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Jagannath is worshipped as Vishnu or Narayana or Krishna and

Lord Balabhadra as Shesha. Simultaneously, the deities are regarded as
the bhairava with Vimala (the devi or the consort of Shiva) installed in the campus of
the temple. So ultimately we find a fusion of Saivism, Shaktism and Vaishnavism of
the Hindu religion with Jainism and up to an extent Buddhism in the culture of
Jagannath and the cultural tradition so reverently held together in Shrikshetra.
According to an ancient
Santhal mythology, Marang
Buru (God of mountain), Jaher
ayo (Goddess of forest) and
the elder sister of the santhals,
would descend on earth from
heaven to pay a visit to their
brothers and to commemorate
this event, the harvest festival
is celebrated at this time and
women decorate their walls
with murals of sohrai arts.
These paintings are believed to bring good luck. It’s from here that Sohrai art originated,
adding to the culture and traditions of India.
IX th Std. “B” Section
Vasco da gama

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