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CS1311A Lab Exercise 1 – MS Word

1. Create the following directory structure in Documents folder.

Page | 1

Your Student

Draft Final

2. Open a New Microsoft Word document and type the following document title:

Welcome to CS1311B

2.1. Apply the following to the title:

2.1.1. Align to the center
2.1.2. Bold and Underline
2.1.3. Set font size to 20
2.1.4. Set font style to Ink Free

3. Type the following passage below the title.

After all, “Patience and Perseverance” are a couple of secrets to success. With that
being said, I would like to thank you all in advance for the support you are going to
offer your colleagues. Once again, welcome to CS1311A.

3.1. Apply the following formatting to the paragraph above.

3.1.1. Font Style: Cambria
3.1.2. Font Size: 14.5
3.1.3. Alignment: Justify

CS1311A 2022/2023
4. Using the same formatting you used on section 3.1, type the paragraph below as the
last paragraph.

A very warm welcome to each one of you. At last, this beautiful day has arrived and I
am sure you all have been eagerly waiting for this day. The fact that all of us want to Page | 2
be computer literate is not surprising as we are living in 4IR era.

5. Save the document as Draft_yourStudentNumber in Draft folder that you created

in question no1.
6. Cut the last paragraph and paste it between the title and the first paragraph, making
it to be the first paragraph.
7. Save the changes inside the Final folder as Final_yourStudentNumber.
8. Open both files and note the difference. Now work on document inside Final folder.
9. Change the font color of the title to red.
10. Insert a comment on 4IR that says, “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
11. Set page color to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 80%.
12. Apply box page borders to the whole document.
13. Use spelling and grammer tool to correct all typos.
14. Save your document before closing it.

CS1311A 2022/2023

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