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He had warned me that it would be dangerous but I didn't believe him.

It was just a creepy dark forest, near

my grandparents' place. My friends told me a story about the time they spent in summer camp. This
summer camp was right next to that forest. When we met again they told to me this story about one girl
that was with them. They said that she used to cut herself with pieces of glass. They said that on the last
night the girl ran into the forest, not even the police could find it. I told them that this story doesn't sound
realistic, they said that if I don't believe them I should go there to see it myself.

So I asked one of my friends for a drive to the forest. He said that he will help me get there but he won't set
a foot in there.

When I finally got there I went straight into the forest when I reached the middle of the forest I heard a
laugh that scared me, I run out terrified.

I never stepped again in that forest.


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