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Gutter Mummies

A character option for World of Darkness games by 

Sebastian Lindeberg. This book requires use of the 
Vampire the Masquerade core rulebook. 
There is no happiness for the soul in the external worlds since 
these are perishable, true happiness lies in that which is 
eternal, within us. 
-Egyptian book of the dead 
World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: 
The Dark Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The 
Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion, Changeling: The 
Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, 
Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles 
of Darkness, White Wolf, and their respective logos, icons 
and symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of 
White Wolf Entertainment. 
This work contains material that is copyright of White Wolf 
Entertainment. Such material is used with permission under 
the Community Content Agreement for Storytellers Vault.   
©2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, 
SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden. 

This book describes a lesser version of the Mummies 
described in all three editions of the World of Darkness 
Mummy books. This version is meant to be played in a 
chronicle focusing on Gutter Mummies or in a crossover 
game with other supernaturals. It is quite different from 
previous versions of the World Of Darkness mummy. This 
book requires the use of the Vampire the Masquerade Core 
rulebook. If not noted in this book the rules are the same as 
in the Vampire the Masquerade core rulebook. 

In 1832 the british occultist David Howard thought he had 
discovered a way to achieve immortality by using the 
ancient magic of Egypt. He called his method The ritual of 
blessed death. What he had actually done was piece together 
different accounts and corrupted memories of the ancient 
spell of life that created the first true Mummies. A friend of 
Davids who was dying from cancer was the first person 
undergoing the ritual of blessed death and thus became the 
first Blessed. 

The cult around David and the first Blessed were destroyed 
by agents of the true mummies. But much lore was stolen or 
spread by other occultists. Some of it became scattered to 
the winds. Now and again the ritual of blessed death ends 
up in the hands of somebody desperate enough to use it. 
The Blessed are often called Gutter Mummies by their true 
mummy brethren, a name that has stuck and is used by 
many occultists. It is more often than not unwise to use that 
term when one is present. 

Creating one of the blessed 

The ritual of blessed death takes 8 hours to perform and 
requires at least three people. The person being transformed 
is given a mixture of drugs, poisons and herbs that paralyses 
but does not kill them. They are then ritually 
disemboweled, embalmed and mummified by at least two 
people while one person chants a mantra. The mantra keeps 
the person being transformed conscious through the entire 
process and beyond death. She feels everything, even after 
her body is dead and her brain removed. After the rite is 
complete the body is wrapped in blessed bandages and 
buried in some way. If the ritual worked the Blessed rises 
with 10 Sekhem at the next sunrise following a full moon. 
Performing the rite requires that all participants achieve 5 

successes on an Occult + Intelligence roll. Even if this is 
successful many Blessed goes irrevocably insane from 
undergoing the ritual. They are often destroyed or exists 
only as nameless horrors. 

Gutter mummies 
The Blessed is, most of the time, a mummified corpse. As a 
corpse the mummy is immune to environmental damage 
and decay but is otherwise a normal corpse. If the corpse is 
destroyed when in this state the mummy is permanently 
destroyed. The only thing the Blessed can do in this state is 
spend one point of Sekhem in order to come to life 
Is the mystical life force that brings the Blessed to life and 
fuels their mystical powers. Each Blessed can hold 10 points 
of Sekhem at a time. 
Sekhem can be regained in three ways: 
-If a cultist ritually causes herself one point of aggravated 
damage or sacrifices another human being to the Blessed she 
can give the Blessed one command. If the Blessed agrees to 
follow or carry out the command she gains 10 Sekhem. But 
if she breaks or fails to carry out the command she 
immediately loses all Sekhem. 

-If a cultist meditates or pray to the Blessed she regains one 
Sekhem. The Blessed can only regain one Sekhem this way 
per day. 
-One Sekhem can be regained by eating the heart of an evil 
-If the Blessed have no cultists left and she is not active she 
can not regain Sekhem. In this case any person in desperate 
need near the Blesseds resting place can find the Blesseds 
name drifting into their mind. If this happens the Blessed 
can accept the desperation as a command. If the Blessed 
saves the person in need she just gained a new cultist and 10 
One point of Sekhem is lost every time the Moon rises and 
the Blessed is active. 
When all Sekhem is lost the Blessed collapses, a simple 
mummified corpse once again. 
Inherent powers of the Blessed 
The cursed state of the Blessed does come with a number of 

The Blessed can spend one point of Sekhem in order to 
appear as a normal human instead of as a mummified 
corpse. This effect lasts until the Blessed is hurt or the next 
The Blessed are immune to supernatural mental/mind 
control with the exception of powers that have to do with 
emotions. The Blessed are as vulnerable to fear, lust and rage 
as any human. 
Blessed only suffers bashing damage, no matter the source 
of the supernatural damage. They can only suffer lethal or 
aggravated damage by suffering enough bashing damage. 
By spending one point of Sekhem the blessed can heal 1 
point of aggravated damage, 2 points of lethal damage or 3 
points of bashing damage. The Blessed can spend as many 
Sekhem to heal at once as she likes. If reduced to no 
remaining health levels the Blessed can chose to spend 
Sekhem to immediately heal the damage. 
The Blessed knows when anyone in their cult is in danger. 
They also always know where every member of their cult is 
at all times if they concentrate on knowing it. 

Character creation 
In order to create a Blessed character you follow the 
following process: 
Step one: Character concept 
Chose concept, Nature and Demeanor as described in the 
Vampire the Masquerade Core Book. 
Step two: Select Attributes 
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental 
(9/7/5). Your character automatically has one dot in each 
Rate Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina. 
Rate Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance. 
Rate Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits. 
Step three: Select Abilities 
Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges 
(17/13/9). Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges. 
Step four: Select powers 
Chose two starting Curses (Gutter Mummy powers are 
called Curses). Read the section on inherent powers of the 

Step five: Build your cult 
You have 5 points to spend on building your cult. These 
points can be distributed along the categories of Numbers, 
Devotion and Skill. 
Step six: Finishing touches 
Your Willpower starts at 7. You can hold up to 10 points of 
Sekhem at a time and start the game with 10 Sekhem. 

A cultist is someone who knows the Mummies true name, 
the name they were called when they were a living human. It 
can be given to them by the mummy or someone else. The 
Cultist can interacts with the Blessed in ways nobody 
outside of the cult can and they often have complicated 
relationships to their Blessed. A mummy wants things from 
her cult and a cult wants things from their mummy. 
A cult mechanically has 3 stats: 
How many people are in the cult? 
• The Cult consists of two or three people. 

•• The Cult is at least 10 people. 
••• The Cult is 40 or 50 people. 
•••• The Cult have at least 100 members and is divided into 
chapters or cells. 
••••• The cult is a small religion with hundreds of members. 
Entire towns and villages are cultists. 
How dedicated are the cult to the Blessed. 
• The Cult doubt the existence of the Blessed or they view 
being a cultist as a business transaction. 
•• The Cult see worship of the Blessed as sinful or they just 
see the Blessed as a powerful force they might need. 
••• The Cultists respect the Blessed more than other social 
or religious institutions. 
•••• The cult worships the Blessed. 
••••• Every member of the cult is ready to die or kill for the 
How skilled, influential or powerful is the cult? 
• Members of the cult are poor, unskilled and/or outsiders.  
•• The cult consists of everyday people. 

••• The cult have members who are important in some 
circles, contexts and communities. 
•••• The cult is wealthy, influential and have formal training 
in their chosen fields or professions. 
••••• Members of the cult is extremely influential, rich, very 
skilled, know sorcery or are other supernatural beings. 

Sharing a cult 
Several of the Blessed can share a cult (but one of the Blessed 
can never be in a cult dedicated to someone else or 
themselves). If they do this they don’t pool their dots in 
Cult. Instead each Blesseds Cult rating represents one 
branch of a larger cult. 

To use a Curse the Blessed spends one point of Sekhem. 
This takes one action if a Curse is used during combat. 
Buying a new Curse costs 10 XP. 
Shadowwalker: T ​ he Blessed disappears from view 
completely and will not be noticed by anyone unless he does 
something to call attention to himself such as attacking 

someone. The Blessed can not be seen, heard or otherwise 
noticed on cameras or the like when using this power. 
Cataclysm​: The Blessed rolls Charisma + Occult and 
throws the natural world around her into turmoil. If she 
success on the roll she causes a natural disaster to strike an 
area of one mile per success around her. The disaster is 
something that plausibly could affect the area where the 
Blessed is using the Curse. The Blessed does not choose 
what type of disaster but it could be a forest fire, 
earthquake, a swarm of insects or something else. The 
disaster will not harm the Blessed themselves. 
Beacon​: The Blessed names the full name of a person and 
knows exactly where they are for the rest of the creatures 
Medium​: The Mummy can interact with, see and speak to 
ghosts until the next moonrise. 
Unyielding strength:​Hideous strength fills the Blesseds 
corpse body. For the rest of the scene she gains five 
automatic successes on all strength based rolls. 
Mirror walk​: The Blessed can turn a mirror into a portal 
into or out of the umbra or the shadowlands. The portal 

lasts until the Blessed who opened it chooses to close it or 
loses all Sekhem. 
Swarm​: The Blessed summons a swarm of flesh eating 
insects. The swarm causes 2 lethal damage to everyone the 
Blessed wishes to harm in the scene. 
Killing touch:​The Blesseds dead flesh causes terrible 
damage to anyone who is touched by her. Her hands turn 
into +1 aggravated damage weapons. 
Reform matter​: The Mummy can reform any dead object 
she touches. It only works on one object not a collection of 
objects. The Blessed can turn an iron gate into a metal cube 
but can not reform the house the gate is in. 
Terror​: All mortals who can see the Mummy and has less 
than 9 willpower flee. Mortals with 9 or 10 willpower and 
supernaturals will act with -2 dice to all actions in the scene. 
Honors shield​: No ranged attack or explosive weapon can 
harm the Blessed. Grenades turn out to be duds and bullets 
turn in mid-air to avoid hitting the Blessed. Only melee and 
brawl attacks can hit or harm the Mummy. 

Terrible maw: T ​ he mummy's dead jaws unhinge like a 
snakes to reveal terrible fangs. The Mummy's roar can 
shatter glass and it’s bite causes aggravated damage +3. 
Healing miasma:​The Blessed breaths into the mouth of a 
mortal who is wounded or dead within the last couple of 
hours. The dead returns to life with one healthbox restored 
and the wounded heals 1 aggravated, 3 lethal or 5 bashing 
Steal the memory​: The Blessed looks into the eyes of a 
person and learns all knowledge that the victim knows. 
Mistform​: The Blessed turns into a cloud of mist. In this 
form she cannot do anything except move around but can 
only be hurt by fire. 

The Blessed can not have children because they are corpses 
that sometimes walk around (even more so than Vampires). 
The Blessed do not have any blood and they can not be 
affected by vampiric vitae. 

The Blessed are not tainted by the Wyrm. They are very 
much Weaver creatures. 
Sekhem is the same thing as Faith in Demon the Fallen. 
The Blessed are affected by True Faith in the same way as a 
Vampire would be. 
For true magick to directly have an effect on one of the 
Blessed the Entropy sphere also needs to be used. 
The Blessed can nor become Wraiths after death. 
The Blessed does not cause Banality as long as they have 

What is this character type about? 

Gutter Mummies are about community. They are powerful 
individuals but only with support from the people around 
them. The only sustainable way of having Sekhem enough 
to stay active and doing what you want is helping the people 
around you. Trust and solidarity is literally magic power 
when you are one of the Blessed. But at the same time you 
need to keep those relationships healthy. It is just as easy for 

a Gutter Mummy to be used an assassins by the ruthless as it 
is to be a protector of those who need you. 


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