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See PPT Minimal Some Consistent

1. The environment changes throughout the year and is not stagnant

2. Community agreements are co-constructed by the class community and displayed

3. The relevant program vocabulary / supports are visible (i.e. it looks like an NGSS classroom)

4. The learning journey is visible (eg. through essential questions and unit concepts)

5. Student learning (process and product) is displayed thoughtfully and equitably throughout

6. Students have access to (and are guided towards appropriate use of) flexible seating
opportunities that meet their learning needs

7. Specific needs of students are respectfully accommodated (eg. Students who require space
for movement, prayer space, quiet working space, etc.)

8. Movement is not overly restricted or controlled by the teacher (eg. Students are welcome to
use bathroom/get a tissue as needed vs. a hall pass/permission is required)

9. Learners can independently access materials (paper, pens, tools, books, headphones etc.)

10. Visual cues are displayed and used (eg timetables, instructions for tasks, I cans, signals)

11. Environmental print support language learners and includes key unit vocabulary and concepts

12. There are inspiring images displayed tastefully throughout the space (ideally co-constructed)

13. There are powerful quotes/words of wisdom by BIPOC people on display around the space*

14. Seating layout is conducive for dialogue, collaboration, and exchange ( circles)

15. Student concerns/feelings/issues are welcomed and acknowledged through a non-threatening

system of communication (eg. Use of anonymous comment box/electronic form)

16. There are patterns, colors, and/or artwork representative of the host culture(s)

17. There are attractive and inviting additional furnishings (eg rugs, lamps, artwork, cushions)

18. There are living plants that add to the beauty and life of the learning space

19. The images on the walls are a reflection of the student body (co-constructed when possible)

20. The teacher’s workspace/desk visually supports the concept of the teacher as a learner*

21. Music is often used intentionally to contribute to the mood of the learning space (low beat /
volume used as white noise to steady)

22. Language displayed in the room promotes empowerment as opposed to compliance (eg. “As
writers, we revise our work to make it stronger” vs. “I am expecting to see revisions”

23. Intrinsic motivation is encouraged as opposed to external reward and/or punishment systems

24. There are images of BIPOC people represented positively throughout the space*

25. Images of BIPOC people in positions of dependence/inferiority/deficit are not displayed

26. The space is well organized, neat, and uncluttered (ideally by inviting student participation)

What elements from the Physical environment are absent or null? Are these absences intentional or deliberate?
Adapted from

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