dni
has grown a beard.
1/ My father ............
goes to the cinema
2/ Kate (go / cinema) ............................................................................. every Sunday.
How much time
3/ (Ile czasu) ................................................. do you spend surfing the net every day?

4/ Do they produce cheese in Sweden? (IS)

Is cheese produced
......................................................................................... in Sweden?

5/ Mike jest zawodowym piłkarzem.

Mike is a professional football player.

January 6 140 dni

1/ My sister’s hair ........................ red.

2/ Help (you) .............................................................. the biscuits!

lose weight
3/ I’d like to (schudnąć) ................................................ but I don’tknow how to do it.

4/ I think you should work less. (WOULD)

would work
If I were you, I ......................................................................... less.

5/ Czy musimy jutro tak wcześnie wstać?

Do we have to get up so early tommorow?

January 7 139 dni

1/ Congratulations ......................... passing your final exams!
to skate
2/ Do you know how (skate) ..............................................................?
she got engaged
3/ When (ona się zaręczyła) ............................................................ ?

4/ Is this bike yours? BELONG

belong to you
Does this bike .........................................................................?

5/ Adam zapytał, gdzie jest Anna.

Adam ask, where is Anna.
January 8 138 dni
1/ Tom ank Kate have ............................... friends for 10 years.
goes well
2/ If all (go / good) .......................................... ..........., I will go to France next year.
is homeless
3/ He (jest bezdomny) .................................................................... for two years.

4/ Jane’s hobby is knitting. (KEEN)

is keen in
Jane ......................................................................... knitting.

5/ Moja kawa jest za mocna.

My coffe is too strong.

January 9 137 dni

1/ Let’s meet ........................ Wednesday.
isn't getting good
2/ A. How is your headache? B. It (not get / good) ....................................................
I'd rather go
3/ (Wolałabym pojechać) .......................................................... to the seaside.

4/ We’ve got no more flour. (RUN)

run out of
We’ve ......................................................................... flour.

5/ Jaka piękna sukienka!

What a beautiful dress!

January 10 136 dni

1/ Look at that building ......................... there.

was cleaning
2/ While Jack was fixing the car, his wife (clean) ................................. the bathroom.

3/ Do you have to (dojeżdżać o pracy) .................................................................?

4/ Everybody admires John. (LOOKS)

looks at
Everybody ......................................................................... John.

5/ Jesteś taka wysoka!

You are so tall!
January 11 135 dni
1/ Our house ............................... built in 2000.
about her
2/ Did Susan apologise (she) ...................................................................... behaviour?
does it cost
3/ This is a very nice scarf. How much (kosztował) ..................................................?

4/ The film is better than the book. (NOT)

not as good
The book is ............................................................................. as the film.

5/ Nie jestem taka niska jak moja siostra.

I'm not as short as my sister.

January 12 134 dni

1/ I go to school ........................ bike.

about being late

2/ I’m very sorry (be) ....................................................................... late.
If i have money
3/ (Gdybym miał) ................................................ money, I would lend it to you.

4/ We never stay at home on Sunday. (OUT)

always go out
We ................................................................................ on Sunday.

5/ Moja babcia nie używa okularów do czytania.

My grandma never use glasses to read.

January 13 133 dni

1/ I’d ......................... stay at home today.
2/ What about (go) ............................................................ for a walk?
explain it to me
3/ Could you (wytłumaczyć mi to) .................................................................., please?

4/ You should focus on what he says. (ATTENTION)

give attention on
You should ......................................................................... what he says.

5/ Chcę, abyś został w domu.

I want you to stay home.
January 14 132 dni
1/ London is bigger ............................... Warsaw.
in Internet
2/ You can read a lot of interesting articles (Internet) ..................................................
never lied to me
3/ Brian (nigdy mnie nie okłamał) ................................................................................

4/ I have no intention of swimming here. (AM)

am not
I ......................................................................... to swim here.

5/ Moim zdaniem nie powinnaś czuć się winna.


January 15 131 dni

1/ She asked ........................ I lived there.
afford buying
2/ I can’t (afford / buy) ....................................................................... a new flat.
there weren't
3/ Five years ago (nie było) .................................................... any theatres in my city.

4/ He repairs pipes. (AS)

as pipes repairer.
He works ................................................................................

5/ Czy muszę stać w kolejce, aby kupić bilet?


January 16 130 dni

1/ This author has written two books ......................... far.
should have switch
2/ The computer (should / switch) .......................................................... off after use.
Does you like
3/ (Czy podoba ci się) .......................................................... my new skirt?

4/ It’s Sunday today. We‘re flying to London on Tuesday. (TWO)

on two days
We’re flying to London ................................................................................

5/ Dlaczego zadajesz tak dużo pytań?

Why you ask so many questions?
January 17 129 dni
1/ Your hat is really nice. I like ...............................
not allowed
2/ You (not allow) .................................................................... smoke here.
What would you do
3/ (Co byś zrobił) .......................................................................... if you were me?

4/ This shop isn’t open on Saturday and Sunday. (CLOSED)

is closed
This shop ....................................................................... on Saturday and Sunday.

5/ Kiedy został namalowany ten obraz?

When was this painting made?

January 18 128 dni

1/ You always ........................ me laugh.
in redecorating
2/ I spent two days (redecorate) .............................................................. my bedroom.
hurry up
3/ You won’t miss the train if you (pośpieszysz się) ...................................................

4/ He can’t drive a car because he’s only fourteen. (YOUNG)

too young to
He is ................................................................................. drive a car.

5/ Nie chcę się przeprowadzać.

I don't want to move.

January 19 127 dni

1/ Everyone is happy, aren’t ......................... ?
at the end of
2/ We went to Moscow (end) ............................................................................... May.
how old are you
3/ She wants to know (ile masz lat) ..............................................................................

4/ There are no chairs in Kate’s room. (NOT)

are not any chairs

There ................................................................................. chairs in Kate’s room.

5/ Czy znasz tych mężczyzn?

Do you know these men?
January 20 126 dni
1/ I’m used ............................... living on the outskirts.
did you borrow
2/ Who (you / borrow) ....................................................................... this book from?
if i call her?
3/ She asked me (czy do niej zadzwonię) .....................................................................

4/ Was England a republic in the past? (BE)

Did England .......................................................................... a republic in the past?

5/ Kiedy mogę cię odwiedzić?

When can I visit you?

January 21 125 dni

1/ When ........................ your birthday?

fall in love with

2/ Tom (fall / love) ...................................................................... Lisa three years ago.
teach you how
3/ Who (nauczył Cię) .................................................................. to ride a bike?

4/ You mustn’t enter this room! (ALLOWED)

allowed to enter
It’s not ................................................................................. this room.

5/ Czy może Pan powtórzyć swoje imię?

Can you repeat your name?

January 22 124 dni

1/ How old ......................... Kate and Jim?

boxes od chocolates
2/ Could you buy two (box / chocolates) ........................................................, please?
don't do any mistakes
3/ I (nie zrobiłam żadnych błędów) ................................................... in my last essay.

4/ Tom never comes on time. (NOT)

don't ever comes in time.
Tom .................................................................................

5/ Radzę ci tutaj zaczekać.

January 23 123 dni
1/ It took us an hour ............................... get to the top of the mountain.
are you married
2/ How long (you /married) ...................................................................................... ?
that we should go swimming
3/ Kate suggested (żebyśmy poszli popływać) .............................................................

4/ Healthy diet is very important. (EAT)

to eat healthy
It’s very important .................................................................................

5/ Nie powinnaś się tak bardzo martwić.


January 24 122 dni

1/ ........................ a beautiful bracelet!

2/ Mike (not propose) .................................................................... Mary yet.

3/ What’s the name of your aunt (która mieszka) .................................... in the USA?

4/ This is my cousin’s house. IN

in which my
This is the house ................................................................................. cousin lives.

5/ Powinnaś ją przeprosić.
You should apologise her.

January 25 121 dni

1/ Do you often help ......................... other?
in front of
2/ The coffee table is (front) .................................................................... the fireplace.
which was build in
3/ I stayed in a hotel (który został wybudowany) ................................. 200 years ago.

4/ Who ate the cake? BY

Who was the .................................................................................

5/ Kto rozmawiał przez telefon, kiedy przyszedł nauczyciel?

January 26 120 dni
1/ Let’s meet ............................... front of the theatre.

2/ She lives (north) .................................................................... Poland.

3/ (Pieniądze są) ……………....…………………………………… important in life.

4/ Somebody has stolen my money. (BEEN)

My money .................................................................................

5/ Moja siostra grała kiedyś na pianinie dwa razy w tygodniu.


January 27 119 dni

1/ She’s the woman ........................ son is a famous writer.

2/ (you / be proud) ............................................................................ me?

3/ Mike and Kate (bardzo się lubią) ............................................................................

4/ How much water do you need? (BOTTLES)

How ................................................................................. water do you need?

5/ Ostatni raz widzieliśmy się dwa miesiące temu.


January 28 118 dni

1/ Is the entrance free ......................... charge?

2/ If Susan (not / come) ................................................................ soon, I will call her.

3/ This is the boy (którego mama) .............................................................. is a doctor.

4/ The chair is behind the bed. (FRONT)

The bed is ................................................................................. the chair.

5/ Kupiłem ten stół, ponieważ był tani.

January 29 117 dni
1/ This exercise is a ............................... of cake.

2/ Kate (prefer / tea / coffee) ...............................................................................

3/ Tom works (jako) ...................................................... a journalist.

4/ They never drive to Spain. (PLANE)

They always go to Spain .................................................................................

5/ Wyglądasz na zmęczonego i śpiącego.


January 30 116 dni

1/ When did Tom and Kim fall ........................ love?

2/ I often get up (ten / Sunday) ....................................................................

3/ There are two (myszy) ..................................................... in the kitchen.

4/ Where do you live? (IS)

................................................................................. address?

5/ Wieczorem jestem zawsze zmęczona.


January 31 115 dni

1/ Have you ......................... your homework yet?

2/ My bedroom is opposite (my parents) ...................................................... bedroom.

3/ (Czyj) .................................................. bike is this?

4/ Sandra is German. (FROM)

Sandra ..........................................................................

5/ Byłam rozczarowana, że nie zadzwoniłaś do mnie.

I was dissapointed that you don't call me.

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