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4-1CYP AID: 203098 | 25/09/2019

A landscape is an area of land which describes how they are integrate with man-made
features. It consists of mountains, lakes, ponds, rivers, snow caps and also includes
natural vegetation.
An ecosystem is an organization of biotic and abiotic components where the two interact
with each other and maintains energy balance. Here the abiotic forms includes, Air, water
and wind while the biotic forms includes all the living organisms. It is composed of
organisms interacting with communities of plants, animals, microbes etc. the importance
of ecosystem lies in both cycling of nutrients and flow of energy in various trophic levels.
Preservation is a term which is used commonly to save and protect certain things from
harmful elements. Preservation is of many types but here we consider only Landscape
preservation and ecosystem preservation which are explained below.

Land scape preservation is the process of protecting ecological functionality and

enhancing human well-being across deforested or degraded forest landscapes. It involves
entire watersheds or even countries in which many land uses interact planned process that
aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being.
Ecosystem preservation is the process that aims to conserve major ecological services and
restore natural resources while meeting the socioeconomic, and cultural needs of current
and future generation by protecting biotic and abiotic components which plays a major
key role in overall functioning of the entire ecosystem.
Protection of abiotic components includes, regulation of air pollution levels in the urban
and semi urban areas, regulation of pollution levels in water bodies of lakes, ponds and
Protection of biotic components includes protection of species which are responsible for
pollination of plants without which the seed dispersal cannot be taken place as a result
there would be decline in growth of natural vegetation which ultimately gives rise to the
decline in oxygen levels in the atmosphere.

Landscape preservation is more valuable and effective when compared to ecosystem

preservation because it is more effective in case of saving of life from disaster and natural
calamities. Landscape is a great disaster in which most of People immediately die in it if
we prevent the landscape. It will be more effective than ecosystem preservation because
ecosystem preservation take many years to become successful as it involves many biotic
and abiotic chain of components which are linked in the form of web. So effect of
ecosystem preservation can take up to centuries due to this landscape perseveration is
more effective to save life than ecosystem preservation.

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