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Department of Computing

Laboratory Manual
CS-100: Fundamentals of ICT
Fall 2018
Class: BS(CS)-8ABC
Zunera Zahid
Mehwish Kiran
Lab Manual
Microsoft Word 2013
(Part 3)
Module 11 – Module 14

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Table of Contents
Introduction:.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Module 11: Saving and Printing Documents....................................................................................... 5
Learning Goals and Objectives....................................................................................................................... 5
Task 11: Saving and Printing Documents...................................................................................................... 6

Module 12: Inserting and Managing Content Objects.......................................................................7

Learning Goals and Objectives....................................................................................................................... 7
Task 12: Inserting and Managing Content Objects...................................................................................... 7

Module 13: Inserting and Managing References................................................................................ 9

Learning Goals and Objectives....................................................................................................................... 9
Task 13: Inserting and Managing References............................................................................................... 9

Module 14: Customizing Program Functionality..............................................................................10

Learning Goals and Objectives..................................................................................................................... 10
Task 14: Customizing Program Functionality............................................................................................. 10

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Lab 4: Microsoft Word (Part 3)
The lab will introduce you to the basics of Microsoft Word

This lab is about the different basic features of Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a widely used commercial word processor designed by Microsoft. Microsoft
Word is a component of the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software, but can also be
purchased as a stand-alone product.

This lab is the continuation of the previous lab and will cover lessons from Mule 11 to module
14. Please follow through the instructions provided in each module and complete the tasks
accordingly. Please note that these labs will be evaluated after the end of the session. In order
to complete the assigned tasks successfully, you may require some practice files These practice
files are uploaded on LMS in a separate folder called “Practice files”.

Module 11: Saving Documents

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully save files in non-standard formats and
remote locations.
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Save documents in non-standard file formats
 Maintain backward compatibility
 Save files to remote locations

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Task 11: Saving and Printing Documents
This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 33: Saving documents
 Lesson 34: Managing document properties
 Lesson 35: Protecting documents
 Lesson 36: Preparing and printing documents
In this project, you will practice save a document in a different format and for compatibility.
You will also save the file to a remote location, modify document properties, protect the
document with a password, and configure the document for printing.
The following practice file is required to complete this exercise:
 ITA-70158-11-Practice.docx
Follow these steps:
1. Open the ITA-70158-11-Practice document. The document contains information about
rules and regulations for a homeowners’ association.
2. Set the Title property of the document to Building Association Rules.
3. Run the Compatibility Checker on the document to determine whether any document
elements are incompatible with previous versions of Word.
4. Save a copy of the document in PDF format as My-11-Practice.pdf that meets the
following requirements:
o Include only pages 1 – 3.
o Create bookmarks by using document headings.
o Do not include document properties.
o Do not assign a password to the PDF.
o Minimize the file size for online publishing.

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5. Save a copy of the document in Word 97-2003 Document format as My-11-Practice.doc
that meets the following requirements:
o Allow anyone to open a read-only copy of the document.
o Require the password P@ssw0rd! to edit the document.
o Disable features that aren’t compatible with earlier versions of Word.
6. Close the document.

Module 12: Inserting and Managing Content Objects

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully add properties and built-in fields to a
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Insert document properties
 Insert built-in fields

Task 12: Inserting and Managing Content Objects

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 37: Automatically updating content
 Lesson 38: Inserting building blocks
 Lesson 39: Managing building blocks
In this project, you will practice working with document properties, fields, text boxes, and
building blocks.
The following practice file is required to complete this exercise:
 ITA-70158-12-Practice.docx
Follow these steps:
1. Open the ITA-70158-12-Practice document and set the zoom level to display the entire
page. The document contains information about a fictitious Room Planner for designing
and decorating rooms.
2. Add a Semaphore cover page, and then fill in the placeholder fields with the following

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o Date: Today’s date
o Document title: Simple Room Design
o Document subtitle: Using the Room Planner
o Author name: Your name
3. Display the Info page of the Backstage view, expand the Properties list to show all
properties, and set the Company property to Graphic Design Institute.
4. Delete the Company Address placeholder (not only its content) from the cover page.
5. On the second page of the document, delete the “Simple Room Design” title.
6. Activate the header and footer area and configure the headers and footers to have
different odd and even pages. Because the current page follows the cover page, it is
page 1.
7. In the Odd Page Header area, add the Facet (Odd Page) header. In the Even Page Header
area on the next page, add the Facet (Even Page) header. Add the corresponding Facet
footers and associated document properties that you entered earlier. Then close the
header and footer area.
8. From the Building Blocks Organizer dialog box, insert a Semaphore Quote in the middle
of page 1 and position it against the right side of the column. Copy the last sentence of
the fourth paragraph of the document (Go with what you love…) and insert it in the
quote box, retaining the text formatting of the quote box.
9. On the last page of the document, insert a Facet Sidebar (Left) sidebar. Replace the
sidebar title placeholder with Ordering Information. At the beginning of the last
paragraph of the document, delete Note:. Then move the remainder of the paragraph to
the sidebar, retaining the text formatting of the sidebar.
10. Save the document as My-12-Practice.docx.

Module 13: Inserting and Managing References

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully insert and manage footnotes and

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On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Insert footnotes and endnotes
 Manage footnote locations
 Configure endnote formats
 Modify footnote numbering

Task 13: Inserting and Managing References

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 40: Inserting and managing footnotes and endnotes
 Lesson 41: Inserting citations and bibliographies
 Lesson 42: Inserting and managing captions
In this project, you will practice creating footnotes, endnotes, and citations.

The following practice file is required to complete this exercise:

 ITA-70158-13-Practice.docx
Follow these steps:
1. Open the ITA-70158-13-Practice document. The document contains an information
sheet about bamboo.
2. In the first paragraph below the heading “Moving to a New Home,” select the entire
sentence that begins Grass makes a good mulch, and cut the selection to the Microsoft
Office Clipboard.
3. In the second sentence of the paragraph, insert the cursor immediately after the word
mulch, and then insert an endnote.
4. Insert the cut text in the endnote area.
5. In the second paragraph below the heading “Staying Healthy,” select the text beginning
with the word examine through the period at the end of the paragraph. Cut the selected
text to the Clipboard, and then delete the preceding comma.
6. In the second paragraph below the heading “Moving to a New Home,” in the sentence
that begins To control spread, insert a second endnote immediately after the word

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7. Insert the cut content in the second endnote, and capitalize the letter e at the beginning
of the new endnote.
8. In the “Staying Healthy” section, delete the paragraph that begins with If you dig a
trench. In the “Mites” section, in the sentence that begins with Bamboo mites, delete
the text from the comma after mites through the next comma.
7. Without moving the cursor, insert a third endnote. In the endnote area, enter Do not
confuse bamboo mites with spider mites, which can severely damage plants.
8. Convert the three endnotes to footnotes, and then change the number format of the
footnotes to uppercase letters.
9. Create a bibliography of reference sources for a book by using Chicago style for
citations and bibliographies, and using the following information:
o Author: Nelson, Jeremy
o Title: Big Bad Bamboo
o Year: 2013
o Publisher: Litware, Inc.
10. Create another source that has multiple authors, using the following information:
o Authors: Miller, Lisa and Miller, Harry
o Title: Bamboo, Family Style
o Year: 2012
o Publisher: Lucerne Publishing
11. Insert citations for Big Bad Bamboo and Bamboo, Family Style directly after the
references in the last sentence of the first paragraph after the heading.
12. Save the completed document as My-13-Practice.docx.

Module 14: Customizing Program Functionality

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully customize the Quick Access Toolbar.
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:

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 Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

Task 14: Customizing Program Functionality

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 43: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
 Lesson 44: Customizing the ribbon
 Lesson 45: Automating tasks
In this project, you will practice customizing the Quick Access Toolbar and the ribbon. You will
also work with macros and assign a keyboard shortcut.
The following practice file is required to complete this exercise:
 ITA-70158-14-Practice.docx
Follow these steps:
9. Open a new, blank document.
10. Record a macro named FixSpacing, with the keyboard shortcut Alt+F+S, in the Normal
template. The macro must do the following:
o Replace two spaces with one space.
o Replace a space followed by a paragraph mark with only a paragraph mark.
o Replace a paragraph mark followed by a space with only a paragraph mark.
11. Create a tab named Macros that contains a group named Macros, and add the Macros
command to the group.
12. Add the Spelling & Grammar button and the Print Preview And Print button to the Quick
Access Toolbar.
13. Close the document.
14. Open the ITA-70158-14-Practice document. From the custom tab or by using the
keyboard shortcut, run the FixSpacing macro.
15. Use the button on the Quick Access Toolbar to check the document for spelling and
grammar errors. Fix the three errors identified in the document.
16. Save the document as My-14-Practice.docx.

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