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The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades Summary

The Abode of Islam

Islam was conceived in war and its development was based on the same. From the season

of Mohammed, the method for Muslim development was dependably the sword. Muslim thought

isolates the world into two circles, the Abode of Islam and the Abode of War. Christianity and as

far as that is concerned some other non-Muslim religion has no house. Christians and Jews can

be endured inside of a Muslim state under Muslim principle. Nevertheless, in conventional

Islam, Christian and Jewish states must be demolished and their lands conquered (Cobb 9-11).

The Frightened Sea

The story tells of a ruler Ibn Al-Thumna, one of the Muslim commanders. He loved to

drink but was very influential. He was permitted to marry the sister to one of his rivals Ibn Al-

Hawwas, the ruler of the central cities of Castrogiovanni. One day, as Al-Thumna was drinking,

he abused his wife, but his wife abused him back on the same magnitude. He punished her

according to the customs and believed that he left her to die though her son saved her. Moreover,

she returned to her brother who prevented her from returning to her husband. Al-Thumna went to

war with his wife's brother and later hired mercenaries known as the "Franks" to assist in the war

(Cobb 36-38).

Prey for the Sword 

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During the time of the first Frankish conquests, Syria had already been invaded. Atiyya’s

cry for help changed Syria and Palestine to a new military and political forces. Mahmud, his

hated nephew, also ruled. As a result of the Saljuqs threat, Mahmud was sensible to switch sides

as the Sulta assembled his troops to head north to manzikert (Cobb 78-81).

Against the enemies of god

This chapter speaks about the enemies of God. Cobb argues that non-believers, and liars

who are also known as the enemies of truth are the enemies of God. The enemies of God are

those who disobey the scales of justice that God set in Quran. They will rot in hell since they

think they are kinder and wiser than God by influence of Ego. Examples of Enemies of God

stated are the hypocrites, and idol worshippers who are branded as the worst enemies (Cobb

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Works Cited

Cobb, Paul M. The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades. Oxford University

Press, 2014.

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