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A Davidson
AJW Millar

"In its beginning the malady is easier epidemiology. The outcomes cited
to cure but difficult to detect, later it here are those documented by the
becomes easy to detect but difficult to Haematology/Oncology Unit at the
cure" Red Cross Children’s War Memorial
Machiavelli, 1469 Hospital.

Although cancer is relatively rare in The spectrum of cancer in children

childhood under 15 (110–130 per differs strikingly from that in adults.
million children per year in Europe and The common cancers of adult life (ie.
North America) it kills more children lung, breast, gastro-intestinal, skin) are
than any other disease and is second of epithelial origin and present with
only to accidents as the commonest manifestations that make them
cause of death between 4 and 15 candidates for screening. Tumours in
years of age. Overall about 1:600 children are usually deep seated and
children will develop a malignant often diagnosed at advanced stage with
disease before the age of 15 years. Its metastases. Screening is not effective
lethal nature, insidious onset, or practical. In general terms 70% are
emotional impact and the increasing curable with good response to surgery,
prospects of cure make it one of the radiotherapy and chemotherapy usually
most challenging aspects of paediatric in combination. A 5 year tumour free
practice. The steady improvement in period is usually indicative of cure.
the overall survival rate of children with Prognostic factors include age at
cancer has done much to dispel diagnosis, histological grade and stage
pessimism and has given rise to a new of disease.
era of cautious optimism. This has
been achieved through clinical trials Many paediatric tumours have their
evaluating the most effective peak incidence in children less than 5
combinations of multi-agent years of age.
chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
surgery. Leukaemia and brain tumours Early clinical awareness and diagnosis
are the most common malignancies. are critical and with the advances in
The solid tumours are comprised paediatric surgical techniques,
mainly of embryonal malignancies radiotherapy and effective
(e.g. nephroblastoma, neuroblastoma) chemotherapy, the prognosis of most
and sarcomas, rather than carcinoma. malignant tumours in children has
The cancers of children generally are improved considerably during the last
responsive to one or several of the few decades. Neuroblastoma remains
treatment interventions available regrettably a tumour with poor
today. prognosis (<30% overall survival).

Sidney Farber (1969) said that "every

MALIGNANT DISEASE IN THE solid, semi-solid-cystic mass in an
WESTERN CAPE infant or child should be regarded as a
Annual incidence of all malignant malignant tumour until its exact nature
tumours in the Western Cape is about is determined by histological
75/ 1 000 000 children <15 yrs of age. examination of the removed tumour."
This is partly under ascertainment This generalization is still used, for the
(other parts of the country report even words not only indicate the most
lower incidence rates) but may also reliable means of earlier recognition of
represent a real difference in

a malignant tumour, but also imply the · Transplant patients on

ideal management. immunosuppression have 100
times greater incidence in a
Aetiology lifetime

The aetiology of cancer is complex,

Prior malignant disease
usually multifactorial and at the
Survivors of childhood malignancy.
present time not fully understood.
The 20 years cumulative probability
Some children are at increased risk of
of developing a second malignancy
developing malignancy.
is 12%, peaking at 15-19 years after
initial diagnosis. There is therefore a
Genetic Predisposing factors
great need to continue follow-up on
· Hereditary cutaneous syndromes
all survivors of childhood cancer.
(albinism with squamous cell
· Hereditary neurocutaneous Pathogenesis
syndromes (neurofibromatosis:
rhabdomyosarcoma, The chief characteristic of a malignant
pheochromocytoma or medullary tumour is the ability of its cells to grow
thyroid cancer) and multiply at a rapid uncontrollable
· Chromosomal abnormalities rate. When the tumour reaches a cell
(Down Syndrome has 15 times size of 1x109 it becomes clinically
higher incidence of leukaemia) manifest. The clinical picture will
· Cancer Family pattern (SBLA depend on the anatomical localisation
syndrome: Sarcoma, breast, and size of the tumour, its secretory
brain, leukaemia, lung, adrenal function and complications. The
carcinoma aggregate in malignant cell therefore, after
autosomal dominant pattern) undergoing malignant transformation,
· Gastro-intestinal syndromes becomes a real life threatening entity.
(hereditary bowel disease: Sooner or later clumps of cells leave
polyposis coli and the parent organ and metastasise by
adenocarcinoma, Ulcerative direct spread or via blood vessels or
colitis and carcinoma) lymphatic channels to establish
· Hemi-hypertrophy and Beckwith- secondary deposits elsewhere. The
Weidemann syndrome (eg. time period between malignant
Wilms tumour, hepatic tumours transformation, clinical detection and
and adreno-cortex carcinoma). institution of therapy, is a critical factor
As many as 25% of children have affecting prognosis.
an associated neoplasm.
A virus that can cause cancer is called A complete personal and family history
an oncovirus. These include human and physical examination is mandatory
papillomavirus (cervical carcinoma), in every child suspected of having a
Epstein–Barr virus (B-cell lymphoma, malignant tumour.
Kaposi's sarcoma) herpes virus, Cancer in children presents in one of
hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses three ways:
(hepatocellular carcinoma), and
Human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (T-cell Constitutional symptoms
leukemias). Non-specific symptoms related to the
tumour. Malignant malaise is a
convenient general term for this ill-
Immunodeficiency syndromes defined but typical clinical picture so
· HIV (lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma) important in childhood malignancies.

Special attention should be paid to the first indication of an underlying

mother stating "my child is sick". malignant process, e.g. neuroblastoma
Para-neoplastic syndromes include metastases to the orbit with
pallor, pyrexia of unknown origin, ecchymosis, a pathological fracture,
weight loss, lassitude, lethargy, subcutaneous nodules, dyspnoea,
tiredness, irritability, loss of appetite, haemoptysis.
hypertension, diarrhoea, and aches
and pains in the limbs, which may be Warning signs
transient and recurrent.
· Pallor plus bleeding such as
Local findings purpura, unexplained bruises or
These are determined either by the persistent oozing from the nose or
anatomical presence and size of the mouth
tumour or by complications. These · Fever, apathy or weight loss that
include gastro-intestinal haemorrhage, is persistent or unexplained after
neurological signs, resulting from brain excluding TB or HIV infection
and spinal cord lesions, hematuria · Bone pain, often poorly localized
from a Wilms tumour or bladder that may wake the child at night. It
rhabdomyosarcoma, or endocrine may present as a limp in the older
symptoms resulting from hormone child or refusal to walk in a toddler
production by the tumour. Many solid · Persistent backache is sinister
tumours in children are situated in the and may denote a spinal tumour.
flank area on abdominal examination. Backache is always abnormal in
children and should be fully
The "dictum of sixes" emphasizing investigated
the relationship between age and · Localized lymphadenopathy that
pathology is of great practical is persistent and unexplained.
importance. It is taught that between 0 Discreet non tender nodes >2cm
and 6 months, a lumbar mass in a in diameter that do not respond in
child is usually benign and sited 2 weeks to antibiotic therapy and
anatomically in the retroperitoneal all supraclavicular nodes should
space, the organ involved is usually be biopsied
the kidney, the abnormality, a · Unexplained mass (abdomen,
congenital anomaly causing testis, head and neck, limbs) An
hydronephrosis or a related cystic form abdominal mass in children under
of renal dysplasia. Between the ages 6 is likely to be a malignancy
of 6 months and 6 years, malignant
· Unexplained neurological signs
abdominal tumours are more common,
like longstanding or early morning
and for this reason, any abdominal
headaches (>2 weeks) early
mass is assumed to be malignant until
morning vomiting, ataxia or cranial
it is proved otherwise in this age
nerve palsies
group. During the period 6 years and
· Eye signs: Leucocoria (white spot
older, a broader differential diagnosis
in the eye or white light reflex)
is considered including inflammatory,
recent onset squint or proptosis
benign and malignant conditions. A
and loss of vision
mass lesion therefore should alert one
to the possibility of malignancy, since
Investigations for malignant
there are only a few mass lesions,
which can be considered benign on a
basis of location or physical
Laboratory Assays
appearance alone.
Careful, thorough, appropriate
investigations may help to establish
diagnosis. Consider urinalysis, FBC,
The sudden and spontaneous
ESR, LFTs and tumour markers:
appearance of metastases may be the

Wilms tumour and Rhabdmyosarcoma and include a chest X-ray, HIV test, full
– LDH blood count with a differential count,
Neuroblastoma – LDH and Ferritin coagulation screen, ESR, urea,
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma – LDH and creatinine and electrolytes, LDH [a
uric acid non-specific marker of cell turnover
Germ Cell tumour – αFP and βHCG and lysis] and serum urate. For
Hepatoblastoma – αFP suspected germ cell tumours or
hepatoblastoma α-fetoprotein and/or
Radiography serum s-chorionic gonadotrophin
Chest x-ray and tomography, skeletal (sHCG) levels are helpful as tumour
survey, sonography, computed markers and are used in follow-up for
tomography, MRI and radioisotope the early detection of recurrence.
Appropriate biopsies are important for The ultimate aim is the restoration of
the diagnosis and staging of health, free of disease.
malignancies. This may include
FNAB, needle core (Tru-cut), open Management depends on a proven
wedge biopsy or partial or complete diagnosis of malignancy since no
resection of the tumour treatment should be given until the
risks can be justified. Optimal
Principles of Treatment treatment demands a multi-disciplinary
approach is necessary in a centre
Early diagnosis of all malignancies specialized and equipped to treat
improves childhood cancer.
outcome. In addition children have a
survival advantage if managed at a The obligation of the primary physician
paediatric cancer centre and should be is to maintain a high index of suspicion
referred to paediatric oncologists for concerning childhood malignancy, to
definitive care.Standardized treatment diagnose it early, to confirm the
protocols using multimodal therapeutic diagnosis and to participate as a
approach have led to dramatic member of a multidisciplinary team in
improvements in the outcome of the treatment of that patient.
childhood malignancies over the last
20 years. Better understandings of the
pathophysiological basis of tumours · Evaluate general clinical status of
and host immune responses, together the child. Will the child be able to
with advances in surgical, anaesthetic tolerate various procedures?
and intensive care have contributed to · A careful systematic assessment
this improvement. of the extent of the disease
· A plan of approach - time, site of
Prognostic factors include the age of biopsy or surgery
the patient, site and size of the tumour, · Confirmation of diagnosis:
extension to local tissues and lymph histology favourable / unfavourable
nodes, the presence of metastases and the stage of the disease
and the histological grading and · Treatment is instituted in the
genetics of the tumour. sequence and intensity determined
by the management team
All children with a suspected · Careful follow up
malignancy must be discussed
promptly with a paediatric oncologist. Treatment Modalities
Avoid unnecessary investigations that
may delay diagnosis and referral. A Surgery
few basic investigations are helpful

· Surgery can determine the Blood, platelets, nutritional, psychiatric

histology, extent of the disease
and resectability
· Biopsy and staging procedures. Potent treatment modalities are used
The biopsy material must be in the treatment of childhood cancer
representative of the area most resulting in a growing population of
involved with the disease patients who are apparently cured of
· Tumours can either be excised their disease. Detailed follow up
primarily or by delayed primary allows for the prevention and
excision after chemotherapy or treatment of complications and
radiotherapy. These modalities timeous identification and
often reduce tumour bulk and management of recurrence and
vascularity making surgery safer. second malignancies.
The histologic assessment of
tumours after chemotherapy may THE EFFECTS OF CANCER
indicate the degree of response to THERAPY
drugs used (e.g. Burritt lymphoma,
osteogenic sarcoma, rhabdo- Acute problems include
mysarcoma). · the tumour lysis syndrome with
· Second look surgery after rapid breakdown of tumour and
chemotherapy may be important to release of intracellular components
resect previous unresectable – hyperkalaemia, hyper-uricaemia,
tumours, to re-evaluate the extent hyperphosphataemia and
of residual disease and response hypocalcaemia
to treatment. · spinal cord compression
· Palliative treatment in children with · superior vena-cava syndrome
no reasonable chance of cure. · anaemia and haemorrhage
Surgical procedures may make the · neutropaenia with opportunistic
terminal stages of the illness more infections.
comfortable (e.g. gastrostomy,
colostomy, and tracheostomy). Long-term sequelae include the
· Surgery of metastatic disease - following
lung, bone, solid organs (biopsy or · Second Malignancy. These
excision). Resection of single children have a much higher
metastases may be curative incidence of developing a second
· Surgery of complications e.g. tumour.
bowel obstruction. · Skeletal: Osteopaenia and
· Long term venous access in the osteoporosis can occur and
form of ports and tunnelled lines osteogenic sarcoma can develop.
· Chest: Cardiac toxicity
Radiotherapy (adriamycin) and lung fibrosis (RT,
Irradiation is still often used in the bleomycin).
therapy of paediatric neoplasms. · GIT: The bowel may develop
However because of long-term effects radiation or chemotherapy induced
on bone and soft tissue growth its use enteritis and fibrosis.
is restricted. · Urinary tract: Renal toxicity,
progressive renal insufficiency,
cystitis and proctitis.
Chemotherapy · Endocrine: Stunted growth and
Most effective at the time of cell thyroid cancer are less frequently
division and when the tumour burden seen with modern treatment
is small modalities.
· Reproductive function: Infertility.
Supportive Therapy

Significant long-term psycho-social sweating or irritability. 25% have

abnormalities can occur hypertension at diagnosis. More
advanced tumours may present with
paraplegia due to compression of the
MALIGNANT TUMOURS OF cord, proptosis or CNS signs. The
CHILDHOOD majority of children have advanced or
disseminated disease at presentation.
Solid tumours Neuroblastomas secrete
Wilms Tumour (Nephroblastoma) catecholamines which are best
Neuroblastoma measured by spot urine HVAs. Needle
Rhabdomyosarcoma (Tru-cut) biopsy is preferred to fine
Teratomas needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)
Soft Tissue Sarcomas where neuroblastoma is suspected.
Testicular Tumours Investigations
These include AXR (calcification) US,
Other Tumours CT and or MRI to assess the mass
Brain Tumours and a metastatic workup including
Bone Tumours (Osteogenic Sarcoma, nuclear medicine bone isotope scans
Ewing’s Sarcoma looking for bone metastases and bone
Retinoblastoma marrow biopsy.

Haematological malignancies Neuroblastoma Staging

Leukaemia Stage I: Tumour confined to the
Lymphoma (Hodgkin, Non-Hodgkin organ or structure of
including Burkitt) origin
Stage II: Tumours extending in
continuity beyond the
COMMON SOLID TUMOURS IN organ or structure of
INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD origin but not crossing
the midline; regional
NEUROBLASTOMA lymph nodes on the
ipsilateral side may be
This is a common intra-abdominal involved
tumour of neural crest origin – usually Stage III Tumours
in the adrenal medulla or sympathetic extending in continuity
chain. Most children present before involved bilaterally
the age of two years Stage IV: Remote disease
involving skeleton,
Sites organs, soft tissue, or
It can occur anywhere along the distant lymph node
sympathetic nervous system from the groups
neck to the pelvis, and in the cerebral Stage IVS: Patients who
medulla. Histologically vary from a would otherwise be
primitive highly malignant Stage I or II, but who
neuroblastoma to a more benign have remote disease
ganglioneuroma. Maturation of the confined only to one or
tumour can occur either spontaneously more of the following
or after chemotherapy. sites: liver, skin, or
bone marrow (without
Diagnosis radiographic evidence
More than 50% present with an of bone metastases on
abdominal mass. Associated complete skeletal
symptoms include pain, fever, survey).
anaemia, weight loss, FTT, flushing,

Therapy To investigate the mass and the

Children with Stage I + II disease have extent, as well as rule out other
a ± 90% survival rate if the tumour is differential diagnoses, imaging may
removed completely. include ultrasound, abdominal and
Stage III has a 60% survival rate. chest X-ray, CT chest and MRI
They require chemotherapy, surgical abdomen. HVAs should be done if
excision of the primary and neuroblastoma is a consideration.
radiotherapy (RT) to areas of known FNAB is adequate for histology
residual tumour. Stage IV disease
carries an ominous prognosis with only Staging according to the US
15% surviving. Stage VI-S is unusual. Children’s Oncology Group
They often occur in children less than Stage I Tumour limited to the kidney
1 year of age, have a much better and completely resected.
prognosis than Stage IV and may even Stage II Tumour extends beyond
undergo spontaneous regression. kidney but is completely
Outcome Stage III Residual non hematogenous
Age >15months at diagnosis, tumour confined to the
advanced stage, extent, site of the abdomen, including tumour
tumour [adrenal primary] and the rupture (or biopsy) peritoneal
histological characteristics [anaplasia] implants and lymph node
including N Myc amplification and involvement.
ploidy [diploid vs hyperploidy DNA] are Stage IV Haematogenous metastases
all indicators of a poorer outcome (lung/liver)
Stage V Bilateral renal involvement
WILMS TUMOUR *It is important to differentiate between
(NEPHROBLASTOMA) favourable and unfavourable histology.

Nephroblastoma is the most common Therapy

renal tumour of childhood. The peak European oncologists treat all patients
incidence is around 3 years of age and with neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior
males and females are equally to surgery, whereas North American
affected. It is often associated with a teams prefer primary surgery where
number of congenital abnormalities this is feasible. This has been the
(hemihypertrophy, Beckwith source of much debate but the results
Wiedemann syndrome, aniridia, and are comparable (except in situations
the WAGR sequence) many of which where surgical expertise is limited and
are related to the WT1 and WT2 primary surgery results in excessive
genes. Wilms tumour is linked to a tumour rupture and spillage, increase
pre-malignant anomaly of renal tissue morbidity and compromises results).
in infants called nephrogenic rests or
nephroblastomatosis. Our institution performs resection
initially, and follows with
Diagnosis chemotherapy. In selected cases,
Usually presents with an abdominal irresectable tumours are first treated
mass, often found after minor with chemotherapy. Resection is then
abdominal trauma. Other features are carried out later after tumour
haematuria (20%), hypertension (25%) shrinkage. Chemotherapy is given to
and weight loss. Diagnosis is usually virtually all patients and radiotherapy
made with US or CT scanning. It is for residual tumour after surgical
important to assess the opposite resection or if there are unfavourable
kidney for function and bilateral histologic findings. RT is also given to
involvement (Stage V disease). pulmonary metastases.

Investigations Outcome

Stage I/II 95% 5 year survival the disease is initially unresectable,

Stage III 85% 5year survival chemotherapy and RT are given
Stage IV 55% 5 year survival followed by excision of the tumour bed
Unfavourable histology: 50% 5 year and resection of any residual disease.
Head and neck tumours can be
RHABDOMYOSARCOMA managed without surgical ablation.

Rhabdomyosarcoma constitutes about Teratoma

10 to 15% of childhood malignancy
and has a bimodal age distribution These may arise at any age and may
with 1 peak between 2 to 5 years and be benign or malignant. Common sites
the next between 15 and 19 years of include sacrococcygeus, ovary, testis
age. This is a highly malignant soft and retroperitoneum, but all other sites
tissue tumour and arises from primitive may be involved.
mesenchymal cells. Primary tumours
occur in the head and neck (35%), Sacrococcygeal teratomas present at
genitourinary system (26%) (prostate, birth as a mass in the pre-sacral area
bladder, and vagina), trunk and and are premalignant if not resected
extremities (19%) , biliary tract, and early. They vary in size. 75%occur in
retroperitoneal areas. Prognosis girls. They may have presacral
depends on site, histology and stage. extension or may present with an
Significant improvement in survival abdominal mass so imaging is
has been achieved using multimodal important to delineate the extent.
therapy which includes surgery, Serum alfa-feto protein is a good
radiotherapy and combination marker of the tumour in most cases.
chemotherapy. Treatment is complete excision along
with the coccyx.
There are no tumour markers and the
diagnosis is made on biopsy of the
tumour mass. Embryonal HEPATOBLASTOMA
Rhabdomyosarcoma has a good
prognosis and alveolar a poor This represents 2/3 hepatic
prognosis. Two further sub-types are malignancies in childhood with
seen namely undifferentiated and 60%occuring under the age of 2. Risk
pleomorphic factors include Beckwith Wiedemann
and hemi hypertrophy and the FAP
Staging using surgical groups gene. Chemotherapy is used to reduce
Stage I: Localized disease completely the size of the tumour prior tosurgical
resected no lymph node involvement. excision which is required to cure the
Stage II: Localized or regional disease child. If all sectors of the liver are
with total gross resection involved and the tumour is
Stage III: Incomplete resection or chemosensitive transplantation is
biopsy, with residual unresected indicated.
Group IV: Distant metastatic disease BRAIN TUMOURS
present at diagnosis
There are four common tumours
Treatment Medulloblastoma
Surgical excision as for other soft Cerebellar astrocytoma
tissue malignancies followed by Brainstem glioma
chemotherapy. If microscopic residual Ependymoma.
disease remains or if lymph nodes are Unlike in adults 60% are found below
involved, local irradiation is added. If the tentorium cerebri.

Clinical presentation 25% are considered to have

They usually present in one of two leukaemia.
ways: [1] raised intracranial pressure
with headaches, vomiting, seizures With the advent of chemotherapy
and papilloedema and [2] localising survival rates for NHL in the US rose
signs with ataxia, inco-ordination of from about 30% in the 1960s to over
limb movements and 6th cranial nerve 80% in the new millennium, and
palsy. Symptoms are often present for survival rates over 90% have been
6 months before the diagnosis is achieved for HL. Despite the fact that
established. lymphoma is no longer a surgical
disease, there is a need for primary
LYMPHADENOPATHY surgery in some cases (e.g. Burkitt
lymphoma presenting with
Enlarged lymph glands are commonly intussusception) and paediatric
found in children. In most instances surgeons play a vital role in biopsying
they represent transient responses to abdominal disease in children where
benign, local or generalized infections. the bone marrow is uninvolved.
Lymph glands are abnormal if they
· In neonates
· Supraclavicular or mediastinal in Solid masses are not uncommon in
position. the neonatal period. Most are benign
· Firm and non-tender. but malignant neonatal tumours still
· Matted together comprise 2% of childhood
· Fixed to skin and underlying tissue malignancies.
· Enlarging Pathology:
· More than 2.5 cm in diameter · Teratomas and mixed
· Not responding to antibiotics Germ cell tumours
Excisional biopsy should be done as >80%.
soon as possible if there is uncertainty · Soft tissue sarcomas
about a gland due to its size, Fibrosarcoma
localization or character. Burkitt Rhabdosarcoma
lymphoma has a doubling time of 24 · Neuroblastoma
hours, so any rapidly expanding mass, · Renal tumours
needs urgen biopsy. · Hepatoblastoma

LYMPHOMA Surgery is the mainstay of treatment.

Radiation therapy is avoided if
Lymphoma accounts for 10% of possible (bone growth,
childhood cancer. carcinogenesis). Chemotherapy may
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (which be indicated but doses are usually
include Burkitt lymphoma, reduced to avoid severe toxic side
Lymphoblastic lymphoma and effects.
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma)
typically occur between 5 and 15 years
and childhood Hodgkin lymphoma
peaks in late childhood and early
This work is licensed under a Creative
adolescence. Lymphomas may
Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
present with localised disease or License.
dissemination to the bone marrow and
the central nervous system (CNS).
Those with a bone marrow blast count
< 25% are referred to as stage IV
lymphomas; those with a blast count >

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