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Homework: what life is about

Objective: The student is able to use different tenses to communicate his/her ideas effectively.
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Write a short story of at least 300 words in which you include present, past and
future tenses and tag questions.

A few years ago a newly married couple Edward and Andrea decided to go to live in a house far

away from a town called Tausa, because initially they had plans for the future as to buy a farm to

raise pigs, cows, sheep and plant crops to eat healthier and take better care of themselves, over

time Edward felt somewhat indisposed by the routine situation, So one day he went out as usual to

work in the fields and did not return home, Andrea was very distressed and began to look for him

where he usually worked but did not find him, so she decided to go to town to seek help, when she

arrived in town she went to the police station and they asked her why are you so distressed? She

told them what was happening to her, so the policemen decided to help her look for Edward, after

searching all night and for several days they found no trace of him, she was very distressed so much

that she could not sleep or eat, as time went by there was no answer from him so Andrea decided

to leave the house and moved to the village, as the days went by she got a job in a family home,

One day the lady of the house ordered her to organize the house and make a special dinner because

her husband was traveling and was arriving that day, Andrea obeyed and complied with what she

had been ordered, when the night came and rang the doorbell she opened the door and realized

that her husband was missing, she was bewildered and took her things and left the country without

giving explanations.
Speaking Activity
Activity: What life is about
The student needs to record his/her voice on

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s email.

Recording link a short story

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