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The strongest pieces that Gandhi gives to support his claim are to

enumerate and compare two examples against the current government:

either having a violent war with millions of people dying or having a
satyagraha that is effective and has almost no damage. He compared the
two ways and the conclusion of a violent war would be so damaging and
have no result, but satyagraha is safe and effective, so he chooses the idea
of having a satyagraha.

Gandhi used three kinds of language to appeal to his listeners: informational,

emotional words and emotional words. When he states that unjust laws
oppress people, he uses emotional words to help him increase his emotion of
anger like “smash” and “disaster”, which affect his speech more
influence, more conviction, and more supporters.

Gandhi disliked the term “passive resistance” as it suggested passivity for what
was in fact an active form of civil protest. He believed that they were fighting for
truth and devised the term “satyagraha”. Gandhi believes that passive
resistance and nonviolence are satyagraha, preferable to violence, he thinks it
better, and he likes nonviolence. He thinks satyagraha is the solution to the
rebellion. In the first paragraph, he mentioned: ’if perchance, either our act or
our purpose was ill-conceived, it brings disaster to both belligerents.’

According to Gandhi, the effect of having a law peaceful person resisting is

that they do not care about the consequences that would happen, people who
resist will never obey, they will see punishment as an award and send them to
prison and still live there as paradise. They will be happy to resist the laws

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