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Third term test Group A

Reading Comprehension.
Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS(doesn’t say).
We all know soldier are heroes, Olympic medalists are heroes, as well, but what about the ordinary man?
Would our cities honour a former cleaner, a hard-working mother or a social worker? This is the “Share the
Care: You Are Not Alone Week” and we have been receiving fantastic stories all about selfless individuals.
Enjoy reading our top three picks!
Mr. Lim – Singapore
In the spotlight this week is Lim Chwee Guan of Singapore. He was born completely blind in one eye and
partially blind in the other. This has not kept Lim from doing all it takes to provide care for his 90-year-old
mother. He gave up his cleaning post and has been her full-time carer since 2006. He is a shining example of
the commitment and dedication needed to take care of the elderly. Lim has received the “Merit Model
Caregiving Family Award” and it is the first time ever that a family member has been honoured in such a way.
Jennifer – Atlanta USA
Jennifer Robbins, currently living in the USA, saved Bob Wright’s life by giving him CPR after he collapsed while
jogging. When the ambulance arrived Robbins could have left but chose not to. She followed the ambulance to
St Joseph’s Hospital. Bob Wright had no identification with him, so they had no idea who he was. So, Jennifer
decided to find his family. She returned to the place where she had found him and began knocking on the
doors. It was a seemingly impossible task, but she would not give up. She described Bob as “an elderly
gentleman with bushy eyebrows, a round nose and a thick, beautiful head of hair” and managed to find his
house just 27 meters away! Phyllis, Bob’s wife was grateful that Jennifer had gone to so much effort on behalf
of a complete stranger.
Tracy Mander – East Sussex, Great Britain
Tracy Madner from East Sussex County is an example of a selfless staff member who has gone beyond her call
of duty. She is a social worker and was awarded for her outstanding dedication to her job. She has set her
heart on helping children and young people with special needs, or learning or behavioral challenges to meet
their full potential. She wants to give them the best possible start in life. Tracy’s manager praised her for her
“genuine care” and “can-do attitude”.

1. Jennifer’s only goal was to accompany Bob to the hospital. ………

2. Tracy takes care of the elderly member of the community. ……..
3. Tracy received an award for her unselfish devotion to her job. ……..
4. Lim is the second person to receive the “Caregiving Family Award”. ………..

Marks: 5 x 1 -5/

Sidi Education Always supportive 1


Ex.2.Fill in with: role, event, assistance, standard, natural.

1. The doctor advised me to seek medical …………………………………. immediately.

2. A……………………………………. disaster such as an earthquake is a terrifying experience.
3. Local volunteer groups have played a significant …………………………………….. in the community.
4. Many people migrate in search of a better …………………………………… of living.
5. All the money raised by the charity ………………………………………. will go to the children’s orphanage.
Marks: 5 x 1 -5/
Ex.3.Fill in with: determination, obstacles, funds, accomplish, headquarters,.
1. If we work together, we can ………………………………………. our goal.
2. The city council gave the college ………………………….. to improve its facilities.
3. Thanks to his ………………………………………………… and hard work, he managed to build schools in poor
villages in Africa.
4. Women will still have to overcome some ……………………………………….. in the workplace.
5. The Save the Children organization has its US ……………………………….. in New York.

Marks: 5 x 1 -5/
Ex.4. Change the sentences into reported speech
1. He said: ‘ I live in England’. He said that
2. He said: ‘ I will be back soon’ . He said that
3. He said: ‘ She is walking the dog’ . He said that
4. He said: ‘ They have been in Spain’. He said that
5. He said: ‘ I had lunch earlier’ . He said that
…………………………………………………… Marks: 5 x 2 -10/

Ex.5. Complete the sentences with the right question tag.

1.He told us the truth, ………… he?

2. Let’s go swimming, …………. we?

3. They have got yacht, ………… they?

4. They are twins, ………… they?

5. He has tennis lessons once a week, ………….. he? Marks: 5 x 1 -5/

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Ex.6.Fill in with:a. Can I have your address, b.Which service, c.What number are you calling from,
d.Please hold the line,e. An ambulance is on the way.

A: Hello. 1)………………………………………………………..?
B: The ambulance service, please.
A: 2)……………………………………………………………………………….. .
B: Hello. What’s the emergency?
A: My aunt fell down the stairs and is lying on the floor…
B: 3)…………………………………………………………………….?
A: 76 Euston Road, Richmond. Could you send the ambulance quickly, please?
B: Yes! 4) ………………………………………………….. . Now remember not to move the victim.
A: OK, I won’t.
B: 5) …………………………………………………………….?
A: It’s 5034 848412
B: OK, thank you. Marks: 5 x 2 -10/

Ex.7.You have had a class discussion about the following statement : “ Mobile phones have
made our lives a lot easier” . Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay expressing
your opinion on the subject and giving reasons for your point of view. Use the prompts
( 120-150 words)

Introduction ( Para I ) - mobile phones become very popular – almost everyone owns one/Mobile
phones make our lives easier.

Main body (Paragraph 2\3) – mobile phones allow people keep in touch with friends and family
wherever they are. – can contact people always on the move . – useful in emergency ( can call for help
and save our lives )

Paragraph 4- some people disagree ( mobile phones annoying – people can find you at inconvenient
times .

Conclusion (Paragraph 5) – advantages of mobile phones more than disadvantages. – without mobile
phones our lives more difficult.


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Marks: 10 x 1 -10/

Mark 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points 12-19 20-26 27-33 34-39 40-45 46-50

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