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1. Marine pollution is a serious problem in recent years. The first reason is from tourism activities.
Tourists throw rubbish unwittingly at the beaches=> which can cause the trash to be washed into the
ocean by waves=> as a result,sea creatures die from being trapped in plastic waste. In addition, marine
pollution also comes from oil spills and untreated combs from factories and industrial parks.

2. My neighborhood gets rubbish collected once a day by environmental service. Every morning when I
woke up to go to school, I saw the cleaners are already in front of the hostel to collect garbage. Thanks
to them, my neighborhood is always in a clean condition=> which not only makes me but everyone also
feel comfortable to live in.

3. It would be difficult and almost impossible to ban cars from the city center. However, I think it should
be done=> It not only solves rush hour traffic jams, but also limits the large amount of CO2 emitted from

4. Yes of course. After each party, I usually collect empty drink cans=> that I can sell to the recycling
center. The amount of money earned is not too much=> it is also quite interesting to earn every penny
by yourself. In addition, this also contributes to environmental protection.

 Outdoor activity =>3 young boys are participating in an outdoor activity. I'm
not sure but I guess they're playing basketball or volleyball through the way
they move.

Indoor activity=>A boy’s staring intently at the screen of the ipad. Through
his intense concentration, I think he's playing a puzzle game that requires
a lot of thinking.

 In my opinion, indoor activities would be more likely to appeal to teenagers.

+ Electronic products (laptops, iPads, smartphones) are increasingly popular.
+ The diverse development of video games with attractive features: beautiful graphics, vivid
sound, environment for exchange, making friends,…=> attracts many players.
 A grandma is feeding her grandchild. They look so happy. Perhaps the
child's parents were busy with work, so they asked the grandma to take
care of the child

 Grandpa and his grandchildren are chatting happily with each other. I
guess the two kids were taken by their parents to visit their grandpa on a
special occasion or ST like that.

 In different situations, they have different ways of caring. In picture 1 is the image of a
grandmother busy taking care of her grandchild instead of his parents, while picture 2 is the
image of two grown boys returning to their hometown to visit their grandfather. Just like in life,
when we were a child, we were taken care of by our grandparents. And then when we grow up,
our grandparents can't go too far, we will go back to take care of them.

- Drawing contest:+ for art enthusiasts to showcase their talents through their works.
+ The winning drawings will be displayed in the school's traditional room=> this attracts many
students to participate.
+ popular among elementary and middle school students.
+ it doesn't cost too much money for both the student and the school.

- Ballet dancing: + is not for boys

+ is not popular due to difficult skills and students may be injured
- Drama: + It costs a lot of money and time for both the school and the students from the
costumes to the setting.
- Playing football: + football is a popular sport all over the world=>it is very well received by
+ helps to improve health

+ few girls can play

- Organizing contests on the internet:+ often see online competitions such as: IOE, math exam, ...
with a fiercely competitive environment.
+ The school uses the computer room to organize competitions.
- Playing musical instrumens: +often seen in school festivals or in art clubs
+ people tend to listen to music to relax => popular.
- Tutoring class: + costs much time and money.
+ some students may be feel more pressure when taking too many tutoring
classes continuously.


1.Yes, I have participated in tutoring classes since I was at high school. In the regular curriculum, the
time in class is only enough to teach students theory, while most of the exercises are done by students
at home=> Therefore, tutoring time at school is an opportunity for students to exchange knowledge
with friends and teachers. Tutoring is also an opportunity for me to practice my test-taking skills and
review what I've learned.

2. Scientific research is an annual activity at my school=> helps students to apply and practice the theory
they have been learning to solve real-world problems under the guidance of lecturers. During the
research process, students can access practical knowledge through many different sources of
information: classroom lectures, research documents, books, newspapers on the Internet, or real life
products. …=> which allows students to stimulate their creativity.

3. Honestly, I think students should do physical activities. After a stressful day at school, it will be
necessary to have physical activities=> You can play sports: football, badminton, basketball,... which not
only helps you relieve stress but also gives you a good health.

4. Doing extra after-school activities provide students with “life skills” =>which include from
communication skills to problem solving through critical thinking, self-awareness or assertiveness.

- helps students relieve academic stress with a large amount of knowledge at school=> Outside of school
hours, students can participate in sports activities such as football, volleyball, badminton…=> which
bring many health benefits and help students be more active both physically and mentally.

5. It is necessary to balance between schoolwork and extracurricular activities. In order not to interfere
with each other, I think students should spend an average of 1-2 hours on after-school activities. This is
the time when they de-stress after a stressful day at school and participate in art clubs, play sports, etc.
=>which helps them to be full of energy for the school day next. On the contrary, if they spend too much
time on after-school activities=> their schoolwork will also be affected

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