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Part 1

Complete the sentences with Gerunds or Infinitives

1. I don't fancy to go out tonight.

2. She avoided telling him about her plans.
3. I need to train more before competing.
4. She kept talking during the film.
5. I am learning to speak English.
6. Do you mind to give me a hand?
7. I've finished cooking. Come and eat!
8. He decided buying a new car.
9. He asked coming with us.
10. I promise to help you tomorrow.
11. She delayed getting out of bed.
12. He demanded speaking to the manager.
13. I offered helping them move out.
14. I miss to go to the beach.
15. We postponed doing our homework.
16. She admitted stealing the money.
17. I chose studying university.
18. She waited buying a drink.
19. She risked arriving late.
20. It seems to be raining.

Part 2
Write sentences with Gerunds and Infinitives as the subject, object
or complement

Gerund sentences
1. Playing soccer is hard.
2. Dancing is my favorite activity.
3. Working is tiring.

1. I finished running the race.
2. I started studying the university.
3. She finished building her house.

Complement subject
1. The hobby of my brother is reading.
2. Susan is the best playing soccer.
3. My daughter is crying.
Infinitive sentences
1. To play soccer is hard.
2. To dancing is his favorite activity.
3. To work is tiring.

1. I want to run the race.
2. I start to study for the exam.
3. She likes to play soccer.

Complement subject
1. Elena loves to learn new things.
2. Jesus wants to play waterpolo.
3. My dream is to be millionaire.

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