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Admission Essay


Institutional Affiliation

Course Details

Gloria Steinem once said, "It is more rewarding to watch money change the world

than to watch it accumulate." Through these words, I was motivated and pushed to fight

hunger and put a smile on the faces of the people of Alameda County through the canned

food drive organized during my school junior year. Though I never had got the chance to

meet these people in person, I felt the need and the unending desire to help those in need.

Therefore, when an opportunity presented itself, I did not hesitate but was up to take the

challenge. Accordingly, through our school counsellor, I made a personal commitment

towards supporting the hungry through the canned food drive as part of my leadership

challenge. Moreover, I was so passionate about this challenge such that I wanted to be the

best and to collect as many containers of canned foods as I could. However, my desire was

not to be recognized nor to be given credit for it but to satisfy my desires and my zeal to put a

smile on the faces of the needy.

Although I had never experienced hunger on a personal level, the imagination of what

the people of Alameda County felt pushed my desire to give a helping hand. Also, I

considered fighting hunger as a noble thing and decided to take it with the nobility it

deserved. For this reason, with the hungry people at heart, I focused on raising the school

canned food collection bar by collecting 40% of what was donated the previous year (2013)

alone. This meant that I would collect 1,296 lbs of canned food. I looked a little over

ambitious, but my determination and charisma would see me achieve this target.

Nevertheless, this target would sharpen my persistence, self-drive, listening and promotion


Patience, determination, discipline, and persistence yielded fruits and by the end of

the period I raised 1,259 lbs of canned food toward which was 97% of my goal. I did not

achieve this alone, but I achieved this through family members, friends, parents, colleagues,

neighbours and other well-wishers. These are the people that headed to my call for help and

helped achieve my goals. I am proud of this achievement as it revealed my ability to ask

"high" as well as my persistence. This experience also revealed the caring, determination, and

empathy side of me. This was also coupled with my desires to achieve and meet the targets

that I have set. Through this exercise, I learned that courage, persistence and generosity are

key to achieving anything we want in life.

I would take the opportunity to study at Cornell University as another chance to do

well and make a positive best impact on the local community. Opportunities to meet the

needs of people I do not always know excite me. Therefore, I would organize events such as

a fundraising event towards supporting the food bank in Ithaca community. I believe that

through the experiences in my previous project, I will be able to achieve more goals in the

coming community-based projects at Cornell University. Not only will I bring experience but

also the desire and motivation coupled with the utmost integrity to achieve all the goals and

objectives of every project I work on. I believe that a chance to study at this university is an

opportunity for me to meet new challenges and experiences.

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