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Designed & Written by: Brian “Necroblivion” Berg, PJ Harn

Additional Content by: Bernie McCormick, David A. Hill, Richard “AWizardInDallas” Hunt

Editing: Skip “Sir Xaris” Twitchell

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Artwork: Jakub Bońdos, Christopher Stoll

Internal Layout: Jamie Wallis

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ing broken. We’ve reinvented the common
fey races countless times. This will not be a
sourcebook of that type.
by Brian Berg This book delves into “The Dreaming,” a
Long have we mortals been entranced magical, mystical otherworldly place that
by those wicked and capricious creatures the fey dwell. They draw their power from
known as the fey. Their tales have been this place and it permeates their very being.
with humanity for ages, having been at- It is the fey. The elder fey lived in this qua-
tributed to dead spirits such as the banshee, si-dreamworld and eventually found their
elemental creatures like the sylph, and even way to the material plane.
fallen angels or demons. Even in the origi- It is even believed that the elves are origi-
nal Peter Pan story, the first baby’s laugh- nally born of this realm, and hold its secrets.
ter broke into pieces and went scampering Their reverie could possibly be a remnant
about, becoming the fey. link to their former days within, an access
On a more anthropological note, it is point to their world of dreams given life
thought that their origin possibly stems which they left behind.
from the tales of a Mesolithic race of di- We wanted uniquely fey yet original rac-
minutive peoples from the Isle of Orkney. es. At one point one of our fans said that
These folk lived in well-hidden stone and the book idea was neat, but will it be TPK
earth mounds, and seemed to vanish when brand? The answer is a resounding yes.
invaders approached. Being a stone age We have our own viewpoint on the origins
culture, their fear of iron was quite war- of the fey, and as such our new races draw
ranted. I find it absolutely fascinating to their existence from The Dreaming.
see where the mythology stems from, and
to see the seeds of truth sprout forth. The Briarborn are a new race born of na-
ture’s response to harm and injury. They
Regardless, fey are thought to be older than grow quickly and are a measured response
humanity, and a magical people. Their to the likes of Orcs and Men who seek to
misunderstood legends live on and contin- harm the world. I’d always wanted to see
ue to inspire us in books and movies today. a plant-like race that was well done and vi-
Movies such as Guillermo Del Toro’s excel- able for players that actually had a reason
lent Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy II are rich for existing.
in fey lore and you can almost drink in the
visuals. The Crimbil stem from actual folklore. They
are a race of snatchers and thieves in the
Being so inspired, I set out to create a book employ of the fey, who leave changelings
on new fey races. The problem with such behind after kidnapping children. While
a popular topic is that it has been done to previously only mentioned as a monster in
death—quite literally. In every game and some games, we bring them to life as the
edition, new authors have put their take on tortured servants that they are.
the existing fey, with little new ground be-

Our next race is truly unique. The Glim-
merkin are a race of beings that used el-
dritch magic to enter a torporous chrysalis-
like state while their minds wandered The
By Brian Berg
Dreaming for generations. Once returned,
their bodies were changed through such ex- Tellurion wryly mused at the warm caress
posure, becoming alien and fey-like. of the golden sun upon his opalescent skin.
His golden hair flowed gently in the mid-
Often mentioned in folklore, True Change-
summer’s breeze. His elven ears picked out
lings are our take on the fabled fey
the myriad sounds of life from the nearby
shapechanger. We did not envision them as
forest creatures. Rising from a kneeling
the children of hags, nor half-dopplegang-
position while wiping loose earth from his
ers. No, these are mercurial spirits native
robes, Treesinger Tellurian reflected upon
to the dreaming, who come to the mortal
how much he truly loved visiting this serene
world to experience its pleasures. The fey
have lured many into servitude and they
take the forms of those whisked away to He trod slowly along the dirt path, his hands
the fey realms, keeping the mundane races gently brushing the mossy trees. He had
in the dark of any fey treachery until their tread this same path for hours today and
strange natures finally give them away. countless days before. He heard the heart-
beats of the birds in the trees, the breathing
Lastly, the Sylfaen are a new breed of war-
of the insects, and the sounds of fish swim-
riors and protectors for the fey. They have
ming in the stream. He walked softly so as
served in the shadows for ages, with few
not to disturb the forest with the echoes of
races even knowing of their existence.
his own footfalls.
Tread carefully in the wilds, and show
some respect lest these silent stalkers be It was here he came for peace. The one
given cause to hunt you. place he was able to be alone and unde-
terred by the rigors and stresses of day-to-
Which brings us back full circle to The
day life. A multi-hued butterfly floated by
Dreaming. The races within are our ode to
as he breathed in the sounds and smells of
fey lore. These entirely new or reimagined
this place. Nearly unnoticed, an unfamiliar
races are the constructs of our imagination
shadow snaked across his path. He was no
-- truly Dwellers in Dream.
longer alone.
If this book leaves you hungering for more
“Greetings stranger!” a mocking voice called
on our take of The Dreaming, expect to see
out. Tellurion turned towards the sound and
more in a future sourcebook…
hid his surprise. Before him stood a creature
-Brian that was neither mortal nor natural. It had
the shape of an elf, but its flesh was made of
dark wood and blackened foliage. Thorns
covered its body and it strode forward grin-
ning wickedly.

“I had believed I was alone here,” Tellurion it is yours alone. We were once brothers,
muttered. His eyes tightened and clearly your kin and mine. Do you know this?
conveyed his displeasure. How had this
“Now the elves live in their marbled cities.
being snuck up on him—here of all places?
Some of which do not even live within the
This being was no mortal either, no man confines of nature. We birthed you Tellu-
nor dwarf that he would hear coming. rion. You are one of us, yet you recoil at
No, this was one of the elder races. This my presence. Do you think yourself that
was one of the Banaan-sidhe, an elder spir- much better than I?”
it some would call fey, though even that
“You are a creature of pure evil,” Tellurion
was too kind a term. This creature oozed
stammered. “I am nothing like you. There
malignance like a fungal bloom.
is simply no comparison.”
“Why do you sneak up on me foul crea-
“Untrue, fair elf,” the banaan-sidhe replied.
ture?” Tellurion snapped. He moved his
“I am nature. I am the wolf that eats the
hand slightly towards where his sword
rabbit. I am the frost that ruins harvests. I
should be. It was not there. He cursed
am the plague that thins the herds. I am
under his breath for leaving it behind. It
the grimstalker.
had never been necessary before, this was
his private sanctum—or so he believed. “We are one, you and I. But, perhaps dif-
ferent sides of the same coin. You can
“Easy now Tellurion, are you looking for
nurture the world all you want, but over-
this?” the banaan asked with a mercurial
population of the species will kill just the
smile. He produced the elf’s blade from his
same as a blade, and that blood is on your
back and shoved the shadowy blade into a
patch of soft wet earth. The mushrooms
growing there suddenly grew animate, “Myself on the other hand, I simply thin
seeming to struggle in pain and writhe in the herd. I keep the strong alive and sur-
failed attempts to escape their rooted con- viving and growing. You could almost
straints. say… nurturing,” the dark fey explained
with a grim smile.
They soon ceased struggling and black
veins appeared in their caps. Then they “You and I have nothing in common, and
began to wither and die. The banaan-sid- unless you intend to do me harm, I am
he looked down and laughed. The mush- leaving.” Tellurion turned away from the
rooms now appeared to be capped with creature’s gaze and began walking toward
skulls and an acrid smoke slowly made its the sunset. He abruptly stopped.
way from them. The banaan-sidhe lingered
awkwardly in his gaze. Without warning the banaan-sidhe crept
out from behind a shadowed tree ahead.
“Relax elf. Had I wanted you dead, I would His red eyes glowed from within the tree’s
have killed you years ago. This is indeed silhouette. “There is no escape high one,
your land too, but you foolishly think that and there is only one way out of here. You

and I both know that. Does the truth pain early morning air. The horses were dead;
you so much that you must flee from it? there would be no easy escape.
Does it sting as much as the curse of cold
Tellurion gathered his wits and summoned
iron upon my own flesh?”
his blade to his side. It answered his beck-
Tellurion glanced back at his sword, but it oning call with familiar ease, suddenly feel-
was gone, never having been more than ing like a lost sibling clutched in embrace.
shadow glamour. He clenched his fist with He lit the campsite with but a murmured
frustration. What purpose did this being word, light showering forth and illuminat-
have in tormenting him so? Without warn- ing the orcs creeping in from all sides.
ing he suddenly felt a pain, though seem-
He heard his companions firing arrows
ingly from another world.
and crossbow bolts and the wet sickening
sounds of bodies falling. He lined his blade
with crackling electricity as the orcs poured
Tellurion felt the sting of a blow across his
in. He would cut them down with prac-
face. His body shook uncontrollably and
ticed ease. They would bother these lands
angered voices roared through his head.
no more and he would be stronger for it.
He heard a dwarf’s voice, yet all the while
saw the laughing grimstalker, its visage fad-
The banaan-sidhe stirred restlessly in his
“Wake up you miserable beardless son of a sleeping hole. His nest of rotten wood and
motherless troglodyte!” screamed a famil- vegetation in the hollow of the dead tree
iar dwarf’s voice. We are surrounded by was surprisingly uncomfortable to him this
orcs! Get your arse up!” evening. His dreams tonight were fretful,
being filled with elves and orcs.
Fear and indecision clouded his brain. He
could still see the dark fey’s visage burned Reality was such a bore.
into his mind’s eye. His reverie was par-
ticularly unnerving today. Never had he
been so shaken while in his contempla-
tive dream-state.

Was it possible that other beings shared his

same dreams there? Where is there? All
these questions came fumbling through
his head. Everything he had been taught
about the reverie seemed to be wrong. Or
was it? How could this be? He stared with
glassy eyes as the orcs ran screaming into
his encampment, swords aloft and drip-
ping with fresh blood that steamed in the

born of the essence of nature, a distillation
of that untouched terrain. While rare, they
are not uncommon in lands unspoiled by
other races.

As a race, they are born of a collective in-

telligence, working in tandem with their
brethren despite any distance. It is said
that they also speak freely with nature’s
creatures, and seek to right the wrongs of
those that would bring harm to the world.

The Briarborn are nature’s protectors, be-

ing born of the world’s need for defense.
When nature’s enemies ravage her gifts,
the Briarborn blossom and grow to protect

A Briarborn is a humanoid creature, stand-
ing nearly as tall as a man, seemingly made
of bark, vines and foliage. They are of a
kind demeanor, with the facial appearance
of a faint and almost fey-like deer.
True ‘tis, I saw it wit’ mine own eyes! This
huge an’ beautiful an’ sweet smellin’ flower They vary greatly in appearance, as wild as
blossomed in front of me, and out stepped nature itself. They range the colors of all
a wondrous woman, made of plant fibers plant life, tending towards shades of green
and such. Even born just now as she was, and brown. Their hair grows leaves and
she smiled knowingly at me, wrappin’ a branches. The older they are, the more
large leaf around herself and runnin’ off. I growths they have, sometimes becoming
ain’t ne’er seen such a thing in all my life!” long twisted vines that hang to their waist
or longer.
-Korgan Timbersplitter,
Their flesh is odd and disconcerting, being
human Woodsman rough and prickly, a number of their kind
having bark or even spiny briars that pro-
INTRODUCTION trude from within.
The Briarborn are a race of plantlike hu- Their eyes are said to vary, being virgin
manoids that grow from the earth in se- wood green, morning sun gold, rich brown
cluded, untouched virgin lands. They are earth, or deep sky blue.

Random Starting Ages Should a Dreaming Tree ever be killed, all
Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained of the Briarborn connected to the knot are
1 year +1d4 years +1d6 years +2d6 years stricken with a profound sadness. They
Random Height and Weight disband the knot, allowing the site to re-
Gender Base Ht. Ht. Mod. Base Wt. Wt. Mod.
turn to its natural state. They will seek out
Male 5’4” +2d8” 110 lbs. +2d8 x 5 lbs.
other knots and feel lost until they find
Female 5’4” +2d6” 90 lbs. +2d6 x 5 lbs. another community. Many lost Briarborn
become adventurers.
SOCIETY Fallen Briarborn are allowed to lie where
When a Briarborn is first flowered, they they fall, quickly composting into nurtur-
sprout from the ground, growing in an un- ing mulch. Other races find this practice
defiled location, far from the eyes of other abhorrent, but the Briarborn see this as
creatures. They are immediately the size of completely natural. All things return to the
an adolescent, growing to maturity quickly world, having been born of it.
over the course of a single year.
Once they have sprouted, the adolescent
Briarborn instinctively know the way to Crimbil – As a fey race, the Briarborn are
the nearest knot, or collective home of Bri- not often the targets of the Crimbil’s child-
arborn. snatching. They are however on the alert
for their presence, as they are often spies
They live in communities grown from their
for the fey courts, and secrecy is paramount
natural surroundings, using druidic magic
to the success of the Briarborn as a race.
to shape and weave the natural environ-
ment to suit their needs. Their homes are Dwarves – Few Briarborn are familiar
well defended and surprisingly well-cam- with dwarves, finding them a curiosity.
ouflaged. Without knowing what one is They love to stroke dwarves’ beards, com-
looking for, a Briarborn knot could com- plimenting them on their fine fur – some-
plete elude a passerby. thing dwarves detest immensely.
The Briarborn are thought to draw their Elves – Most elves are steadfast allies of
collective knowledge and wisdom directly the Briarborn, and some claim that the
from nature itself. At the heart of each knot elves brought seeds of the Briarborn to the
is almost always some form of exaggerated prime material plane from the Dreaming.
living tree. This is a Dreaming Tree, their Briarborn recognize them as ancient allies.
most sacred spot within the community. It Elves often live among the Briarborn as
is believed that the tree has some divine ambassadors, helping protect one of na-
powers, granting the Briarborn spells and
ture’s rarest gifts.
imparting knowledge about the surround-
ing environs.

Glimmerkin – These strange creatures Orcs & Goblinkind – Truly hated are the
have a measure of respect from the Briar- Orcs and other Goblinkind. The Briarborn
born. They do not desecrate nature and will actively seek to remove such pests
they seek a life of solitude and peace. The from their lands if they find them and it
Briarborn find them odd, but understand does not endanger their knot. The Orcs
their ways. know of their existence and seek to burn
their communities to the ground. Ages of
Gnomes – As creatures of the fey world as
treacherous guerilla warfare exist among
well as creatures of nature, Briarborn are
members of these two races.
immediately friendly with gnomekind un-
less they prove to be adversarial. Sylfaen – While the Briarborn serve nat-
ural order, the Sylfaen serve the wild fey.
Half-Elves – The Briarborn are indifferent
This means there is mutual respect between
towards humans, having learned to keep
the two, but not complete trust. In most
their distance. Half-elves, with their dual
cases they serve the same goals, but not al-
bloodlines are a mystery to the Briarborn.
They sense the elven blood within them,
but are still suspicious of their human an- True Changeling – The Briarborn may be
cestry. of fey-like origins and tied to The Dream-
ing through their mythical trees, but they
Halflings – The Halflings are often seen
are subject to the malcontent of the Un-
as jovial playmates. Briarborn are friendly
seelie Court as much as any other race.
towards Halflings, enjoying their com-
Their close proximity makes it even more
likely. They greatly distrust True Change-
Half-Orcs – As the progeny of humankind lings and their simple nature makes it very
and Orc, the Briarborn steer clear from difficult for them to detect an infiltrated
them, treating them indifferently at best. Changeling.

Humans – Briarborn are naturally afraid Vanara – The Briarborn find these mon-
of humans, having been on the receiv- key-like humanoids an entertaining and cu-
ing end of human encroachment for ages. rious commodity. They are friendly with
They attempt to hide their existence from them, but largely stay out of their way.
men, lest they come looking for them.

Kitsune – The mystical and mercurial ALIGNMENT & RELIGION

Kitsune are a rare treat in the eyes of the Briarborn do not serve gods as a general
Briarborn. They love to play with them, practice, rather serving nature itself. They
similarly to Halflings, deeply enjoying their also tend to be good and neutral in prac-
company. tice. The average Briarborn is of Neutral
Good alignment, though their communi-
ties typically have a more neutral outlook
by necessity.

Should a Briarborn become lost, it is cer- Male and Female
tainly possibly that they could come to fol-
Digger, Elf-trader, Forager, Groomer,
low a nature-oriented deity.
Grower, Hunter, Knot-ward, Lore-keeper,
Orc-bleeder, Plant-shaper, Skinner, Tender,
ADVENTURERS Tree-herder, Waterer, Weapon-maker and
A PC Briarborn is often newly-grown, still Weeder.
seeking its purpose. They can be grown
anywhere, even in harsh climates, though BRIARBORN PLAYER
they tend to be most often found in tem-
perate forests.
Alchemist – The Briarborn have few al-
While they do form natural cities in some chemists, but they are not unknown.
deeply wild regions, they are also often While Briarborn fear fire, they well-know
found in solitude. A PC hero might be a the power of magical elixirs. Briarborn al-
wanderer seeking to eliminate a blight in chemists are frequently of the Beastmorph
the natural order. or Preservationist archetypes.
Other PCs could easily be those lost Bri-  Favored Class Bonus: +1/6 to the
arborn, whose knot community was de- number of Discoveries the alchemist
stroyed. They wander looking for commu- knows.
nity, sometimes finding kinship with other
adventurers. Barbarian – In the deep wilds there are
some Briarborn knots that are very insular
and wild. The Briarborn protectors there
NAMES could be barbarians, having little civilized
It should be noted that Briarborn have little contact with other races. Those few bar-
identity of self, and that their names reflect barians are often of the Superstitious or To-
that of their duties and function, as opposed tem Warrior archetypes.
to any personal effect.
 Favored Class Bonus: +1 to the num-
Also, no role is limited to either sex, the ber of hp gained when using Re-
Briarborn have complete equality. In ad- newed Vigor.
dition, though many share the same name,
the collective Briarborn never seem to have Bard – Some Briarborn take to song and
any problem distinguishing among one an- magic very easily. Some Briarborn take to
other, having a collective knowledge shared song and magic easily, finding harmony
amongst themselves. within nature. Briarborn bards are fre-
quently of the Animal Speaker, Archivist or
Those few that leave their knots and become Songhealer archetypes.
adventurers tend to eventually take names
and find self-identity. They find elven or  Favored Class Bonus: +1/2 to the
other sylvan sounding names pleasing. bard’s Bardic Knowledge ability.

Cleric – The Briarborn do not worship Oracle – A rare occupation, some Briar-
gods, but a lost cleric might venerate a phi- born are gifted with the ability to commu-
losophy such as community, good, nature, nicate with the knot’s holy tree. These Or-
etc. Briarborn clerics are frequently of the acles assist in reading the instructions that
Separatist archetype. nature provides its children. These Oracles
are most often of the Seer archetype and
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/2 to the
frequently have the Ancestry, Lore, Nature
cleric’s channeled energy total when
or Wood Mysteries.
healing creatures of the animal, fey,
and plant types.  Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the
oracle’s number of revelations.
Druid – Briarborn are very often druids.
The druid is a revered component of Bri- Paladin – While not of divine natures, the
arborn communities. Many are Menhir Sa- Briarborn are capable of producing pala-
vants or Pack Lords, and those elven druids dins. They serve as stalwart leaders in the
that help tend the knot’s plant-deity are offense against darkness and evil. Typically,
Treesingers. Rumors subsist that the elves those paladins are of the Divine Defender
have taught some Briarborn to be Treesing- archetype.
ers as well.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/2 hp
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 hp to to the paladin’s lay on hands ability
the druid’s animal companion. (whether using it to heal or harm).
Fighter – While proper fighters are less Ranger – Most all martial Briarborn are
common than rangers in Briarborn soci- either rangers or multiclass with ranger.
ety, they do employ guards and specialized Common archetypes include the Battle
warrior camps. A lost fighter Briarborn is Scout, Beastmaster, Falconer, Guide, Infil-
most often of the Lore Warden archetype. trator, Shapeshifter, Spirit Ranger, Warden
and Wild Stalker.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/5 natu-
ral armor bonus.  Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the
number of the Ranger’s combat style
Magus – Melding the eldritch powers of
the Dreaming with that of combat, the
Magi serve as elite defenders of a Briarborn Rogue – With their natural camouflage,
knot. Those that take up this mantle are Briarborn make excellent rogues in natural
often of the Myrmidarch, Skirnir or Soul settings. Most Briarborn rogues are of the
Forger archetypes. Chameleon, Investigator, Scout, Sniper,
Spy or Survivalist archetypes.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/4 point
to the magus’s arcane pool.  Favored Class Bonus: Add a +1/2 bo-
nus on Disable Device checks regarding
wilderness traps and a +1/2 bonus to
trap sense regarding wilderness traps.

Sorcerer – Born of the Dreaming, Briar- *Classes not represented here are not typical for player char-
acters. Use the standard bonuses to represent taking favored
born retain much of their magical nature levels in these classes.
within and sorcerers are not uncommon.
Frequently, they are of the Fey or Verdant
bloodlines, often with the Wildblooded Ability Scores: +2 Con and +2 Wis
archetype and the Groveborn or Sylvan The Briarborn are vigorous and full of
mixed bloodlines.
life, recipients of the world’s wisdom.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add one spell
known from the sorcerer spell list. Type: Plant
This spell must be at least one level As a plant creature, Briarborn have low-
below the highest spell level the sor-
light vision, immunity to all mind-affect-
cerer can cast.
ing effects (charms, compulsions, morale
Summoner – Having such a strong con- effects, patterns, and phantasms),
nection with nature and the fey world, Bri-
immunity to paralysis, poison, poly-
arborn make surprisingly good summon-
ers. They are most frequently of the First morph, sleep effects, and stunning. Also,
Worlder archetype. as plants, they breathe and eat, but do
not sleep.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 hp to
any creature summoned with sum- Size: Medium
mon nature’s ally.
Briarborn have no bonuses or penalties
Witch – Wielding the more arcane forces
due to their size. A Medium creature has
of natural magic, they are frequently of the
a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of
Beast-Bonded or Hedge Witch archetypes.
5 feet.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 hp to
your Witch’s familiar. Base Speed: Normal. Briarborn have a
base speed of 30 feet.
Wizard – Briarborn wizards are definitely
rare, but not entirely unheard of. They are Languages: Standard. Briarborn begin
great assets to a knot and often work with
play speaking Sylvan and Common. Bri-
the druids there. Not surprisingly, some
arborn with high Intelligence scores can
multiclass with druid and become Mystic
Theurges. choose from the following additional
languages: Elven, Giant, Gnome, Half-
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/2 to
ling and Treant.
your effective caster level for any
transmutation spell you cast. Racial Points: 20

Effective Level: +1 (Advanced)

Forest-born Rune-carved
Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bo- Some Briarborn carve spiral runes of the
nus to AC when in forest terrain. Dreaming World into their flesh, reduc-
ing their natural armor, but granting them
Barkskin greater access to magical abilities. These
Briarborn begin play with a +2 natural ar- runes allow you to cast Enchantment spells
mor bonus to their Armor Class. at +2 effective caster levels.

This replaces Barkskin.

Forest Camouflage You are born of the wilds in the great
Members of this race gain a +4 racial bo- northlands. As such, you have growths of
nus on Stealth checks while within forest pine needles and thinner bark. You lose
terrain. your weakness to cold. Your natural ar-
mor bonus is +1 and you have a +2 racial
Skill Training bonus on Stealth checks while within forest
Knowledge: Nature and Stealth are always terrain.
considered class skills for members of this
race. If they already have either of those This replaces Forest-born, Barkskin and
skills as a class skill, they instead gain a +1 Forest Camouflage.
competence bonus in that skill.
Lost One
You are one of the lost, a knotless Briar-
born. Increase your Charisma by +2 and
Plant-Speaker reduce your Wisdom by -2 as you depend
As a spell-like ability, you can speak with more upon yourself and less upon your
plants as per the spell, at will. brethren. You also gain a +1 bonus to For-
titude saves. Due to your lost connection
Tree Shape to the Dreaming, you may no longer tree
Once per day a Briarborn may use tree shape.
shape as a spell-like ability with an unlim-
ited duration. This replaces Tree Shape.


Low-Light Vision Fire Vulnerability

Briarborn can see twice as far as a race with Briarborn are vulnerable to fire and flames,
normal vision in conditions of dim light. taking extra damage (+50%) from such at-

Weak to Cold 4th-Level Advancement
As the winter slows the growth of trees,
it also tires and weakens the Briarborn. If Size Large; AC +2 natural armor;
a Briarborn suffers cold damage, it with- Attack 2 slams (1d8);
ers and wilts, needing to make a Fortitude
Ability Scores Str +6, Dex –2, Con +2,
save equal to 10 + half the damage suf-
Cha +4.
fered. Failure to save means the Briarborn
is staggered. Special Qualities Spell Resistance (10 + ½
HD), daze as per the spell, 3 x day (DC 11;
RACIAL ARCHETYPES Charisma-based).

DREAMING TREE SHEPHERD This replaces Nature’s Bond. (1st)

The Briarborn have a great affinity and At 4th level, a Dreaming Tree Shepherd
love for their Dreaming Tree. They guard gains the ability to wild shape. This ability
it and serve it, revering the tree as a greater functions at her actual druid level. A Dream-
being of nature. ing Tree Shepherd cannot use wild shape to
As time progresses, the Dreaming Tree adopt an animal or elemental form. Instead,
grows saplings, which are treated with the when she gains this ability at 4th level, she
utmost of reverence, as each sapling could can assume the form of a Small or Medium
potentially become a new knot and home plant. This functions as plant shape I, except
for a Briarborn community. the Dreaming Tree Shepherd does not yet
gain access to the constrict or poison abili-
Dreaming Tree Ward ties of the plant form assumed.
At 1st level, the Briarborn druid gains a At 8th level, the Dreaming Tree Shepherd
Dreaming Tree Sapling to nurture and pro- ‘s wild shape gains the full range of abilities
tect. available from plant shape I. At 10th level,
a Dreaming Tree Shepherd can assume the
Dreaming Tree Sapling form of a Large or Tiny plant. Her wild
Starting Statistics shape ability now functions like plant shape
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +1
natural armor; Attack 2 slams (1d6); At 12th level, a Dreaming Tree Shepherd can
assume the form of a Huge plant. Her wild
Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int
shape ability now functions like plant shape
2, Wis 12, Cha 9;
Special Qualities double damage against
This ability replaces, and otherwise func-
objects, low-light vision, Spell Resistance (5
tions like, the normal druid wild shape abil-
+ ½ HD).

Shroud of Dreams Gift of the Darkwood
Your flesh hardens akin to that of Dark-
At 4th level, the Dreaming Tree Shepherd wood.
gains the ability to extend the Dreaming Prerequisites: Plant Type, 5 HD, Photo-
Tree Sapling’s spell resistance to herself also synthetic Healing
if she is within 30 feet. Benefit: Your hardened flesh grants you
This replaces Wild Empathy and Resist Na- DR 3/adamantine. In addition, you are
ture’s Lure. immune to non-lethal damage.

Grow Armor
RACIAL FEATS You grow dense wooden armor for protec-
Ashen Bark [Achievement] Prerequisites: Briarborn
You have been exposed to fire and hard- Benefit: You may grow a suit of dark-
ened against it. wood armor, of any type, with a maximum
Prerequisites: Plant type, Oozing Sap, armor bonus equal to your HD. This may
Must have taken over 100 points of fire not exceed a suit of full plate with a +9
damage. bonus to AC. This armor is always treated
Benefit: You gain Fire Resistance 5. You as though it were masterwork, and may be
also lose any vulnerability to fire you may enhanced.
have had. You may also shed this armor and regrow
a new suit of your choice by spending 24
Fists of Amber hours in unmoving ritual.
Your claws or fists are coated in amber, al-
lowing you to strike with the power of na- Grow Limb
ture. You grow an extra limb.
Prerequisites: Plant Type, Oozing Sap Prerequisites: Plant Type, Photosynthet-
Benefit: Your natural attacks are treated ic Healing
as magical for the purposes of overcoming Benefit: You must spend an entire week
damage reduction. “rooted” as a tree. Over the duration of
that time you are able to grown an extra
Gift of Nature limb. Your extra limb allows you to wield
Prerequisites: Briarborn, Grow Armor multiple weapons, but only one hand is
Benefit: You may enhance your grown considered your primary hand, and all oth-
armor as though it were enchanted. You ers are off hands. You can also use your
may add a +1 enhancement bonus (en- hands for other purposes that require free
hancement or ability) to the armor per hands.
four levels. Special: You may take this feat one ad-
ditional time, gaining the use of a fourth

Nature’s Wrath Sticking Sap
You have long combated the foes of the Weapons that strike you are likely to get
forest, and know how to hurt them. stuck.
Prerequisites: Briarborn Prerequisites: Plant Type, Oozing Sap
Benefit: You gain a +1 to attack and Benefit: A weapon that strikes the Bri-
damage against creatures with the Orc or arborn becomes stuck fast to the creature’s
Goblin type. sticky sap unless the wielder succeeds at
a DC 15 Reflex save. A creature adjacent
Oak Lord to the Briarborn can attempt to pry off a
You grow larger than your brethren. stuck weapon with a DC 15 Strength check,
Prerequisites: Plant Type, 7 HD, Photo- but doing so provokes an attack of oppor-
synthetic Healing
tunity from the Briarborn.
Benefit: You must spend an entire week
“rooted” as a tree. Over the duration of
that time you are able to increase your size
to Large, incurring all bonuses and penal- Buoyant: You gain a +4 competence bo-
ties as normal. nus to Swim checks and a 20’ swim speed.

Oaken Fortification Collective Memory: Choose any two

Your flesh is as tough as an ancient oak. knowledge skills. These become class skills
Prerequisites: Plant Type, 7 HD, Photo- for you.
synthetic Healing Rooted: You receive a +2 racial bonus to
Benefit: You flesh grants you a 25% im- your CMD when resisting bull rush or trip
munity to sneak attacks and critical hits. attempts while standing on the ground.
This does not stack with Fortification, rath-
er working separately. The Lone Path: Your independence and
newfound self-reliance grants you a +1 trait
Oozing Sap bonus to Willpower saves and a +1 trait
Your wounds ooze sap and close quickly. bonus to Survival skill checks.
Prerequisites: Plant Type
Benefit: Whenever you take bleed dam- Thick Bark: You gain a +1 racial bonus to
age, on the following round you negate 1 Fortitude Saves and a +2 save bonus vs.
cumulative point of bleed per round. fire attacks.

Thorned Skin: Any creature that grapples

Photosynthetic Healing you or strikes you in melee combat with a
You heal faster when in direct sunlight. natural weapon suffers 1d3 points of pierc-
Prerequisites: Plant Type ing damage.
Benefit: When exposed to direct sun-
light, you regain hit points at a rate of 1d4
points per hour. You may also regrow lost
limbs and other extremities in this fashion.
A lost limb is regrown after regaining 25%
of your maximum hit points.

Characters with Knowledge: Nature may
attempt to learn more about the reclusive OPTIONS
Briarborn. Make a Knowledge: Nature
skill check and compare the results to the
below chart. Elves and Fey creatures gain
a +2 competence bonus to this roll. Aura moderate enchantment; CL 4
Slot -; Price 10,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
DC 12 – The Briarborn are a race of tree-
like humanoids grown from the earth itself. Construction

DC 17 – It is believed that they are born Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Ar-
wardens of nature, and that the elves have mor, charm person or monster; Cost 6,450
been aware of their presence for many gp.
ages. Description
DC 22 – The Briarborn grow to maturity The dreaming treefoil appears as a wick-
in a single year. It is said they are born in edly crooked willow tree branch. Upon
response to a great need by nature itself. command, the branch may assume either
DC 27 - In truth, the Briarborn are born of the properties of a +1 keen rapier or an
the sentient Dreaming Trees, an intelligent entangling, enchanting whip. The latter
plant that grows deep within the feywilds. weapon grants a +2 CMB while wielded,
They serve these trees and protect their en- grants a free grab attempt against its target
virons. with each successful strike, and casts en-
chantment spells during the next and each
subsequent combat round, for as long as
the whip is attached to its target.

The wielder may choose to cast a single

charm spell on a held target from the fol-
lowing list of enchantment spells: charm
person, charm monster, command, fasci-
nate, sleep, or suggestion. The treefoil is at-
tributed to an ancient cousin to the brown-
ies, far more militant guardians of dark
briars, secluded glens, and pools where di-
vine fey would live, pray, and bathe before
the time of humans.


Briarborn sanctuaries are called knots, and  Treespeakers – The Treespeakers are
they are the backbone of the race. Each is the relative leaders of this knot. They
tied to a Dreaming Tree, and serves as the serve the Dreaming Tree and inter-
communal knowledge center for all nearby pret its wishes and desires, serving as
Briarborn as well. the defacto leadership council.

The cities are woven with purpose from MARKETPLACE

nature and well-hidden. Few would even
Base Value 500 gp; Purchase Limit 2,500
know they pass by a Briarborn knot un-
gp; Spellcasting 5th (9th Druid spells only)
less they are very close, something which
the Thornscouts do their best to keep from Minor Items 2d4; Medium Items 1d4;
happening. Major Items None
N Village
Briarborn Thornscout CR 2
Corruption -1; Crime -4; Economy -5;
Law -2; Lore +1; Society +5 XP 400
Qualities insular, magically attuned, living Briarborn Ranger 2
forest NG Medium Humanoid (Plant)
Danger +0 Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Percep-

Government Council DEFENSE

Population 200 (95% Briarborn, 3% AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4

Elves, 1% Halfling, 1% Gnome) armor, +2 Dex, +2 Natural, +2 Dodge)
hp 14 (2d10+2)
Notable NPCs Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
 Treespeaker, Female Briarborn Druid OFFENSE
(Menhir Savant) 13
Speed 30 ft.
 Tellerian Whispersong, Male Elf Druid Melee mwk longsword +4 (1d8+1/19–
(Treesinger) 9
20)Ranged mwk longbow +5 or +3/+3
 Knotwatcher, Male Briarborn Ranger (1d8/×3)
(Warden) 7 Special Attacks favored enemy (gobli-
noids +2)
 Knotshield, Male Briarborn (Lore-
warden) 8

 Orcstinger, Female Briarborn Magus

(Myrmidarch) 7


Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14,
Cha 10

Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16

Feats Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot

By David A. Hill
Skills Climb +6, Handle Animal +5, Heal
+7, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowl- Never had a babe slept so soundly through
edge (nature) +6, Perception +8, Sense the night. Her mama checked in beneath
Motive +2, Stealth +8 (+12 in forests), Sur- every station of the traveling moon, fearful
vival +7 and Swim +5 for the worst. The wee one breathed and
mama kissed the flaxen hair. Soft as eider-
Languages Common, Sylvan
down, it was; soft as mercy.
SQ forestborn, fire vulnerability, for-
est camouflage, plant-speaker, skill train-
* * *
ing: perception and stealth, track +1, tree Though few in the mortal world would
shape, weak to cold, wild empathy +2 give credence to such a claim, the Unseel-
ie had seven different words for mercy -
Gear masterwork chain shirt, kukri, mas-
seven distinct ways to describe something
terwork longbow with 20 arrows, master-
they could never understand. It was much
work longsword, heavy cloak
like a human explaining what love was;
The Briarborn Thornscout is a patrolling or wasn’t. Coglan knew, and the knowing
force of Rangers that protect their respec- kindled a feeling much like his own moth-
tive knots. They keep menacing wildlife at er’s embrace - cold comfort. Love was the
bay and actively seek to eliminate or mis- sound of a child’s laughter; a moment of
direct evil humanoids from their environs. pure abandon in the throes of wonder, or
joy. Before the laughter, Coglan’s first love
had been pie. He was a crimbil - a heart-
less kidnapper for the fey Lords of Shadow.
What did he know of love?

That day, Coglan had been hunting pie.

His first love. His mind wandered back to
that fateful, fitful day when he’d stolen the
child from the hag of the swamp, instead
of the pie. Wouldn’t Sublord Coldstare be
pleased? He hated hags, did Coldstare. Co-
glan was neither human nor fey, but with
such pretense toward the darker secrets of

Nature’s rank underbelly. A hag had taken eyes. Coglan felt the warmth of the fresh-
Coldstare’s eye long ago and, with that baked pie moments before his spiderleg
brilliant blue orb gone, his Lordhood had fingers finally touched the tin -
been stripped away due to beauty marred.
- and the humming stopped.
Payment had been due. Only for that had
Coglan stolen the child. Coglan wondered Coglan stopped breathing. A cat hissed.
which of the seven words had applied at The pie fell. Coglan caught the pie and
the time. saw the mark etched into the center. A pie-
rune. Enchanted pie!
Once upon a time, not so long ago, the
sweet-and-sour aroma of fresh bogberry A baby coughed, then gurgled. A door
pie cooling upon the windowsill pulled slammed. A cat shrieked. Floorboards
the crimbil’s soundless steps away from the creaked. A baby launched into a broken
stone-lined footpath and deeper into the wail that knocked Coglan from his berry-
fragrant rushes. The old witch would never vanilla-cinnamon reverie. The rune could
smell him coming through the tall, rustling mean anything. The baby called with
green. So the story went. greater urgency. A hag’s baby! Back to the
windowsill went the pie. Back to the shad-
Oh, Cog, you crafty rascal. His inner voice
ows went the crimbil.
fairly dripped with syrupy flattery. Soon,
they would share the spoils of victory. To- Then, glancing upward, he peered directly
day was a good day to pie. into flaring nostrils of the hag’s warty nose
as it poked out over the window’s ledge,
The ramshackle cottage began where the
taking in scents. Nothing but the smell of
rushes ended and the greenery leaned away
pie and rushes assailed her - sweets for
from the wall as if somehow offended by
the sweet. Sidle. Sidle. Sidle. Through the
the lichen-spattered stones. Low, gravelly
shadows and around the corner to another
humming defined the hag’s movements
window crept the thief. With a finger-hold,
from room to room as Coglan strained to
and a toe-hold, and a silent shimmy wor-
listen, tucked away in the deep shadow be-
thy of the canniest burglar, Coglan peeped
low the windowsill. The loving, soothing
down into a mossy cradle, and into wide,
shadow hid the shame of all he did. Every
golden eyes. The baby hiccupped and
misdeed was kept between himself and the
whined, then the eyes focused on his face.
darkness and the dark would never tell.
The cherub’s bow of a mouth smiled, and
One soft laugh hissed out between his then it happened.
pointed teeth, but it could have been a
She laughed.
breeze in the rushes. One hand crept up
the crumbling wall, a pale spider on the That moment decided it all. Such a laugh
prowl. The hag’s tuneless humming grated should never be wasted in a pie. With the
from the vicinity of the front porch where babe bundled in his spindly arms, Coglan
the evening sun would surely damn her leapt from cradle to sill, barely conscious

of how he’d gotten down in the first place. silence created by an absence of children.
Ankle stinging from the swipe of a cat’s
From his hiding place by the old well, Co-
claws, he leapt to the ground.
glan rubbed his hands together with eager
“Out of the way, Hex!” glee. This would be the greatest joke ever -
a baby for the barren human cottagers. Af-
The voice that could curdle milk blasted
ter all these years - won’t they be pleased?
through the window, followed by a feline
They will raise her, and love her, and keep
yowl and a dull thud. Coglan glanced over
her safe until he returned to steal her away
his shoulder just in time to catch a glimpse
for the Court. He risked a glance down at
of the witch herself, crooked and scorched
the wee bundle at his feet. Only her round
hazel wand pointed at his fleeing backside.
little face showed from swaddling blankets.
Across open ground, there were no con-
She stared back, golden eyes unblinking;
cealing shadows.
This could be it, the inner voice fretted.
You are a villain. Yes, you delicious dastard.
CRACKLE! Oh, yes indeed. No reason for delay.

A streak of actinic blue ripped through the The babe waited, quiet and patient, on the
air. porch for the seamstress to discover her mi-
raculous bundle of joy. Her scream of de-
Coglan exhaled a sigh of relief, interspersed light brought the tanner running from his
with a helpless giggle. Beyond all reason, shed, bewildered and winded. Her tears of
the baby giggled back. What a treasure! joy called forth answering tears from her
Though his trousers smoked from the light- husband’s eyes. And the sun rose, joyous
ning stroke, the crimble’s rump merely tin- and bright, on their new lives together.
gled and tickled from the lightning strike.
With a final, desperate bound, Coglan Coglan chuckled softly to himself, imag-
reached the trees, where he promptly - ined the wails of loss to come, and slunk
away into the welcoming shadows.
- vanished.
Summer leaves tarnished into autumn car-
“Curse youuu!” shrieked the hag at the dis- peting. Winter snows piled high, herald-
sipating wisps of black smoke. ing the spring floods. Bright and active by
A shutter cracked, then fell away. day, the babe never opened eyes or mouth
by night. Up with the sun, Ammalie soon
A cat hissed. crawled from the nursery to toddle about
* * * the cottage. Borrowed balls of yarn, were
her first toys. Pretty little rag dolls followed
The aging couple lived alone in the cottage in quick succession. Mama, like a loving spi-
near the forest edge; his hands stained by der, would tangle her little girl in threads
tanning, and her eyes squinted from sewing. and yarn to keep her always in reach.
It was a neat and quiet home, the settled

Always in reach, muttered the frustrated crusty, trusty, tasty pastry. He wiped the
voice inside Coglan’s head. slobber on his sleeve.
He was a creature of the night and little Sublord Coldstare awaits his pleasure,
Ammalie’s habit of sleeping through the urged the inner voice.
dark hours vexed him to no end. But her
The one-eyed Unseelie noble had reward-
silver bell laughter was always enough to
ed Coglan well for the tale of the golden
draw him out into the day. Him – he was
baby stolen from beneath the long, long
her funny magic friend, ever at the edge of
nose of the swamp hag.
grownup sight, never seen but as an uncer-
tain shadow. “Pity to have let the pie escape, but a job
well done all around.”
Protecting our investment, assured the in-
ner first. The pale fey agreed to teach the crimbil a
few petty spells for his efforts. Such magic
Coglan’s visits became more and more
was to delight and distract a small, laugh-
frequent. Every time he’d learned a new
ing child - each pure peal of joy more in-
trick to make Amma laugh. Whenever he’d
toxicating than honeysuckle wine.
caught wind of some other fey taking an
interest in his human child. Or, on those “Bring us the child when she is ripe enough
rare occasions when he was just, well, feel- to pluck,” purred the tall, cold Lordling,
ing unwanted among the Unseelie. In her each word a tiny puff of frozen breath in
awkward drawings of him, Coglan was al- the still air of his spring manse. His cadav-
ways frowning. And she always made his erous skin gleamed in the baleful lumines-
ears too big. cence of an icy artificial crescent moon.
His single eye glittering with a restrained
With merciless taunting from the dark fey,
amusement that failed to touch his cruel
Amma’s funny magic friend became some-
lips, he explained, “Before she is allowed
thing of a cruel joke among his own kind.
to sour.”
Coglan learned magic just to amuse his hu-
man pet. He turned balls of yarn different We promised, insisted the tiny voice. Had
colors to see the twinkle in her golden eyes. it always been so small? So faint?
He made her dolls talk when he found she
would listen to every word they said. How much longer now? Coglan looked
down from his cozy little nook among the
To lead her away from Mama Spider when low eaves of the cottage and nibbled on
the time was right, mused the voice in his half a cookie left for him by Amma. Gin-
head. gerbread. He didn’t even like gingerbread.
Was he now the pet? Living on scraps
And Coglan tried so hard to believe he
and brief moments of attention? Had he
was better off than if he had let the baby
gone mad? He was fey! He was Unseelie!
become a pie - a toothsome, wholesome,

He slept on a bed of castoff cushions and The armored warrior raised one gaunt-
moss, by the Seven Stones! leted hand for silence. What she might be
listening for, Drogan could not begin to
Laughter, rippling and shining as clear river
guess. He’d already bent an ear toward the
water across smooth pebbles, washed over
passage ahead, to no avail. If he failed to
his skin from the room below. Mama had
note even -
knitted Amma a yarn doll as big as the
child herself. His leader took two soft steps forward,
head tilted at an attentive angle; listening,
It looks almost like us, noted the petulant
then nodding. The others waited dutifully
little voice.
behind, just inside the gateway. Drogan
Coglan had to admit the gangly toy did dared a glance backward, but Aris the Axe
bear more than a passing resemblance - ex- merely shrugged her broad shoulders and
cept, the ears were too big. pulled her braids back, as she always did
just before battle.
Mama glanced up into the rafters and
winked. “Hsst!” There was something ahead after
all. Drogan was certain of it and aimed a
Coglan’s inner voice sighed. light crossbow into the middle distance
More Unseelie would come, eventually. where he thought he spied a darker shad-
The little girl’s laughter had become almost ow within the gloom.
legendary among the Courts. Sublord Cold- The leather wrapped around the haft of
stare would not forget. Probably. Someone Aris’s axe creaked with anticipation.
would have to watch over her.
The heavy hand of his leader pushed
He was going to need more moss. the crossbow down and her warm smile
* * * set Drogan’s racing heartbeat on a more
steady course.
Six adventurers crept through the broken
gateway that opened onto the cobwebbed
entrance of the spiral labyrinth. Their lead-
er, redoubtable in her polished plate armor,
held a lantern high, seemingly unafraid of
the gargoyle gatekeepers rumored to lurk
just beyond.

“Do you want me to scout ahead a bit?”

Drogan the Stalker’s voice was barely a
whisper that failed to stir even the lowest

“Don’t shoot,” commanded Ammalie the
aasimar paladin, “it’s just my imaginary
childhood friend.” Legends speak of a goblin-folk that crept
into homes during the wee hours of night,
stealthily taking children for trade with the
fey, and leaving behind changelings in their
stead. The superstitious peasants called
those creatures the crimbil.

While much maligned by the rural peas-

ants, the crimbil are not truly evil, simply
mischievous and misbegotten. They them-
selves are children of dark fey and any
number of goblinoid creatures. The fey
love the company of human children and
in the crimbal they have found a perfect
servant for collecting them.

Some fey, being the fickle creatures they

are, find human children irresistible. They
find that the laughter of children is con-
tagious and joyful, bringing them respite
from their own wicked existences. But
children grow older, and must be replaced.
The ever-chaotic fey eventually tire of their
playthings and the crimbil must fetch them

Fey loyal to the Seelie and Unseelie Courts

both find that the laughter of children is
contagious and joyful. The chaotic Fey find
Crimbil here and Crimbil there nothing wrong with swapping children,
Make sure your children ‘ware however each court have widely different
If they aim to misbehave ways for “reimbursing” those they “bor-
row” the children from.
We’ll let them be a fairy-slave
The Seelie enact a pact, though the parents
Snatch them off, yes we will of the borrowed child may never know it.
Taking children is such a thrill The changeling the Seelie court replaces
Lock the windows and the doors the missing child with is placed there to ex-
perience being a human, and lets itself be
Else we’ll be creepin’ ‘cross your floors raised as such, having the ability to appear
and age as a normal human.

After this fey achieves some epiphany or PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
apex in its learning, it returns to the fey
The crimbil look much like darkly beautiful
world to share this knowledge and places
pale goblins, sometimes being mistaken for
the human back into its home. Depending
gnomes. Born of the dark fey and goblin-
on the time shift between the fey world
kind, their features vary wildly. Some are
and the world of the humans, this may
more akin to their goblin heritage, while
mean bringing a fully grown adult human
others develop highly fey characteristics.
back to parents who only had a child miss-
ing for a month.
Random Starting Ages
Sometimes the reverse is true, and an infant Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
is brought back to humans old enough to 16 years +1d4 years +1d6 years +2d6 years

be great-grandparents. Those returned are

usually gifted with something from the fey Random Height and Weight
world, either a magic item, or some minor Gender Base Ht. Ht. Mod. Base Wt. Wt. Mod.
knowledge of magic. Male 2’8” +2d4” 30 lbs. +2d4 lbs.
Female 2’6” +2d4” 25 lbs. +2d4 lbs.
The Unseelie Court, finding the laughter of
human children contagious as well, need
ever more children and their laughter to
bring them respite from their own wicked The crimbil are a servant race, mostly kept
existences. The laughter is almost a drug, in thrall by the Unseelie Court. They are
and their thirst is unquenchable. Worse, used as spies, child-thieves and messengers.
children grow older, and must be replaced. They have no real society of their own, be-
ing little more than ensorcelled servants of
The Unseelie pact is far simpler and lecher-
the fey.
ous. If the humans cannot control the fey
that has been placed in the human crib, Some crimbil do escape the clutches of the
then they are simply out of luck. A trade Unseelie Court and find themselves lost.
is a trade (one living creature for another), They are not true goblinkind, nor are they
whether words were spoken or not. The true fey creatures. This sort of shadow life
fey, ever-chaotic, and the Unseelie, ever leaves them with few allies if they are not
despotic, eventually tire of the children as willing to serve the fey.
they grow older and the laughter comes
less often. These older children often then RELATIONS
become slaves or worse - victims of mali-
cious hunts. The raw emotion of fear is also Crimbil hold no innate hatred towards any
an addictive drug. race. While they hold the fey in awe, they
are also somewhat fearful of their power.
And then the crimbil must fetch them They have a fondness for human children,

but it is not always overly-malicious in Half-Elves – Being part human and part
nature. Often, they merely seek the non- elf, the crimbil find them likable. Half-elves
judgmental company of the children. Such tend to shy from the crimbil however.
friendships are often kept in secret.
Halflings – Pleasant, mercurial and child-
Briarborn – The crimbil generally stay like, those crimbil free from court machi-
clear of the Briarborn. They tend to see nations seek out friendships with halflings.
the crimbil as interlopers in their forested Otherwise, most halflings make just as
preserves, who are out to cause strife and good of playthings as human children.
harm to the natural inhabitants. As such,
Half-Orcs – Despite having similarly mixed
most Briarborn have unfavorable attitudes
bloodlines, crimbil either pity or loathe
towards the crimbil.
half-orcs, as they are big, dumb, and brut-
Dwarves – The crimbil are indifferent to ish. Worse, they have no Fey blood, they
the Dwarves, having long ago learned that do not laugh very often, and do not cry at
their hatred of goblinkind was too great to torment either.
see past their exterior. Not that it matters
Humans – Human children are the most
to them – because dwarves are not fey, the
easily snatched, and so they fear the crim-
crimbil consider them inferior by nature.
bil with good reason. Still, the crimbil
Elves – The crimbil are enamored by the themselves hold little ill-will towards them.
elves’ beauty and grace as it reflects the Most human societies will lynch a crimbil
powerful members of the fey courts. A on sight if they learn what it truly is.
few even come to friendship with them,
Goblins – Crimbil loose in society often
though the elves mistrust them thoroughly.
return to goblin cultures. They find accep-
Glimmerkin – These two are relatively in- tance there, revered as magical creatures.
different towards each other. The glimmer- The crimbil however find the goblins un-
kin are largely tolerant of all fey creatures couth and barbaric.
and the crimbil do not frequently cause
Hobgoblins – Evil crimbil can sometimes
harm towards the glimmerkin. However,
be found living among the hobgoblins.
they may spy upon them for the courts.
Their bloodlines are shared, and their love
Gnomes – Most gnomes are seen as similar of stalking the darkness is deeply ingrained
kindred spirits, yet are often hated for their in the crimbil.
freedom from the rulers of the fey. Though
Sylfaen – The crimbil both appreciate and
other races occasionally mistake crimbil for
fear the sylfaen. As the courts’ enforcers
gnomes, no member of that race would
and protectors, they hold a dual-role with-
misidentify a crimbil as one of their own.
in the fey realms. Every crimbil who has
ever thought of escaping fears the sounds
of the baying hounds of the sylfaen.

Tieflings – Frequently terrifying and of ADVENTURERS
mixed heritage, the crimbil have a small
Adventuring crimbil are often rogues of
measure of empathy for them.
some talent, falling naturally into stealthier
True Changeling – The crimbil have roles. It should not be assumed however,
a “working relationship” with the true as their diverse bloodline allows many op-
changelings. The two are frequent part- tions.
ners in the schemes and machinations of
the fey courts. They are frequently friendly MALE NAMES
to each other and often lend each other as- Anuerin, Braith, Bryn, Cadfan, Caradoc,
sistance in their own ambitions. Drystan, Eurig, Gareth, Glyndwr, Grigor,
Heulog, Islwyn, Mabyn, Madoc, Meuric,
Owen, Rhys, Talfryn, Trahaearne, Yorath
Most crimbil are Chaotic Neutral or Evil, FEMALE NAMES
having spent their lifetimes as servants or
Afanen, Alis, Blodewedd, Ceinwen, Del-
playthings of the dark fey. They resent
wynn, Eiran, Gaenor, Gwawr, Haf, Lleucu,
these dark fey for being not much more
Llywellyn, Mairwen, Meinwen, Rhianu,
than slave-lords to other fey; being fey is
synonymous with freedom. Yet the Crimbil Seren, Tiwlip
either serve them out of fear, or out of a
love for cruelty. CRIMBIL PLAYER
Some crimbil are not entirely evil, despite CHARACTERS
their nature. Those in the employ of the A PC crimbil should have left the Fey
Unseelie Court might be evil, but those liv- Courts, seeking to distance himself from
ing on their own are likely neutral, with them. They are most likely fearful of the
a rare few being good. Those especially fey and of neutral outlooks.
rare creatures having thrown off the yoke
of the Unseelie Court and found the bless- Bard – With their fey blood, a number of
ing of a child’s innocence to be what set crimbil are drawn to the Bardic occupa-
them free. tion. They are drawn towards the Court
Bard and Sandman occupations.
The crimbil and the Unseelie Court do
not tend to venerate gods. The Dark Fey  Add +1/5 to the number of people
see themselves as greater beings and are the bard can affect with the fascinate
vain enough to not ever allow such seeds bardic performance.
of hope to nurture in the minds of their
slaves. Of course, the crimbil are masters Druid – Crimbil make surprisingly good
of subterfuge, and while rare, it is not un- druids. They oft hide alone in nature, mak-
heard of for a divine believer to escape ing friends with the creatures they find there
their clutches. rather than their own kind or the fey. They
do not have animal companions, though
plant companions are possible.

 Add +1/4 additional rounds of dura- Classes not covered above gain the stan-
tion when casting summon nature’s dard options for favored classes, a +1 bo-
ally. nus to hp or +1 skill point for each level.

Ranger – With their uncanny stealth and STANDARD RACIAL ABILITIES

magical abilities, the crimbil are well-suited Ability Scores: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con,
towards the ways of the Ranger. They are +2 Wis, +2 Cha
frequently Infiltrators, Stalkers and War-
dens. Crimbil are small and shifty, being nimble
and fleet of foot, but not overly strong or
 Add +1/4 bonus to Stealth against fa- hearty. What they lack in strength they
vored enemies. make up for with hedge wisdom and a
Rogue – Unquestionably their greatest life- fey-like charm.
path, crimbil Rogues are very common. Type: Fey - A fey is a creature with su-
They are often Bandits, Burglars, Scouts or pernatural abilities and connections to
Spies. nature or to some other force or place.
 Add +1/6 of a new rogue talent. A fey race has the following features: Fey
Sorcerer – Not uncommon, the crimbil have the low-light vision racial trait. Fey
are occasionally born with sorcerous tal- breathe, eat, and sleep.
ent. They are almost always born with the Size: Small – Crimbil are small creatures,
Fey bloodline. and as such gain a +1 size bonus to their
 Select one bloodline power at 1st lev- AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1
el that is normally usable a number of penalty on combat maneuver checks and
times per day equal to 3 + the sorcer- to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on
er’s Charisma modifier. The sorcerer Stealth checks. Small races have a space
adds +1/2 to the number of uses per of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
day of that bloodline power. Base Speed: Crimbil are fast for their
Summoner - Crimbil make excellent sum- size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.
moners, often making pacts with fey, shad- Languages: Standard. Crimbil begin play
ow, or nature spirits. speaking Common and Goblin. Crimbil
 Add +1 hp/level to summoned crea- with high Intelligence scores can choose
tures. from the following additional languages:
Dark Folk, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Hal-
Witch – Crimbil Witches are not uncom- fling and Sylvan.
mon either, many of which are Hedge
Racial Points: 9
Effective Level: +0
 Add DR1/cold iron per two levels to
the witch’s familiar.

Shadow Blending Low-Light Vision
Attacks made against crimbil while they are Crimbil can see twice as far as a race with
within areas of dim light have a 50% miss normal vision in conditions of dim light.
chance instead of the normal 20% miss
chance. This trait does not grant total con- Darkvision 60 Feet
cealment; it just increases the miss chance. Crimbil can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
This is a supernatural ability.
Light Sensitivity
Unnatural Crimbil are dazzled as long as they remain
Crimbil unnerve normal animals. Dogs in an area of bright light.
bark, cats hiss, and horses are uneasy. They
take a –4 penalty on all Charisma-based
skill checks to affect creatures of the animal ALTERNATE RACIAL

Fey Resistance Fey Summoner

Benefit: crimbil gain cold resistance 5 and When summoning a creature with the Fey
electricity resistance 5. subtype with a summon spell, increase the
duration of that spell by 2 rounds.
Vanish This ability replaces Vanish.
As a swift action, a crimbil can vanish for 1
round as if affected by invisibility. It can use Fey Thaumateurge
this ability for 1 round per day per Hit Die, Members of this race with a Charisma score
though only if within shadow or darkness.
of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-
This is a supernatural ability.
like abilities (the caster level is equal to the
user’s character level):
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound and
Beguiling Liar prestidigitation.
Due to their fey presence, crimbil gain a +4 The DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level +
racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an
the user’s Charisma modifier.
opponent that what they are saying is true
when they tell a lie. This ability replaces Shadow Blending.

Skill Training
Bluff and Stealth are always considered
class skills for members of this race. If they
already have either of those skills as a class
skill, they instead gain a +1 competence
bonus in that skill.

Crimbil Snatcher (Rogue Archetype)
Bugbear Heritage [Racial]
The crimbil Snatcher is the primary Rogue You are a truly frightening creature, born of
archetype for Crimbil. They serve the Un- a dalliance of the dark fey and a bugbear.
seelie Court as Snatchers and bring them Prerequisite(s): Crimbil, 1st level only
not only children, but objects as well. Benefit: You are a medium-sized crea-
Improved Grab (Ex) ture instead of small. In addition, you gain
a +2 racial bonus to intimidate and a +1
At 1st level, the Snatcher gains the Improved natural armor bonus.
Grab feat.

This replaces Trapfinding. Fey Pact

Any Fey you summon are stronger than
Sprinter (Ex) you would ordinarily be able to control.
Prerequisite(s): Fey or Elf creature type,
At 2nd level the Snatcher gains a +5’ bonus
Cha 13
to their base movement. The Snatcher also
Benefit: You are treated as +1 caster lev-
gains a +10 foot racial bonus to their speed
when using the charge, run, or withdraw el when summoning any creature with the
actions. Fey subtype.

This replaces Evasion. Fey Resistance

Your exposure to the magic of the Fey helps
Expeditious Dodge (Ex) you shrug off its effects.
At 2nd level the Snatcher gains the ability Prerequisite(s): Fey creature type, Wis 13
to move at supernatural speeds. If moving Benefit: You gain a +4 resistance bonus
at their full base speed, the Snatcher gains on all saves against the spells or spell–like
a +1 dodge bonus to their AC. This bonus abilities cast by any fey creature.
increases by an additional +1 at 6th level
and every third level thereafter. In addi- Greater Fey Pact
tion, this ability counts as the dodge feat You gain a measure of the Fey’s strength
in all regards for purposes of qualifying for when you summon them.
other feats. Prerequisite(s): Fey or Elf creature type,
Fey Pact, Cha 15
This replaces Trap Sense at 2nd, 6th, 9th, 12th,
Benefit: When you summon a Fey crea-
15th, and 18th level.
ture, you may choose to gain any energy
Fleet Footed (Ex) resistances it has or its damage reduction.

The 4th level Snatcher receives Run as a bo- Smells like Children [Racial]
nus feat and a +2 competence bonus on Prerequisite(s): Crimbil, 1st level only
initiative checks. Benefit: You gain the scent special abil-
ity, but it only applies to humanoid crea-
This replaces Uncanny Dodge at 4th level.
tures that have not reached adulthood.

Swift as the Shadows NEW MAGIC ITEM
You move with ease through the shadows.
Prerequisite(s): Crimbil, Dex 13 Withering Stone
Benefit: You reduce the penalty for mov- Aura necromancy; CL 6th
ing while in Stealth by -5.
Slot -; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
OPTIONS Withering stones are ancient, twisted black
shards of volcanic glass, completely for-
eign to the dim, forested realms where
QUICKLING LEGERITY they mysteriously appear. These decidedly
School transmutation; Level alchemist 4, wicked stones are found in shady glens,
bard 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch dark heathers, and in the twisted bowers
frequented by fey of dubious reputation.
4; Domain travel 3
The stone reduces all natural and non-mag-
ical light within a radius of 20 feet by one
Casting Time 1 standard action light level and instantly desecrates the area.

Components V, S, M (ground quickling Mundane plant life in the area gradually

bone or several drops of their blood) turns black, granting a +4 Stealth bonus
to monsters and humanoids capable or
EFFECT equipped to take advantage of the color
Range personal absorption (such as dark elves, shadows, or
humanoids wearing black clothing, etc.).
Target you Abilities and spells that allow undetected
passage or easier passage through difficult
Duration 1 round/level
terrain also cease to function as do effects
DESCRIPTION that specifically and instantly defoliate or
destroy plant life. Living beings foolish
You take on the aspect of a quickling, grant- enough to remain in the dim influence of
ing you supernatural speed. Your move- these stones take 1d4 Con damage per day
ment speed increases to 120’, you also gain
until death, rising 1d3 days later as perma-
concealment, evasion, and uncanny dodge
nent shadows, skeletons, or other forms of
for the duration of this spell.
mindless undead.
Evil fey have been known to worship these
ancient stones as gifts from some dark, fey
deity and are immune to their influence un-
less willfully choosing to succumb to their
power, attaining a “blessed” undead state.

Construction Requirements MARKETPLACE
Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, dark-
Base Value 1,200 gp; Purchase Limit
ness, desecrate; Cost 10,500 gp.
6,000 gp; Spellcasting 7th

CRIMBIL SETTLEMENTS Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6;

Major Items None
The crimbil settle in very reclusive shad-
owed areas, often those bordering the wild
lands of the fey. Often, they live nestled CRIMBIL NPC
away in a nook of a dark forest, and few if Crimbil Creeper CR 1
any outsiders ever know of their existence.
Many tales are told of their demesne being XP 400
haunted by dark shapes or other appari- Male crimbil Rogue 2
tions that are simply attributed to the com- NE Small Fey
ings and goings of the crimbil by simple- Init +3; Senses darkvision 60’, light-sensi-
minded peasants. tivity, low-light vision; Perception +10
NE Small town AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor,
Corruption -1; Crime -1; Economy +0; +3 Dex, +1 size)
Law +1; Lore +3; Society -2 hp 13 (2d8+0)
Qualities insular, magically attuned
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3
Danger +0
Resistances cold and electricity 5
Government Magical
Population 660 (85% crimbil, 10% Un- Speed 30 ft.
seelie Fey, 5% Other) Melee Dagger +4 (1d3/19-20x2)

Noteable NPCs Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6

Lord Shadowfaux - Male crimbil Aristocrat STATISTICS
2, Rogue 5, Shadowdancer 4
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 16,
Factions Cha 10
Umbral Court – These representatives of Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
the Unseelie Fey are the despotic rulers and
completely chaotic and arbitrary lawmak- Feats Weapon Finesse, Alertness
ers of Shadowfaux.

Skills Appraise + 4, Bluff +5 (+9 when ly-
ing), Climb +3, Disguise +5, Escape Artist
+7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Local) +5,
Perception +10, Sense Motive +5, Sleight
of Hand +7, Stealth +15 (+19 with cam-

Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan

SQ trapfinding, evasion, rogue talent (cam-

ouflage), shadow blending, vanish

Combat Gear dagger, studded leather, dis-

guise kit

The Crimbil Creeper uses every trick at his

disposal to remain out of sight, focusing
on spying on targets the fey courts deem
untrustworthy. At other times, they are
scouts, seeking out humanoid targets to
be kidnapped and taken to the fey realms.
They are determined sneaks, but if discov-
ered they attempt to flee.

“Folks say they’re elves, but look into those

cold jewels they use for eyes and tell me
there’s anything remotely mortal there.”
- Ambrus Cordwain, halfling trader

Long ago, a group of Elves retreated to
a cluster of crystal-lined hollows swathed
among the twisting roots of great trees to
be concealed within great cocoons, both
fibrous and crystalline. A century passed
and these Elves emerged into the light of
day with a lambent glow of their very
own. These were the first Glimmerkin.

When asked why, some hinted at a “greater very smooth, with rudimentary noses and
necessity,” while others expressed a desire small, expressionless mouths.
to “walk a different dream.” Some few El-
Their hair is made up of soft filaments of
vish and Glimmerkin elders keep the truth,
translucent fiber, stronger than ordinary
and they have kept that truth hidden since.
hair, but still pliant. This hair can be of
Glimmerkin are thought by some scholars nearly any hue but tends toward warm
to be a concerted effort to achieve a higher and subtle shades of red, gold, green-gold,
stage of evolution among the Elvish race. and red-violet, in direct contrast to the
Said to be a new species of Elf, the Glim- cold colors of their eyes.
merkin breed true with their own kind,
but there have been no Half-Glimmerkin Random Starting Ages
reported thus far. Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
110 years +4d6 years +6d6 years +10d6 years
They are rarely encountered, and spend
much of their time sleeping deep within Random Height and Weight
membranous cocoons. These cocoons Gender Base Ht. Ht. Mod. Base Wt. Wt. Mod.
pulse and glow from within, and the glim- Male 5’4” +2d8” 105 lbs. +2d8 x 3 lbs.
merkin are typically unresponsive. At other Female 5’4” +2d6” 95 lbs. +2d6 x 3 lbs.
times they appear troubled or even serene,
as though they wander another world. SOCIETY
It is rumored that the original Glimmer-
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION kin elders yet live, though they remain
The Glimmerkin share the same height and sequestered within the hidden hollows of
build as their elvish progenitors, but it is their chrysalis, deep within their torporous
there that superficial similarities end. dreams. Their descendants dwell in ancient
elven lands or in other non-urban settings,
Their most famous feature is their large,
usually among the elves or other fey races.
jewel-like eyes, which are somewhat elon-
It is rare to find Glimmerkin within any set-
gated and of a single green, deep blue,
tlement, and exclusively Glimmerkin sites
aquamarine, or purple hue. Some legends
are unheard of.
claim they never sleep and this could be
due to their translucent eyelids that make it The younger generations of Glimmerkin
seem as though the Glimmerkin’s eyes are sleep less and are more active among the
still open, only a shade or two darker than world. They realize their appearance is
normal. If the eyes are windows to the disconcerting to others and that their ex-
soul, theirs are perpetually shaded. istence is alien to those that do not fully
comprehend The Dreaming as they do.
Glimmerkin have glistening opalescent skin
that is cool to the touch and somewhat As much as possible, Glimmerkin are raised
firmer than normal. Almost like the cara- and educated among their own kind,
pace of an insect. Their facial features are though their upbringing includes many as-

pects of elvish culture. History and tradi- RELATIONS
tion are hallmarks of Glimmerkin society
Aasimar – As members of an established
and it is vital to know where one comes
race with hints of another, luminous, heri-
from in order to know where one is head-
ing. tage, aasimars evoke a sense of kinship
within the glimmerkin.
Favoring rocky hills, preferably at the foot
of a mountain, the Glimmerkin dwell in a Briarborn – The glimmerkin find the bri-
kind of half-world between that of elf and arborn to be an amazing phenomenon
dwarf. Preferring the strength and stability within the natural world. They hold them
of stone, their homes are frequently beauti- with reverence and kindness. The two
fully sculpted caverns that are open to the races are secretive for their own protection
outside as much as can be managed. Even and seem to have an understanding of one
dwarves admire the subtle architecture of another.
glimmerkin settlements. Dwarves – Glimmerkin find dwarves
Having an almost obsessive need to main- much to their liking, while the stout folk
tain history as accurately as possible, the view them as a bizarre form of elf. Once a
glimmerkin insist upon a strong written glimmerkin’s unique nature is established,
and oral tradition. Their original elders the two often strike up a lasting friendship.
went into a chrysalis retreat as a form of Crimbil – The crimbil are sneaks, spies and
meditation and evolution, never intend- couriers for the fey. The glimmerkin mis-
ing to found an entire species. Even so, trust them like most other fey races and
today’s glimmerkin seek to learn from the actively use magical countermeasures to
past in an effort to attain a brighter future.
ensure they are not being watched.
While elves are more inclined to arcane
Elves – Elves view glimmerkin almost as
pursuits, glimmerkin hold natural alchemy
revered elders, while glimmerkin see elves
and Druidic crafts, in equal regard. They
as equals and close cousins. Glimmerkin
strive to perfect their species through direct
have not forgotten their roots and are per-
manipulation of mind and form, as if fear-
fectly content to be referred to and treated
ing some great catastrophe that true elves
as elves, though their appearance suggests
could not survive. Toward this end, almost
any advantage will be considered.
Gnomes – The whimsical nature of
In their pursuit of physical transformation,
gnomes delights glimmerkin, but gnomes
the glimmerkin have managed to capture
tend to find their appearance and alien na-
the essence of the Dreaming within their
ture a little off-putting. It may be the lack
biology, possibly in the hope of transcend-
of expression in a glimmerkin’s eyes that
ing the physical plane entirely.
prevents a deeper connection.

Half-Elves – As a species at the edge of an- Sylfaen – The glimmerkin find the sylfaen
other, the glimmerkin associate well with to be a curiosity. They know of their ori-
the almost outcast nature of half-elves, gins and ties to the fey world, but are still
while admiring their tenacity and ability to cautious of their zealous nature. The glim-
adapt. merkin are sometimes thought to be trai-
tors to the fey, who stole the secrets to
Halflings – Regarded well for their sense
their power. As such, they fear retribution
of history and tradition, halflings are a
from the sylfaen who are the fey’s enforc-
source of lore and entertainment for glim-
merkin, who see hidden gems of knowl-
edge and wisdom in the rambling tales of Sylph – Glimmerkin find sylphs charming
the little folk. and fascinating, seeing almost a mirror im-
age of themselves in members of this race.
Half-Orcs – While understanding their
To understand a sylph is to discover a part
sense of alienation, Glimmerkin find little
of themselves that they have long denied.
common ground with Half-orcs, preferring
to give them as much space as possible.
Humans – Glimmerkin find the human
Centuries of tradition and the pursuit of a
lack of continuity and consistency rather
higher state of being have inured the glim-
disturbing as well as a source of misgiving.
merkin to a structured lifestyle unburdened
They take humans at face value, but never
by the extremes of good or evil. This leaves
truly give them their full trust.
most glimmerkin uncharacteristically law-
Orcs & Goblinkind – Viewed as nothing ful neutral in alignment, another trait that
more than thieves and vandals, the orc and pushes the boundaries between them and
goblin races receive only contempt from their elvish kin.
the glimmerkin, who fight side by side with
In their pursuit of physical transcendence,
the elves against their penchant for destruc-
some glimmerkin have turned to the ideals
tion and murder at every turn.
of divine ascension as a model. Still, even
True Changelings – Glimmerkin fear true those of a clerical bent tend to approach
changelings, and with good reason. The religion as more of a scholarly study than
fey fear the glimmerkin for they know not an expression of faith. Most clerical glim-
what secrets they hold. True changelings merkin become druids that revere the ab-
are the spies of the fey courts and as such stract forces of nature, while those who
the glimmerkin are paranoid of their infil- embrace the divine tend to honor deities
tration. It is unlikely that any true change- of order or survival.
lings caught in a glimmerkin hold would be
treated kindly.

Aiunon, Cyvier, Huorl, Jhurio, Orun,
Player character glimmerkin are usu-
Quire, Shuran, Terov.
ally seekers who desire to pit themselves
against the worst of what the world has
Female Names
to offer, almost as a kind of personal test
Arusien, Endiell, Elludie, Falaethe, Imbiiah,
of survival. They do not flinch easily from
Opalline, Syrantha, Vyolle.
the horrors and threats of the adventuring
lifestyle, believing firmly that anything they
can endure will only add to their reserves GLIMMERKIN PLAYER
of knowledge and inner strength. CHARACTERS
Though it is expected for the elders to re- Alchemist – Many glimmerkin pursue bio-
main in isolation, other glimmerkin are ex- logical alchemy in an effort to bring them-
pected to make their way in the world to selves closer to their elusive ideal. Glim-
represent their species and to experience merkin alchemists are more interested in
all they can. Thus, do members of this race mutagenic discoveries than developing
often pursue the adventuring life. explosives and poisons. Glimmerkin of-
ten gravitate to the Internal Alchemist and
Necessity drives the glimmerkin and forms Mindchemist archetypes.
the patterns of their behavior and actions.
Combat is to be performed as cleanly and  Favored Class Bonus: The alchemist
efficiently as creating a musical composi- takes no penalty to mental ability
tion or an essay. They will learn anything scores while under the effect of his
they can to better their natural talents and, own mutagen.
above all, to survive.
Barbarian – Some glimmerkin have re-
Adventuring glimmerkin always try to sleep gressed to a more primal state and retreat-
in hanging tents, a practice that others find ed from even the meanest trappings of civi-
both humorous and at times unnerving. lization to fight for the preservation of the
natural world. These rare individuals most
often surrender to the wild dance of the
storm with the Elemental Kin archetype,
While glimmerkin names are normally with cold or electricity as their patron ele-
formed of distinct musical sounds, they will ment.
adapt these appellations to the standards
of other races as best they can.  Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/3 to
the bonus from the superstitious rage
Having no family names or other sur- power.
names, glimmerkin will often further iden-
tify themselves by their place of origin or
residence for the convenience of others.

Bard – All glimmerkin are attuned to Magus – The glimmerkin treat combat as
sound and vibrations and many prove to a precise dance, action dictates reaction.
be natural singers or musicians. The Archi- They meld magic and combat harmonious-
vist and Sound Striker archetypes are com- ly and effortlessly, making excellent Magi.
mon among glimmerkin. Often glimmerkin Magi can be found as
Spellblade or Kensai archetypes.
 Favored Class Bonus: Choose one
bardic performance; treat the bard as  Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/2 points
+1/2 level higher when determining to the Magus’s arcane pool which
the effects of that performance. may only be used with the Spell Re-
call class ability.
Cleric – Those few glimmerkin who de-
vote themselves to a deity pledge their Oracle – The glimmerkin are introspective
light to the defense of life and the eradica- and master seers. They excel at the Oracle
tion of evil. They often devote their efforts profession as it is akin to second nature for
them. Most glimmerkin Oracles find them-
to study as a Cloistered Cleric.
selves of the Enlightened Philosopher, Pla-
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/2 to nar Oracle, Seer or Stargazer archetypes.
damage when using positive energy
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the
against undead or using Alignment
oracle’s number of revelations.
Channel to damage evil outsiders.
Ranger – Glimmerkin find great need in
Druid – As a devotee of nature and ele-
protecting their demesnes and keeping
mental power, as well as master of shifting their inner sanctums safe from intruders.
forms, the Druid is a common calling for In such, they rely on their Rangers to pro-
glimmerkin. An attraction to the power of tect them. Most follow the Battle Scout or
the land and of stones prompts many glim- Woodland Skirmisher archetypes.
merkin Druids to become Menhir Savants.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add a +1/2 bo-
 Favored Class Bonus: Add a +1/2 bo- nus on wild empathy checks to influ-
nus to Concentration checks. This bo- ence animals, magical beasts or fey
nus doubles in a forest or mountain creatures.
(including hills) terrain.
Rogue – Glimmerkin are at odds with the
Fighter – In an effort to master all forms unlawfulness of the Rogue class, though
of lore and meet all challenges, some glim- they clearly understand the need for ob-
merkin pursue the combat arts as Fighters. fuscation and subterfuge. They are never
Even in the throes of battle, many glimmer- thieves per se. Glimmerkin following the
kin Fighters apply their observational skills Rogue’s profession are often of the Investi-
and acquired knowledge as Lore Wardens. gator, Scout, Spy or Trapsmith archetypes.

 Favored Class Bonus: Add +2 on rolls  Favored Class Bonus: Add a +1/2 bo-
to stabilize when dying. nus to sneak attack damage.

Sorcerer – Born of the elves and changed *Classes not represented here are not typi-
by The Dreaming, glimmerkin are rife with cal for player characters. Use the standard
eldritch power, though they have some dif- bonuses to represent taking favored levels
ficulty channeling it. Glimmerkin Sorcerers in these classes.
frequently have the Arcane, Dreamspun,
or Fey bloodlines and can be of the Wild-
blooded archetype.
Ability Scores: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con,
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
DC of any enchantment spell cast.
Glimmerkin are as agile as their elven
Summoner – It is said the glimmerkin do cousins and deeply contemplative, but
not summon creatures, but dream them they have yet to fully adapt to the physi-
into existence. Glimmerkin Summoners cal rigors of the physical world.
are very powerful indeed and can follow
Type: Fey (Elf)
any Summoner archetype.
As an elf, the glimmerkin counts as an elf
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/5 points
for any effect related to race. Creatures
of Str and Con to any summoned
with the elf subtype have low-light vi-
Witch – Glimmerkin wield strange eldritch
Size: Medium
magic, making the occasional Witch. As
such, they are frequently of the Dimen- Glimmerkin have no bonuses or penalties
sional Occultist archetypes. due to their size. A Medium creature has
a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of
 Favored Class Bonus: Add one spell
5 feet.
from the Witch spell list to the
Witch’s familiar. This spell must be at Base Speed: Normal. Glimmerkin have
least one level below the highest spell a base speed of 30 feet.
level she can cast. If the Witch ever
Languages: Standard. Glimmerkin be-
replaces her familiar, the new familiar
gin play speaking Scintillic and Common.
knows these bonus spells.
Glimmerkin with high Intelligence scores
Wizard – Glimmerkin Wizards are true can choose from the following addition-
masters of their craft, weaving the eldritch al languages: Celestial, Dwarven, Elven,
energies of the fey with ease. Wizards are Gnome, Halfling and Sylvan.
often the undisputed masters of glimmer-
Racial Points: 23 (Monstrous)
kin settlements. Glimmerkin Wizards are
almost entirely of the Primalist archetype. Effective Level: +1 (until 6th)

 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 of a

bonus metamagic feat.

Opal Skin Radiant
The lustrous, carapace-like skin of the glim- A glimmerkin may shed a soft radiance
merkin gives them a +1 natural armor bo- equal to a candle, in any desired color. This
nus to their Armor Class and resistance 5 to ability is used mostly to communicate with
electricity. other glimmerkin in the Scintillic language.

Nictating Membrane Harmonic Disturbance

When the glimmerkin’s translucent eyelids Three times per day a glimmerkin may
are closed, they lose low-light vision, but use blur as a spell-like ability, as a caster of
are immune to all light-based blindness and the user’s character level. The distortion
dazzle effects. of the glimmerkin’s blur also affects vibra-
tions, effectively granting the spell’s 20%
FEAT AND SKILL ABILITIES miss chance from concealment against such
abilities as blind-fight and tremorsense.
Jewel-Like Eyes
Glimmerkin eyes resemble nothing so SENSES RACIAL ABILITIES
much as lustrous oval jewels, smooth and
of a single rich hue. Coupled with their Discerning Ear
alien and unexpressive features, Glimmer- The Glimmerkin can make a Perception
kin gain a +2 racial bonus to Bluff checks check to analyze any sound-based effect
against non-glimmerkin, and members of (such as a gibbering mouther’s cacophony
other races add +2 to the DC of Sense Mo- or a harpy’s song) in place of a Will save.
tive checks made against them. If they successfully recognize the sound,
they are able to muffle or otherwise deflect
Keen Senses the effects.
Glimmerkin retain the elvish +2 racial bo-
nus on Perception checks. Low-Light Vision
Glimmerkin can see twice as far as a race
Proximity Sense with normal vision in conditions of dim
Attuned to sound and vibrations of all light.
kinds, members of this race gain Blind-Fight
as a bonus feat at 1st level. WEAKNESSES
Vulnerability to Sonic Damage
All glimmerkin are susceptible to sonic ef-
fects and take an additional +50% damage
from any form of sonic damage.


Dreamweaver (Wizard Archetype) You can project yourself into the minds of
sleeping targets, communicating directly
The glimmerkin Dreamweaver is a Wizard
through their dreams. This allows you to
that specializes in dream magic. They tap
cast message as a spell-like ability a number
into The Dreaming to give them strange
of times per day equal to your Int modifier
insights and powers, which further warps
(minimum of 1), however this message is
their mortal shells.
delivered only when the target next sleeps.
Dreamsight It may additionally send a visual cue to go
along with the message, but this has no ad-
Your mind and sight are still connected ditional mechanical affect other than deliv-
to The Dreaming, and it overlays the real ering the message.
world. You can gaze into this realm, but
your connection also invites mischievous This replaces the Wizard’s Arcane Bond
fey spirits to antagonize you. ability.

Three times per day you may cast premo- Otherworldly Overlay
nition as a spell-like ability.
You can twist the material world into the
Retrieving any stored item from your gear unpredictable lands of The Dreaming. As a
requires a standard action, unless it would standard action, you can turn one 5-foot
normally take longer. Any item you drop square per level within 100’ into difficult
lands 10 feet away from you in a random terrain for 1 round per level. You may use
direction. In addition, any Perception this ability a number of times per day equal
check you make while under the influence to 3 + your Charisma bonus.
of the Dreamsight ability is at a -5 penalty.
This replaces the Wizard’s 10th level bonus
This replaces the Scribe Scroll feat. feat.

Dreaming Magic
Your mastery of fey magic grants your spells
a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to Antediluvian Dreams
overcome the spell resistance of fey crea- Your connection to The Dreaming allows
tures. This increases to +4 at 10th level. you to recall ancient memories of the elder
This replaces the Wizard’s 5th level bonus days.
feat. Prerequisites: Glimmerkin, Wis 15
Benefit: By meditating for one minute,
you may roll twice for any knowledge
check, taking the best result.

Crossroads Nomad Dream of Totality
You can sense fey crossroads which lead to When entering the elven reverie, your
other planes, and use them to traverse the body heals quickly.
mortal world. Prerequisites: Glimmerkin or elf, Deep
Prerequisites: Fey creature, Wis 13, Sur- Reverie
vival 5 ranks. Benefit: While resting in reverie, you tap
Benefit: You can sense fey crossroads, into the power of The Dreaming and gain
faerie mounds, faerie rings, or magical Fast Healing 1.
nodes by making a Survival check with a
DC of 25. This check takes approximately Fickle Mind
one hour of time. You may retry failed at- Enchantments have a difficult time taking
tempts, though each additional roll takes hold of your chaotic mind.
an additional hour of time and travel. Prerequisites: Fey type, Chaotic Align-
Once a suitable fey crossroads is found, ment, Wis or Cha 13
you may teleport through the crossroads as Benefit: If a character with this feat is
per the spell, though you must also make affected by an enchantment spell or effect
an Intelligence check with a DC of 15. For and fails her saving throw, they can attempt
each point you miss the DC by, you are it again 1 round later at the same DC. They
aged a year as you become lost wandering gets only this one extra chance to succeed
through the fey realms. on their saving throw.
Crystalline Flesh Otherworldly Insight
Your time within The Dreaming affects you Your knowledge of The Dreaming world
further, toughening your flesh. grants you greater powers over enchant-
Prerequisites: Glimmerkin, 5 HD ments.
Benefit: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Prerequisites: Glimmerkin
natural armor and fortitude saves.
Benefit: All enchantment spells you cast
are at +2 effective caster levels.
Deep Reverie
When entering the elven reverie, you gain
Otherworldly Resistance
greater benefit.
You gain a resistance to physical damage
Prerequisites: Glimmerkin or elf, Wis 15
like other fey.
Benefit: After resting in reverie for four
hours, you tap into the communal wisdom Prerequisites: Glimmerkin
of the dwellers in dream, taking a bit of Benefit: You gain DR 2/cold iron. In
that insight with you. You gain a +3 com- addition, you are now susceptible to cold
petence bonus on any one skill check of iron, taking 1 additional point of damage
your choice. This may be changed each from injuries caused by cold iron weapons
day after entering the reverie. and take one point of nonlethal damage
each round you maintain contact with cold

Unfurled Wings
You grow spotted moth-like wings from
your back that allow you to fly. OPTIONS
Prerequisites: Glimmerkin
Benefit: You permanently grow wings New Language:
capable of giving you flight. You gain a
flight speed of 30’ (average).
Scintillic is a visual language unique to the
Umbral Soul glimmerkin and is communicated silently
Magic of fey origin slides harmlessly off by patterns and colors of flashing lights.
you. Members of other races can learn to un-
Prerequisites: Glimmerkin, 9 HD, Oth- derstand Scintillic, but it would be almost
erworldly Resistance impossible for them to reproduce.
Benefit: You gain Spell Resistance equal
to 11 plus your hit dice or class levels. New Spell:
School divination; Level cleric/oracle 3,
Shining One (Glimmerkin) ranger 2
When radiating light with their Radiant
racial ability, the glimmerkin instead sheds CASTING
light akin to a torch. Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You are able to see a split second into the
future – just enough to see something com-
ing for you before it hits. For the spell’s
duration you do not lose your Dexterity
bonus to AC while flat-footed, cannot be
surprised, and do not provoke Attacks of
Opportunity. You also gain a +2 bonus to
Reflex saves and Dexterity checks.

*Adapted from The Book of Divine Magic.

©2009, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming


The Gleaming Spire  The Sleepers – It is said that there

are a number of glimmerkin deep in
LN Small Town
everlasting reverie within The Gleam-
Corruption -2; Crime -1; Economy +0;
ing Spire. These Sleepers are who
Law +2; Lore +6; Society -2
truly lead the race and its strange am-
Qualities academic, eldritch, insular
bitions through subtle dream commu-
Danger +13
nications to their faithful.

Base Value 1,000 gp; Purchase Limit
Government Magical 5,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th (8th for Divi-
Population 1000 (95% glimmerkin, 5% nation)
Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6;
Notable NPCs
Major Items None
 Researcher Quire, male glimmerkin
Alchemist (Mindchemist) 10
 Record-keeper Melethron, male glim- Glimmerkin Acolyte CR 1
merkin Bard (Archivist) 13
XP 400
 Vyolle, female glimmerkin Druid
(Menhir Savant) 14 Glimmerkin Wizard 1
N Medium Fey (Elf)
 Knight-Marshal Ladachad, male glim-
merkin Fighter (Lore Warden) 13 Init +6; Senses Low Light Vision; Percep-
tion +4
 Captain Larasarne, female glimmer-
kin Magus (Spellblade) 9 DEFENSE

 Opalline, female glimmerkin Oracle AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor,
(Planar Oracle) 14 +2 Dex, +1 natural)

 Spymaster Cyvier, male true change- hp 9 (1d6+3)

ling Rogue (Spy) 11 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
 Sarantha, female glimmerkin Sorceror OFFENSE
(Dreamspun) 16
Speed 30 ft.
 Tuigalan, male glimmerkin Summon-
er 15 Melee quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1)
 Speaker Melethril, male glimmerkin Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (6/
Wizard (Dreamweaver)16 day)

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentra-
tion +4)

1st - burning hands (DC 14), mage armor

0th (at will) - bleed (DC 13), detect magic,


Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha

Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11

Feats Combat Casting, Improved Initia-

tive, Scribe Scroll

Skills Knowledge (arcana, history, planes)

+8, Linguistics +8, Perception +3, Sense
Motive +2, Spellcraft +8

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven,

Elven, Giant, Scintillic, Treant

SQ arcane bond (quarterstaff)

Combat Gear potions of cure light “Look at this pathetic creature’s smoking
wounds (2), potion of invisibility, scrolls flesh. See how it burns against the cold
of comprehend languages (2), scroll of en- iron mancatcher around its neck. This
dure elements, scroll of magic missile, scroll wretched mimic has lived among you for
of grease, scroll of mount, scrolls of shield years, pretending to be one of your own,
(2), smokesticks (2); Other Gear quarter- selling your secrets to the fey-folk. Those
staff, antitoxin, spellbook, sunrods (5), 10 very fairies are now enjoying the delicacies
gp of our children! We must end this menace
A Glimmerkin Acolyte is a common sight
in a glimmerkin settlement. They are the - Gareth Firebrand, human Inquisitor
common worker, laborer and courier.
Most use magic to accomplish their tasks. INTRODUCTION
They are inclined towards secrecy, but are
not aggressive unless threatened. A number of creatures have gone by the moni-
ker of “Changeling” over the aeons, but there is
truly only one such creature.
True changelings are a breed of fey creature that
is steeped in the powers of the Dreaming.

Their magical abilities allow them to tures, having the ability to mimic them
shapechange with uncanny precision. nearly completely.

The fey courts use these true changelings Fortunately for mankind, their chaotic fey
(not to be confused with the misbegotten natures are also their undoing. When they
children of hags) as replacements for those shift forms, there is always one tell-tale
creatures (often children) stolen or kid- mark on their bodies that identifies them
napped by the fey. as the fey. Usually this is an eye that is
colored differently from the other, an odd
It is believed that the true changelings are birthmark, a streak of miscolored hair, or
mercurial spirits that exist in the Dreaming, some other identifier. Otherwise, they are
flitting about in an endless chaotic dance, identical to the creature they seek to im-
seeking to find a pleasing shape. Some personate.
have been lured onto the prime material
plane. Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
The crimbil use true changelings to replace
40 years +4d6 years +6d6 years +9d6 years
those that they have snatched, and in most
cases, those around the abducted are not Random Height and Weight
aware of any wrongdoing until the true
Gender Base Ht. Ht. Mod. Base Wt. Wt. Mod.
changeling begins to exhibit strange behav-
Male 5’4” +2d8” 110 lbs. +2d8 x 5 lbs.
iors. Female 5’4” +2d6” 90 lbs. +2d6 x 5 lbs.

Many races have legends of changelings in

their midst. This folklore includes perform- SOCIETY
ing a number of absurd things to attempt to
True changelings do not have a society of
“force” a changeling to show themselves.
their own. They exist freely throughout
the dreaming, taking shapes as they please
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION and living untethered.
When a true changeling is sent to the natu- However, both fey courts have great use
ral world, it appears as a featureless lump of the talents of the true changelings. The
of flesh, roughly human in size and shape. Unseelie Fey use them as replacements and
Its flesh is white and akin to tallow. spies for those they have misappropriated,
Its face has featureless eyes and a subdued and even the Seelie Fey find their talents
nose and mouth. The creature appears useful. Such true changelings are often
pitiful and in pain, though if cornered it emissaries of the Sidhe, capable of moving
quickly becomes menacing. without excess notice among their charges.

Finding a true changeling is nearly impos- For those outside of the service of the fey,
sible however, as they are masters of dis- they dwell in larger cities, seeking to keep
guise. As creatures of pure entropy, they themselves hidden. Some come to enjoy
shift their forms after viewing other crea- the lives of mortals and seek to act as one.

RELATIONS true changelings from the first days. The
changelings are suspicious around them,
Changeling – The children of the hags
knowing their propensity for stealth and
have much in common with the true
trickery rivals their own.
changelings. The difference lies in the fact
that the true changeling is a master of mim- Half-Orcs – True changelings view the
icry and imitates another race, whereas the half-orcs as dull-witted brutes, carrying the
changeling is simply adopted and raised by worst traits of both humans and orcs. They
another race. rarely have the need to mimic half-orcs.

True changelings find changelings amusing Humans – By far and away, true change-
and are quite fond of them. They deeply lings have inflicted the most terror and
enjoy spinning rumors of their own exis- harm against human-kind. They have been
tence into that of the hag’s brood. the most susceptible and the least obser-
vant. Those days have passed, but humans
Dwarves – True changelings have difficulty
have much misinformed folklore surround-
being around dwarves. A dwarf is primari-
ing the true changeling’s activity.
ly a lawful creature, and their manners and
customs are hard for the true changeling
to adjust to. This almost always results in ALIGNMENT & RELIGION
some sort of chaotic fit or breakdown. In True changelings are not frequently drawn
return, the dwarves have no patience for a towards gods or any sort of organizations.
subversive shapechanger in their midst. They are free spirits, almost always Chaotic
of alignment and occasionally neutral.
Elves – The elves have long been aware of
the true changelings. Their kind are each While not inherently evil, many perform
as old as the world itself, and as such they dark deeds in the name of the Unseelie
have a measure of respect for each other. Court, whereas those in the service of the
The elves frequently are able to ferret out Seelie Court might be more neutral in na-
true changelings among themselves, and ture.
are discreet about their activities in the
open world.
Gnomes – The gnomes recall the true A true changeling PC is a true enigma. For
changelings, but do are largely indifferent a creature whose very nature is duplicity
towards them. True changelings, however, to leave the relative safety of the fey courts
find gnomes easy to mimic. and dwell upon the natural world bears
Half-Elves – True changelings consider wonder.
half-elves a curiosity - an amalgamation of It could be that the fey courts have sent
humanity and elvenkind. the true changeling into the world to spy
Halflings – The halflings are surpris- upon its peoples, with their unfathomable
ingly good keepers of lore, and know schemes. Perhaps though, the true change-

ling tired of the courts, seeking a life of Bard – The bard is an appealing class to
new adventure. They are creatures of cha- true changelings, as they love different ex-
os, and even the fey understand this. Such periences and can easily adapt to many dif-
is their nature. ferent roles. They are often of the Arcane
Duelist, Court Bard, or Sandman arche-

True changelings speak Changeling, a dif-  Favored Class Bonus: +1/5 to the
ficult fluctuating tongue that has its roots number of versatile performances
in Sylvan. they may know.

True changelings have odd names, alien Cleric – The true changelings do not wor-
sounding and unnatural. Male names tend ship gods, typically, but a fickle one might
to end with O’s while female names end in venerate a philosophy such as chaos or en-
A’s, though their language has many excep- tropy, etc. True changeling Clerics are fre-
tions to every rule. quently of the Separatist archetype.

 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 on cast-

Male and Female
er level checks made to overcome the
Arcture, Baelnor, Cuhlna, Davor, Eadros, spell resistance of fey or outsiders.
Fastor, Gezren, Habor, Iyactu, Juzal, Kuro,
Lysire, Menzier, Nyartha, Oatra, Pithna, Fighter – True changelings who have the
Quilloth, Ryuul, Sevaar, Tythiir, Uulfar, Vio- proper temperament can learn to be suc-
los, Wared, Xynot, Yseult, Zoren cessful Fighters. They tend to learn a wide
array of skills and abilities rather than focus
on any one fighting style or discipline. A
true changeling Fighter can choose nearly
PLAYER CHARACTERS any archetype.
Alchemist – The true changelings are fond
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/4 to the
of the alchemical path. To them, alchemy
number of weapon groups the fighter
is almost a spiritual path, one they parallel
may use his Weapon Training ability
in life. True changeling alchemists are fre-
quently of the Beastmorph or Clone Mas-
ter archetypes. Gunslinger – An appealing class to the
mysterious true changelings, they enjoy the
 Favored Class Bonus: add +1/6 new
flash and panache of the gunslinger. With
alchemist discoveries.
their abilities to change appearance, they
are well-suited to being the Mysterious
Stranger archetype or Pistolero.

 Favored Class Bonus: Add a +1/5 bo-

nus to the Gunslinger’s Dodge deed.

Magus – The true changeling channels the Summoner – True changelings make for
raw power of the Dreaming with skill at good Summoners, tapping into their fey
arms. It is not uncommon to find a true nature. Their eidolon often takes on as-
changeling Magus. They are most fre- pects of their shifting nature. They are
quently of the Hexcrafter or Spellblade ar- most frequently of the First Worlder or
chetypes. Synthesist archetypes.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/4 point  Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 dodge
to the Magus’s arcane pool. bonus to the Summoner’s eidolon.

Ranger – True changelings are wild crea- Witch – Tapping into the powers of the
tures at heart, yearning for exploration Dreaming itself, a true changeling Witch
and freedom. As such, they are commonly wields great powers. They are most of-
Rangers. They are often of the Infiltrator ten of the Dimensional Occultist or Hedge
or Woodland Skirmisher archetypes. Witch archetypes.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the  Favored Class Bonus: Add one spell
list of Favored Enemies. from the Witch spell list to the
Witch’s familiar. This spell must be at
Rogue – Due to their mimicry abilities, true
least one level below the highest spell
changelings make excellent Rogues. Many
level she can cast. If the Witch ever
are of the Chameleon and Spy archetypes.
replaces her familiar, the new familiar
 Favored Class Bonus: The true change- knows these bonus spells.
ling gains +1/6 of a new rogue talent.
Wizard – A Wizard is often an unknown
Sorcerer – As creatures of the Dreaming, entity, with unfathomable goals to the lo-
the true changeling carries much of their cal populations. As such, true changelings
fey power within, and true changeling Sor- are often drawn to their midst. Most stay
cerers are not uncommon. Frequently they in the fringe becoming Shadowcaster and
are of the Fey or Arcane bloodlines, often Primalist archetypes.
with the Wildblooded archetype.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/2 to
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 to over- your effective caster level for any
come spell resistance against fey or transmutation spell you cast.
*Classes not represented here are not typi-
cal for player characters. Use the standard
bonuses to represent taking favored levels
in these classes.

Ability Scores: +2 to any single ability
Because of their fey natures, true change-
True changelings gain a +2 bonus to any lings gain a +2 racial bonus on saving
single ability score due to their unpredict- throws against mind-affecting effects and
able and varied nature. poison.

Type: Fey (Shapechanger)

A fey is a creature with supernatural abili-
ties and connections to nature or to some Convincing Double
other force or place. True changelings gain a +4 racial bonus on
Bluff checks to convince others that they
A fey race has the following features:
are the person they are imitating.
Fey have the low-light vision racial trait.
Skill Training
Fey breathe, eat, and sleep.
Bluff and Stealth are always considered
Size: Medium class skills for true changelings. If they al-
ready have either of those skills as a class
True changelings have no bonuses or pen- skill, they instead gain a +1 competence
alties due to their size. A Medium crea- bonus in that skill.
ture has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a
reach of 5 feet. Curiosity
Base Speed: Normal. Changelings have True changelings are naturally inquisitive
a base speed of 30 feet. about the world around them. They gain
a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather
Languages: Standard. True changelings information, and Knowledge (history) and
begin play speaking Changeling and Knowledge (local) become class skills for
Common. True changelings with high In- them. If they choose a class that has either
telligence scores can choose from the fol- of these Knowledge skills as class skills, they
lowing additional languages: Elven, Gi- gain a +2 racial bonus on those skills in-
ant, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and stead.

Racial Points: 18 Gift of Tongues

True changelings are master linguists, learn-
Effective Level: +1 (Advanced) ing other’s tongues very quickly. They gain
a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy
checks, and they learn one additional lan-
guage every time they put a rank in the
Linguistics skill.

Mimicry (Su) True Changeling Shadowrazor
A true changeling can assume the appear- (Fighter Archetype)
ance of a Small or Medium humanoid as True changelings are very cautious, re-
per the alter self spell at will, save that it sourceful and clever. This way of life has
does not adjust its ability scores.
kept them safe for ages. It is no wonder
Performing mimicry requires a standard ac- then, that this philosophy also blended
tion, and the true changeling must be able into their fighting abilities.
to see the target to be mimicked or have
intimate knowledge of them. Adaptable Stealth

The mimicry makes the true changeling Whenever the true changeling has the op-
look very similar to their target, gaining a tion to gain a bonus feat, he may instead
+10 bonus to Disguise checks to imperson- choose to gain +1d6 Sneak Attack.
ate a specific target.
This replaces the Fighter’s Bonus Feat when
Unfortunately, the mimicry is not perfect. used for this purpose.
There is always one flaw in the mimicry
that allows familiar observers to realize Feyborn Grace
that the changeling is not who they seem.
Usually, this is an odd physical flaw, which You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex saves.
the true changeling will do their best to
This replaces the Fighter’s Heavy Armor
cover up. For those who know how to
look for such things, a Perception check or Proficiency.
Sense Motive check DC 25 will alert an on- Misdirection
looker that something is amiss.
You may feint as a move action.
SENSES ABILITIES This replaces the Fighter’s Bravery and ar-
mor training class features.
Low-Light Vision
True changelings can see twice as far as a
race with normal vision in conditions of
dim light.

Cold Iron Vulnerability
True changelings take 1 extra point of dam-
age from attacks made by cold iron, and 1
point of subdual damage for each round
when coming into contact with the mate-

RACIAL FEATS Benefit: Choose a race. When mimick-
ing that race, you count as that race for
purposes of spells, feats and magic items.
Camouflage Flesh
You also gain an additional +5 competence
Your flesh can take on the hues of your sur-
roundings, making you hard to detect. bonus to impersonate a member of that
Prerequisites: True changeling race.
Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bo- Special: You may take this feat multiple
nus to your Stealth checks and may make times. Each time chosen it pertains to a
Stealth checks even if the terrain doesn’t different race.
grant cover or concealment.
When subject to transmutation spells, you
are able to exact greater effect.
You have perfected mimicking beasts.
Prerequisites: True changeling
Prerequisites: True changeling
Benefit: When you are the target of a
Benefit: You may mimic small and medi-
Transmutation spell, you are able to gain
um animals. When in an animal form, you
either a +1 competence bonus or caster
gain no benefits other than their move-
level per five levels. You may not choose
ment rates. You also can not speak.
both. Additionally, when subject to harm-
Giantshaper ful transmutation spells, you may reduce
You can take the shape of a large human- the amounts by a like amount and gain the
oid. competence bonus as a bonus to saves.
Prerequisites: True changeling
Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bo- Intimidating Visage
nus to your Stealth checks and may make Your face shifts rapidly between forms, us-
ing the worst characteristics of each to in-
Stealth checks even if the terrain doesn’t
timidate your enemies.
grant cover or concealment.
Prerequisites: True changeling, Quick-
Quickened Mimicry ened Mimicry
You can mimic another with but a glance. Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bo-
Prerequisites: True changeling nus on Intimidate checks made to demoral-
Benefit: You can use your mimicry pow- ize an opponent.
ers as a swift action. This mimicry is fre-
Master of Mimicry
quently more flawed than the standard,
When becoming other races, you take full
only gaining a +5 Disguise bonus to imper-
advantage of the new form.
sonate a specific person.
Prerequisites: True changeling, 6 HD
Mimic Race Benefit: When you become another
You become another race entirely when race, you gain any physical abilities, ex-
mimicking them. traordinary abilities and inherent ability
Prerequisites: True changeling score bonuses while in that shape.

Shift-Healer keep accurate information about them-
When becoming other forms, you can close selves sketchy at best.
some of your wounds.
When a character makes a skill check, read
Prerequisites: True changeling, 6 HD or paraphrase the following, including the
Benefit: When you become a differ- information from lower DCs.
ent race (not just person), you may heal
1d4 + ½ your HD in hit points during the DC 20: Changelings are those creatures of
transformation. You may not use this with fairy tale that were left in place of stolen
Quickened Mimicry. This ability may be children. No one honestly believes they
really exist.
used a maximum number of times per day
equal to your Wisdom bonus (minimum of DC 25: The Elves make mention of a race
1). of beings that can steal the forms of oth-
er races. They call them the tïrén äshwé,
Inconsistent Anatomy which roughly translates to “empty man”
While using your mimicry powers you can in the common tongue.
alter the location of your vital organs to a
DC 35: In truth, the true changelings are
limited degree.
a type of fey native to another plane of
Prerequisites: True changeling existence.
Benefit: When not in your natural form,
you gain a 25% resistance to critical hits DC 40: The true changelings are curious
and sneak attacks. This is not Fortification entities from beyond our world, a place
and does not stack with it, working inde- called ‘The Dreaming,’ who enjoy taking
pendently. the forms of mortals so they can experi-
ence this existence.
Comfortable Liar (True changeling)
You may take 10 on Bluff checks, even if SETTLEMENTS
stress or distraction would normally pre- Changelings never create permanent settle-
vent you from doing so. ments of their own, and rarely live in one
place any longer than necessary. While
Blend In (True changeling) they may coexist with tolerant creatures or
You may roll twice, taking the best result live in subterfuge among other races, they
when using Diplomacy to gather informa- are too chaotic of nature to be tied to one
tion. place for too long. Their need to experi-
ence this world is too great.
Characters with Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can research true
changelings to learn more about them,
though they have worked diligently to

TRUE CHANGELING NPC Skills Acrobatics +3, Bluff +8 (+12 on
checks to convince others that they are
True Changeling Shadowrazor CR 4 the person they are imitating), Climb +6,
XP 1200 Diplomacy +3 (+7 to Gathering Informa-
tion), Disguise +2, Intimidate +5, Knowl-
Male True Changeling Fighter (Shadow- edge (arcana)+2, Knowledge (nature) +2,
razor) 5 Knowledge (planes) +2, Linguistics +3, Per-
CN Medium Fey ception +2, Stealth +10, Survival +3 Modi-
fiers Beguiling Liar, Curiosity
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Percep-
tion +2 Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Gob-
lin, Halfling, Sylvan, Changeling
SQ Mimicry
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor,
+3 Dex, +1 dodge) Gear Leather armor +1, shortsword +1,
longbow with 20 arrows, masterwork
hp 32 (5d10)
longsword, heavy cloak
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 (+1 vs. fear); +2
The true changeling Shadowrazor is often
vs. mind-affecting and poison
an operative and courier of the courts of
Defensive Abilities Resistant the fey. Half spy and half killer, they play
a vital role in bringing information to and
Weakness Vulnerable to Cold Iron
from areas of importance. They are dif-
OFFENSE ficult to detect, and even harder to stop.
The Shadowrazor will fight if necessary,
Speed 30 ft.
but never to the death, preferring to flee
Melee +1 Shortsword +10 (1d6+4/19-20/ into the shadows.
Ranged mwk composite longbow +8
Special Attacks weapon training abilities
(light blades +1), sneak attack +2d6

Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Combat Expertise +/-2, Combat Re-
flexes (4 AoO/round), Dodge, Weapon Fo-
cus (Shortsword)

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The Sylfaen are a unique race, in the aspect
that the Fey created them. Out of desper-
ate need, the Elder Fey used powerful cre-
ation magic to produce a humanoid race
that could serve as protectors and soldiers.
These warriors fought against an enemy
that seemed immune to the fey’s most
powerful weapon--magic. The Sylfaen still
utilize fey magic, but use it more for per-
sonal enhancement than outright attacks.

The Elder Fey needed warriors that could

think and act on their own, and that were
not susceptible to magical disruption as
were golems, summoned creatures, and
awakened plant life. As such, the Sylfaen
are not a slave race, nor are they bound in
servitude. They are, however, born with an
innate need to protect the forests and glens
the fey call home. This protection is carried
Curse this job and this glade! We need out with vicious and horrifying zeal, and
food, but it isn’t worth our lives! We at- seemingly without any sort of compassion
tempted to log as you asked, but after the for those they find as offenders.
first axe hit wood, the whole forest went
silent, like a dream. I thought we saw elves PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
come out from the shadows, but we had
At a distance the sylfaen are often mistaken
an understanding with the elves, and these
for elves and some even for drow, so alike
were no elves…
is their appearance. They are tall, lithe and
No, something about their eyes was not graceful like elves, however there are dis-
right - they were portals to somewhere else tinct differences. Sylfaen skin ranges from a
- and they had catlike ears. With sadistic drab olive green to a deep midnight blue.
glee they took to hunting our men down Sometimes this skin is even mottled in a
and butchering us like animals, catching us natural form of camouflage.
in bear traps and pinning us to the trees
In addition, every sylfaen has a birthmark
with their arrows. I don’t know what they
that resembles artistic knot-work or whorls
were, but I’m never setting foot in another
over most of their body, including their
forest again, ever!
face. Each is unique, and the sylfaen recog-
- Blythe Bradford, human ex-logger nize each other by these markings as easily

as most races recognize each other by facial Random Starting Ages
features. Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
20 years +1d6 years +2d6 years +3d6 years
Sylfaen hair tends most often to be deep
seaweed green or an inky blue black color. Aging Effects
Occasionally hair colors are vastly differ-
Middle Age Old Venerable Max. Age
ent, appearing as colorful as maple leaves 300 years 500 years 800 years +4d% years
in autumn, ranging from yellow to orange-
red to brown. These sylfaen are said to be Random Height and Weight
Autumn-born. Sylfaen hair grows down Gender Base Ht. Ht. Mod. Base Wt. Wt. Mod.
their neck and down a portion of their Male 5’2” +2d8” 110 lbs. +2d8 x 5 lbs.
spine. It is always worn long. Female 5’2” +2d6” 90 lbs. +2d6 x 5 lbs.

Sylfaen eyes and ears most mark them as

different from elves, and most other rac- SOCIETY
es for that matter. Sylfaen have near cat- Bred as warriors, yet given free will, the
like ears, complete with moveable pinna, Sylfaen have embraced all aspects of Fey
which give them even better hearing than life, from hunter-gatherers to farmers, to
most elves. life at court among the Seelie and UnSeel-
As if this were not distinguishing enough, ie. They are as likely to be found dancing
naked in the glens of ancient forests with
sylfaen eyes are perhaps their most disturb- satyrs and dryads, as they are to be Knight-
ing feature. Nearly as almond shaped as Marshals of the Host.
an elf’s, their eyes are longer and extend
further to the sides of their heads, giving Enough sylfaen now exist that several vil-
them an almost alien or insect-like appear- lages of their kind may exist in a single
ance. Furthermore, they have no whites, fey forest. They are even likely to be en-
nor any true coloration. Their eyes appear countered in forests that are not particu-
to be deep black glass orbs, with hints of larly known to be fey homes. Any forest so
starlight reflected on the surface. To be occupied, however, is likely to be heavily
scrutinized by their gaze is at once frighten- protected, and outsiders to be treated with
ing and yet proffers a sage-like awareness, extreme prejudice.
a deep understanding of the complexities Being a race almost as old as they fey itself,
of the natural world. yet originally serving a select purpose, they
Sylfaen reach adulthood at a swift rate, as have created unique organizations within
quickly as half-elves, but have an extremely themselves. Primary among these organi-
long life span. Many sylfaen outlive even zations are the members of the Wyld Hunt.
the eldest of elves. These hunts were created to purge forests
of unwanted loggers, or those forging
roads through dense wilderness.

Loyal to a fault to each other as a race and into their current forms by their long time
holding a deep personal honor, that loy- in the natural world. Perhaps the opposite
alty is only more pronounced among fam- is true, and the sylfaen are what they have
ily members. Those other races who have become from their time in The Dreaming.
seen what may be construed as insanity in Whether this is true or not may only be
the sylfaen’s sacrifice for family, would not known by the Elder Fey, and perhaps whis-
even begin to comprehend the fanaticism pered in the greater libraries of the Elven
they have in the protection of those places Loremasters.
even suspected to be fey homes.
The Sylfaen find elven art and music beauti-
ful and enchanting, and respect them great-
RELATIONS ly for it, but do not, as a race, pursue the
Briarborn – As the Briarborn are cousins same goals. Yet, much is similar between
to the fey and steadfast protectors of na- the races - a proclivity for bows and blades
ture, the sylfaen see them as allies and even with long graceful curves, as well as a deep
friends. Should they come under attack it is respect and love for the natural world.
not uncommon for a pack of sylfaen Wyld
While the Elves of the world may have re-
Hunters to appear in their aid.
fined art and song to an unequaled pin-
Crimbil – The crimbil are servants to the nacle over their long lives, the sylfaen have
fey, and as such are under the protection done the same with duty and honor. To the
of the sylfaen. Unfortunately, it is also sylfaen, honor is not a thing of salutes and
the sylfaen who come hunting when the unique embraces, but rather an unfathom-
crimbil decide to leave the fey worlds and able respect for each other, knowing they
seek their own paths. Because of this re- have done right by kith and kin.
lationship, there is an uneasy trepidation
With all of these similarities, it is no great
between the two races.
wonder that there is a profound respect
Dwarves – While the dwarves may not between these races. They are each a mir-
understand the chaotic ways of the fey, the ror to the other, viewed through the veil of
one thing the sylfaen and dwarves have The Dreaming.
in common is fealty to protect home and
Glimmerkin – The sylfaen view the glim-
kin. This allows a gruff but deep respect
merkin as creatures outside the natural
for each other as a race, and some fabled
order. While they were once elves, they
friendships have been born of it.
turned their back on their natural gifts and
Elves – It is believed by some scholars that “stole” their newfound power from The
the sylfaen were the first elves, who had Dreaming through alchemy and magic.
such wanderlust that they disappeared The sylfaen often provoke the glimmer-
from The Dreaming to visit the myriad kin and hold them as traitors to feykind.
natural worlds. Those elves, as most know The glimmerkin do not hold the sylfaen in
them now, have thus been transformed such hatred, but they do have a respect for

the sylfaen’s abilities, and give them wide serve with half-orcs, but will do so if or-
berth. dered to, or if duty demands it. Typically,
the sylfaen simply remove half-orcs before
Gnomes – Gnomes, though deemed fickle
their blood can betray the world, regard-
and slightly mischievous by the sylfaen,
less of their actions and deeds.
have their begrudged respect. No other
race in the natural world has so embraced Humans – Humans and orcs are consid-
both the playful and impish nature of the ered to be blights upon any world they oc-
fey, and the industrious traits of the civi- cupy. Humans are viewed as an unceasing
lized races, and blended them into a har- wave of cockroaches, and orcs as an evil
monious existence for themselves. Gnomes disease, both of which the natural world
who are knowledgeable about The Dream- has no need of. While orcs burn forests to
ing and the role of the sylfaen, return that hunt and kill fey, or simply to watch them
respect seven-fold. The sylfaen are known burn, humans who slash and burn for farm-
to have sacrificed great numbers of their
land are viewed in the same light. This neg-
kin for the survival of the fey. That sacrifice
ative view is exacerbated by the humans’
is not lost on the spritely gnomes.
high birth-rate and their ever-increasing
Half-Elves – The sylfaen judge half-elves need for more land.
on an individual basis. Ever leery of hu-
However inherently distrusted, it is not un-
mans, but near interminably reverential to
heard of for a human to have proven him-
elves, the sylfaen have deigned to give half-
elves the benefit of the doubt. Sylfaen have self worthy of the sylfaen’s respect, though
a saying about half-elves. “Give them rope. such an endeavor would be long in the
They will either do something useful with process.
it or hang themselves.” Once proven as True Changelings – As creatures formed
traitorous to the fey world, half-elves are entirely from The Dreaming and steeped in
shown little courtesy. the fey culture, the true changelings have
Halflings – Halflings are viewed with much the respect of the sylfaen. The two often
the same respect as the gnomes. Many hal- work in tandem, seeking out those that
flings have embraced an agrarian lifestyle, have wronged the fey.
and do so with little invasiveness to the
The sylfaen are no fools though, and know
land. This simple act has won much com-
that the true changelings have no masters,
passion from the sylfaen, and many half-
nor true loyalties. They keep a wary eye
ling villages are silently and unknowingly
on them despite their fey roots.
kept safe by sylfaen rangers. Orcs and oth-
er menaces never even have the chance to
harry them, and the halflings live in peace.

Half-Orcs – Half-Orcs are considered the

worst possible outcome of the two foulest
races in existence. They will not willingly

ALIGNMENT & RELIGION They are often too duty-bound to consid-
er leaving their homelands for what most
While unflinchingly loyal in their protec- would consider traditional adventurer life.
tion of the fey wild, this loyalty should not There are exceptions to every rule how-
be perceived as lawful. Sylfaen have been ever, and a sylfaen that has left his com-
known to be exceedingly brutal in their munity to wander the world would be a
charge as sentinels. If an initial strike of
pariah among his own kind.
fear does not send foresters or new settlers
running, then direct contact is attempted.
If this is ignored a few mysterious deaths SYLFAEN NAMES
ensue. Failing all of those tactics, a horrific Sylfaen have two names: the names they
display of all of the settlers’ bodies usually are born with and, later, those given by
strikes to the soul of those that come look- the community. These names tend to be
ing for lost friends and relatives. Neutrality, unassuming and good-natured, usually re-
with a deep reverence for personal free- ferring to the place the parents think the
dom and honor, can be seen in any action child was conceived, most often a place
a sylfaen takes. in nature: Moon Glade, Old Bear Cave,
Few sylfaen have taken to worship of na- etc. These names are given up on Naming
ture deities. It would become exceedingly Day, the day the sylfaen officially becomes
difficult for them to understand any divine an adult. Upon reaching such an age, the
command that contradicts their innate edict sylfaen is named after what he/she is most
as protectors of the fey. This is not unheard renowned for. An archer or someone using
of, merely difficult to do. Most sylfaen re- stealth that has many kills may be called
vere the Elder Fey, not as gods, but very Whispering Hand of Death, or Foe’s Last
close to ancestor worship. As such, some Breath. Those mastering magic may be
do become clerics that venerate the fey or called Fire Shaper or Lightning Wielder or
community. variants thereof such as Burn Warden or
Storm Striker. These names are given in syl-
There are also those rare sylfaen who have van, and use that language’s grammar for
wandered far from their original path, and any male or female inflections.
are capable of any alignment or religion.
Adventure is not uncommon among the
Barbarian – A very common choice for
sylfaen, with many traveling to settlements
sylfaen, they often prefer brute force over
that have not seen outsiders in years. If
none of the sylfaen’s neighbor races are measured skill and frequently multiclass
likely to strike into sylfaen or fey home- with Barbarian. Sylfaen are often of the
lands, then many young often take to wan- Savage Barbarian, Scarred Rager, or True
dering. Sylfaen frequently go on a wander- Primitive archetypes.
mien to see what the short-lived races are
 Favored Class Bonus: Add 1 to the sylfaen’s
up to or visit their elders.
total number of rage rounds per day.

Bard – Sylfaen are gifted singers, and tell critical confirmation rolls when using
their history through great oral traditions. any elven or fey weapon.
Those who have heard their chants and
Magus – No stranger to the magic of The
song are often changed by the experience.
Dreaming, some sylfaen (especially those
Sylfaen who take up the mantle of the
that live among the courts) practice the
Bard are often of the Animal Speaker, Ar-
discipline of the Magus. Those sylfaen that
cane Duelist, Dervish Dancer, Savage Skald,
master the melding of fey magics and com-
Songhealer, and Thundercaller archetypes.
bat are often of the Bladebound, Hexcraft-
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the er, or Spellblade archetypes.
Bard’s Inspire Courage ability when
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/5 to all
in forest terrain.
critical confirmation rolls when using
Cavalier – While it may seem at odds with the Spellstrike class feature.
their chaotic fey nature, there are those syl-
Ranger – The sylfaen are inherently skilled
faen that ride great stags into battle, leading
warriors with a deep reverence for nature.
the charge against those that would defile
The path of the Ranger calls to them, and
nature’s grace. Those few that choose the
it is a call that they frequently heed. Most
path of the Cavalier are almost exclusively
sylfaen learn at least the basic skills of the
of the Beast Rider archetype.
Ranger, if not mastering the discipline. Syl-
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/4 ad- faen Rangers are frequently of the Battle
dition uses per day of the Cavalier’s Scout, Woodland Skirmisher, Skirmisher,
Charge ability. Warden, or Wild Stalker archetypes.
Druid – As protectors of nature who ven-  Favored Class Bonus: Add one type of
erate the wilds for their own sake, a num- humanoid to your humanoid favored
ber of sylfaen turn to the old druidic ways. enemy (You must have humanoid fa-
Sylfaen Druids are often of the Mooncaller vored enemy to select this option.).
or Pack Lord archetypes.
Rogue – As skulks of the forest glens, the
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/3 to the sylfaen are skilled rogues. They often pre-
druid’s natural armor bonus when us- fer more direct means of dealing with their
ing wild shape. enemies. Some aspects of the Rogue class
are appealing to them, however. They are
Fighter – Sylfaen are skilled at all warrior
most frequently of the Chameleon, Scout,
arts. They don’t tend to have the disci-
Sniper, or Trapsmith archetypes.
pline to be purist Fighters, but many walk
this path for a short time to master the arts  Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 ft. to the
of combat. They are most commonly of maximum range you can use sneak
the Archer, Lore Warden, Mobile Fighter or attack (i.e., add +5 feet to maximum
Savage Warrior archetypes. sneak attack range for every five lev-
els you select this option.).
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/4 to all

Sorcerer – While rare, the sylfaen are still
creatures born of The Dreaming, and are
Ability Scores: +2 to Dexterity, +2 to
infused with its inherent magics. Those
Charisma, and -2 to Intelligence.
few sylfaen that choose to walk this path
do so with great power. Sylfaen are deft and agile warriors, with
an inhuman grace and deadly beauty.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the
Though brutish and impetuous, they re-
DCs of any Bloodline Spell cast.
tain a certain cunning.
Summoner – As creatures born of The
Type: Fey
Dreaming and of the fey world, the sylfaen
are not uncommonly seen as Summon- A fey is a creature with supernatural abili-
ers. They are most frequently of the First ties and connections to nature or to some
Worlder archetype. other force or place.
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the A fey race has the following features:
number of animals or magical beasts
Fey have the low-light vision racial trait.
summoned with any summon na-
ture’s ally or summon monster spell. Fey breathe, eat, and sleep.
Witch – Few sylfaen have the tenacity to Size: Medium
become Wizards, but Witches are not un-
common. They channel the sheer power Sylfaen have no bonuses or penalties due
of nature, sometimes even directly serving to their size. A Medium creature has a
as conduits for a fey lord’s power through space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of
unnatural pacts. Many sylfaen are of the 5 feet.
Beast-bonded or Hedge Witch archetypes. Base Speed: Normal. Sylfaen have a
 Favored Class Bonus: Add +1/6 to the base speed of 30 feet.
DCs of any Patron Spell cast. Languages: Standard. Sylfaen begin play
speaking Sylvan and Common. Sylfaen
*Classes not represented here are not typi-
with high Intelligence scores can choose
cal for player characters. Use the standard
from the following additional languages:
bonuses to represent taking favored levels
Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling
in these classes.
and Treant.

Racial Points: 20

Effective Level: +1 (Advanced)

DEFENSE ABILITIES them hunt forest invaders. Sylfaen have
nondetection (constant), making them al-
Defender of the Wild most impossible to track back to the fey
Sylfaen are at home in forests and use that realms.
terrain to their advantage. They gain a +2
Sylfaen with a Charisma score of 11 or high-
dodge bonus to AC when in any forest or
er gain the following spell-like abilities: Al-
wooded area.
ter Self (1/day) Blindness/Deafness (1/day),
Blur (1/day), Dancing Lights (1/day), Ghost
Savage Resilience
Sound (1/day), Prestidigitation (1/day), and
The sylfaen were created to be quick on
Speak with Animals (1/day). The caster
their feet and enduring both mentally and
level for these effects is equal to the user’s
physically. The sylfaen have a +1 racial bo-
level. The DC for the spell-like abilities is
nus on all saving throws.
equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the user’s
Charisma modifier.
Wyld Hunt Magic
Forest Whisper The sylfaen also gain the following spells
The sylfaen use all forest terrain to their frequently used when hunting invaders of
advantage. They gain a +4 racial bonus on their forest homes. Each is useable once per
Stealth checks while within forests. day: Aspect of the Falcon, Aspect of the
Stag, and Chameleon Stride.
Silent Hunter
The sylfaen are as quiet as cats. They re-
duce the penalty for using Stealth while OFFENSE ABILITIES
moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks
Elven Weapon Familiarity
while running at a –20 penalty (this num-
The sylfaen are proficient with all bows
ber includes the penalty reduction from
and with any weapon with the name ‘el-
this trait).
ven’ in it. Creation of Elven Weapons may
or may not have actually been of sylfaen
Improved Keen Senses
origin. The sylfaen do not take credit for
The sylfaen have cat-like ears and are
the design of ‘elven’ weapons, but those
trained from a very young age to always
have been the weapons they have used ra-
rely on their instincts. They gain the Skill
cially since beyond memory.
Focus (Perception) feat at first level.

Low-Light Vision
Fey Magic
Sylfaen can see twice as far as a race with
The sylfaen have innate magic they use to
normal vision in conditions of dim light.
study or scare their opponents, or to help

ALTERNATE RACIAL he gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and
damage rolls against those same foes.
A Wyld Hunter ranger may make Knowl-
Front Line Warrior edge skill checks untrained when attempt-
Some sylfaen prefer open combat to stealth ing to identify these creatures.
attacks. These warriors have Barkskin as a
spell in their Wyld Hunt Magic repertoire. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter
(10th, 15th, and 20th level), the Wild Hunt-
The spell Barkskin replaces the spell Cha- er ranger gains an additional +1 bonus on
meleon Stride in the Wyld Hunt Magic above listed skills and weapon attack and
trait. damage roles against the Forest Foe.

Tree Friend This replaces Favored Enemy. The abilities

These sylfaen replace the Chameleon Stride Quarry and Improved Quarry work with
spell with the Wood Shape spell, and As- Forest Foe.
pect of the Falcon with the Tree Shape spell. Unleash Wyld Hounds (Su)

Instead of a Hunter’s Bond with a single

animal, a Wyld Hunter is able to summon a
Wyld Hunter (Ranger Archetype) pack of Fey Hunting Hounds once per day.
When foresters, settlers, or road-makers go These hounds have all of the same statistics
too deep into the forest, or if some other as Yeth Hounds, except for the following:
community has created an offense to the they have the young template, they are
Fey, the Wyld Hunt ensues. neutral (not evil), and their type changes
to outsider (native). Furthermore, the Fey
Sylfaen Wyld Hunters are a unique group Hunting Hound’s Frightening Bay save DC
of Rangers tasked with ridding the forest is enhanced by +1 for every hound there is
of interlopers. As such, they do not spend beyond 1.
time studying a varying degree of differ-
ent foes in order to gain combat advantage The Hounds, once summoned, only last
over them. They let their zeal compensate for a number of minutes equal to the Wyld
for their lack of careful methods. Hunter’s class level, then disappear back
into the Fey Wild. At 4th level he may sum-
Forest Foe mon up to 2 Hounds, and he may add one
hound every four levels thereafter up to 6
A Wyld Hunter Ranger may designate any
hounds at 20th level.
being or group of beings causing damage to
the forest, fey or creatures of the forest as This replaces Hunter’s Bond.
an enemy of the forest. As such he gains a
+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception,
Sense Motive, and Survival checks against
creatures of this selected group. Likewise,

may cast Wood Shape as a 4th level spell
to make your weapon a +2 mighty com-
posite bow. You may cast Wood Shape as
a 5th level spell and make your bow a +3
mighty composite weapon.

You must be able to cast spells of this level

to do this. This enhancement bonus may
not be substituted for anything other than
the standard to hit and damage bonus.

Fey Flesh
Your flesh is hardened against the bite of
RACIAL FEATS the natural world.
Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 13
Bow Song Benefit: You gain DR 3/cold iron.
You may sing to a tree and cull a magnifi-
cent bow from its boles. Feystep
You can travel a short distance through The
Prerequisites: Briarborn, sylfaen, or elf;
Dreaming and re-enter the physical plane.
ability to cast Wood Shape, Tree Song ra-
Prerequisites: Sylfaen, Cha 13
cial trait.
Benefit: Once per day, as a spell-like
Benefit: When casting Wood Shape and
ability you may teleport up to 120’ away
trying to form an object from a living tree,
as per dimension door.
you may sing to the tree’s spirit about your
role as its protector. The tree will grant you Inner Grace
the ability to create a masterwork mighty You subsist on the strength of your fey
composite bow equal to your strength rat- bloodline.
ing from the casting of Wood Shape. This Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 13, must be
bow will only function for you, becoming taken at 1st level.
a mere branch in anyone else’s hands. You Benefit: You may substitute your Cha-
may enchant this bow normally, but it may risma bonus for your Constitution bonus
not be enchanted by another person. when determining bonus hit points at each
Special: You may choose to cast a height- level.
ened Wood Shape as a higher level spell,
granting your wood-shaped bow enhance- Intimidating Armor
ment bonuses. When you cast barkskin, it manifests in
For every level of spell invested into the frightening ways.
casting of Wood Shape above 2nd level, Prerequisites: Briarborn, sylfaen, elf,
you may create a bow with a +1 enhance- ability to cast barkskin.
ment bonus, up to +3. For example: You

Benefit: When you cast the barkskin
spell, the natural armor takes the form of
twisted, menacing branches and vines. This OPTIONS
has no effect on how the spell works oth-
er than you gain a competence bonus on NEW MAGIC ITEM:
your intimidate checks equal to the armor
bonus granted by the spell for as long as FEYBLOOD TENDRIL
the spell lasts. Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th;

Nature’s Wrath Weight 1 lb.; Price 30,000 gp

You have long combated the foes of the
forest and know how to hurt them. DESCRIPTION
Prerequisites: Briarborn or sylfaen This thorn-laden whip’s handle is engraved
Benefit: You gain a +1 to attack and with images of scorpions. Upon close in-
damage against creatures with the orc or spection, the thorns seem to ooze a milky,
goblinoid type. greenish substance. As a free action this +1
keen whip can inflict Feyblood Venom on
Spear Song a living creature hit by an attack made by
You may sing to a tree and cull a magnifi- this weapon. If the wielder of the whip
cent spear from its boles. is not Fey, activating the effect causes the
Prerequisites: Briarborn, sylfaen, elf, wielder to take 1 point of bleed damage
ability to cast Wood Shape, Tree Song trait. per round for 10 rounds, as thorns sprout
Benefit: This feat is identical to the Bow from the handle and tear into the wielder’s
Song feat, except that you may create a hand.
spear or javelin instead.
Feyblood Venom
NEW RACIAL TRAITS Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 15
Tree Song (Sylfaen, Elven) Frequency 1/round for 2 rounds
You have learned the ancient Tree Song,
and may take Tree Song feats. You gain a Initial Effect -2 Dex; Secondary Effect
+2 trait bonus on any attempt to commu- Slow for 1d4+1 rounds; Cure 1 save
nicate with plant life and fey, as well as a A target who saves against Feyblood Ven-
+1 trait bonus on saving throws to resist om avoids the ability loss, but cannot avoid
any mind affecting ability of plants. the slow effect unless they are immune to

Craft Magic Arms and armor, bleed, keen
 The Hunt – This unruly pack of syl-
edge, poison, creator must be Fey; Cost
faen are the most vocal for bloodshed
15,000 gp
in the community, often acting with-
out permission of the elders. Inciting
SYLFAEN SETTLEMENTS their ire is a dangerous proposition.
A Sylfaen settlement often appears very MARKETPLACE
much like a mobile caravan or tribal unit.
While they may take residence in one area Base Value 500 gp; Purchase Limit 2,500
for some time, they can vanish nearly over- gp; Spellcasting 3rd
night with little to no trace of their exis- Minor Items 2d4; Medium Items 1d4;
tence. Major Items None
CN Village
Sylfaen Lancer CR 4
Corruption +0; Crime -4; Economy -1;
Law +0; Lore -2; Society +2 XP 1200

Qualities insular, cruel watch Sylfaen Cavalier 4

Danger +0 CN Medium Fey

DEMOGRAPHICS Init +5; Senses low-light vision;

Perception +5
Government Autocracy
Population 200 (95% sylfaen, 3% elves,
1% true changeling, 1% crimbil) AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor,
+3 Dex)
Notable NPCs
hp 32 (4d10+4)
 Songmaster Elwin, male sylfaen Bard
(Savage Skald) 10 Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3; +2 trait bonus
vs. charm and compulsion, +2 morale bo-
 Arvuin Deathcharger, male sylfaen nus when threatening the target of your
Cavalier (Beast Rider) 9 challenge
 Master of the Hunt Thol Foecaller, Defensive Abilities bond to the land (fa-
male sylfaen Druid (Pack Lord) 11
vored terrain [forest])
 Erueg Arrowcharmer, male sylfaen
Fighter (Archer) 7
 Morhir Bloodspiller, male sylfaen
Ranger (Skirmisher) 9


Speed 30 ft. Survival +4, Swim +6

Melee +1 huntsman spear +7 (1d8+4/x3) Modifiers camouflage (favored terrain

[forest]), silent hunter
Ranged mwk longbow +7 (1d8/×3)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Special Attacks spell-like abilities
SQ animal companion link, calling (ability
STATISTICS check) +2 (1/day), calling (attack roll) +2
(1/day), calling (saving throw) +2 (1/day),
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, calling (skill check) +2 (1/day), huntsman,
Cha 14 orders (order of the star), tactician (escape
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 route) 5 rds (1/day)
Feats Escape Route, Mounted Archery, Gear +1 leaf armor, +1 huntsman’s spear,
Mounted Combat (1/round), Skill Focus masterwork composite longbow
The Sylfaen Lancer is at the forefront of the
Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +6, Climb +6, charge against the enemies of the fey. They
Craft (bows) +2, Handle Animal +6, Heal spearhead the attack, with a contingent of
+5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (geogra- wild hunters and hounds behind them.
phy) +1, Knowledge (nature) +1, Percep-
tion +5, Ride +7, Sense Motive +5, Stealth

Wyld Stride
Within nature, you are unhindered by its
Prerequisite: Animal, Fey or Plant type.
Benefit: When within any forest envi-
ronment you ignore all difficult terrain.

Favor of the Seelie Court
Child of the Ageless Hum You are favored among the Seelie Court.
Within nature, your wounds mend faster. Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to Di-
Prerequisite: Animal, Fey or Plant type. plomacy skill checks when dealing with any
Benefit: When within any forest envi- member of the Seelie Court. You suffer a
ronment, your rate of healing doubles. -2 penalty when dealing with the Unseelie.

Fey Patron Favor of the Unseelie Court

You pledge an oath to one of the lords of You are favored among the Unseelie Court.
the fey and receive their protection in re- Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to
turn. Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with
Prerequisite: Favor of the Unseelie any member of the Unseelie Court. You
Court or Favor of the Seelie Court feat suffer a -2 penalty when dealing with the
Benefit: Once per day you can cast van- Seelie.
ish as a spell-like ability.
Glamour Resistant You once had contact with the fey, either
You are a former member of the Fey Courts as a stolen child or a wanderer that enter-
and know their tricks. tained them for an evening.
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bo- Prerequisite: Non-fey type
nus against spells and spell-like abilities cast Benefit: Fey recognize you as one of
by creatures with the fey type. their former guests and you gain a +2 bo-
nus to Diplomacy and any Charisma checks
Gift of the Aes Sidhe when dealing with them.
The fey blood within you is evident by all.
Prerequisite: Fey type Feywyld Call
Benefit: You may add your Charisma bo- You can wield tremendous power when
nus to Reflex saves. casting spells which call on the spirit of the
Benefit: Applying one or more meta-
magic feats to a spell with the plant type
or subtype that affects a single target re-

duces the level adjustment of that meta- the area. The spellcaster is never impeded
magic feat by -1 per every five caster levels by the effects of your spells modified by
(minimum 0). this feat.

Feywyld Surge Level Increase: +1 (a nature’s grasp spell

You can wield tremendous power when uses up a slot one level higher than the
casting spells call on nature’s soul. spell’s actual level.)
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 10 ranks, Fey-
Benefit: When casting a spell with an Bloodsap Shape
area effect and a plant type or subtype
while applying one or more metamagic School transmutation; Level druid 3,
feat, you can reduce the cost of that meta- ranger 4
magic feat by -1 per every four caster levels
(minimum 0). CASTING
Casting Time 1 standard action
Nature’s Grasp (Metamagic) Components V, S, DF
Your plant spells have the ability to impede
or damage foes.
Range personal
Prerequisites: Feywyld Call
Target you
Benefit: When you cast a spell with the
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
plant descriptor that affects an area, if crea-
tures in the area are entangled, they take DESCRIPTION
1d6+1 points of damage per 3 caster levels, This spell allows the caster to assume the
and treat the area of effect of the spell as form of an animated tree or shrub one
terrain one level more difficult to traverse size category larger than their natural base
than it would normally be. If the spell does form. This spell functions as a tree shape
not normally allow a save, a creature can spell, except that you are capable of mak-
make a Reflex save (DC = the spell’s DC if ing two slam attacks adding your Wisdom
it had a saving throw) to negate the effect. bonus as a circumstantial bonus to your
If the spell allows spell resistance, failing base attack. These attacks deal damage
to overcome a creature’s spell resistance based on the size of the plant you change
means it takes half the damage allowed. in to.
A creature already entangled by another
Harrowing Dance
spell effect gains a -4 circumstancial penalty
to their reflex save to avoid damage. School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-
A creature that leaves and reenters the area affecting]; Level bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 6,
must make a new saving throw to avoid witch 6
taking damage. Creatures that succeed at
a save to resist taking damage do not have
to make additional saves if they stay within

CASTING Target plant type or subtype creature
Casting Time 1 standard action touched
Components V Duration instantaneous
EFFECT Saving Throw Will half (harmless); see
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) text; Spell Resistance yes (harmless); see
Target one creature per three caster levels text
Duration 1 round/ level
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resis- When laying your hand upon a living plant
tance yes creature, you channel natural energy that
heals 1d10 points of damage +2 point per
DESCRIPTION caster level. If the creature is already at full
The subject is overcome with a blood-surg- hit points, this spell bestows temporary hit
ing desire to dance to a melody coursing points, to a maximum the target’s total hit
through their mind with an all-consuming points for one minute per caster level.
rhythm. The spell effect removes the tar-
get’s ability to take a move action each Wyld Touch, Mass
round, replacing it with a 10’ movement School conjuration (healing); Level bard
under the control of the caster. If the save 4, cleric/oracle 4, druid 5, inquisitor 4,
against the spell effect is failed, the effect witch 5
imposes a -2 penalty to Armor Class and a
-5 penalty on Reflex saves, and it negates
any Armor Class bonus granted by a shield Casting Time 1 standard action
the target holds. Additionally, it leaves the Components V, S
target exhausted, for one hour per level of
the caster after the spell effect ends. EFFECT
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
A successful Will save reduces the duration Target one creature/level, no two of which
of this effect to 1 round, and leaves the tar- can be more than 30 ft. apart
get fatigued for one minute per level of the Duration instantaneous
caster after the spell effect ends. Saving Throw Will half (harmless) or Will
Wyld Touch half; see text; Spell Resistance yes (harm-
less) or yes; see text
School conjuration (healing); Level al-
chemist 1, bard 1, cleric/oracle 1, druid 1,
This spell functions as a wyld touch spell,
inquisitor 1, paladin 1, ranger 2, witch 1
except that it can bestow temporary hit
points equal to twice the target’s total
maximum hit points for one hour per cast-
Casting Time 1 standard action
er level.
Components V, S
Range touch

Protection from Fey for the duration of this spell. The effects
resume when the duration of this spell ex-
School abjuration [plant]; Level cleric/
pires. While under the effects of this spell,
oracle 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1, sorcerer/
the target is immune to any new attempts
wizard 1, summoner 1; Domain plant 1, pu-
to possess or exercise mental control over
rity 1
the target. This spell does not expel a con-
trolling life force (such as a ghost or spell-
caster using magic jar), but it does prevent
Casting Time 1 standard action
them from controlling the target. This sec-
Components V, S, M/DF (a cold-forged
ond effect only functions against spells and
iron nail, held in the caster’s mouth)
effects created by fey creatures or objects,
EFFECT subject to GM discretion.
Range touch
Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by
Target creature touched
fey summoned creatures. This causes the
Duration 1 min./level (D)
natural weapon attacks of such creatures
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless);
to fail and the creatures to recoil if such
Spell Resistance no; see text
attacks require touching the warded crea-
This spell wards a creature from attacks ture. Summoned creatures that are not fey
by fey creatures, from mental control, are immune to this effect. The protection
and from summoned creatures. It creates against contact by summoned creatures
a magical barrier around the subject at a ends if the warded creature makes an attack
distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with against or tries to force the barrier against
the subject and has three major effects. the blocked creature. Spell Resistance can
allow a creature to overcome this protec-
First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bo-
tion and touch the warded creature.
nus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on
saves. Both these bonuses apply against at- Protection from Fey, Communal
tacks made or effects created by evil crea-
Level cleric/oracle 2, inquisitor 2, paladin
2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2
Second, the subject immediately receives Target creatures touched
another saving throw (if one was allowed
to begin with) against any spells or effects
This spell functions like protection from
that possess or exercise mental control
dey, except you divide the duration in
over the creature (including enchantment
1-minute intervals among the creatures
[charm] effects and enchantment [compul-
sion] effects, such as charm person, com-
mand, and dominate person). This saving
throw is made with a +2 morale bonus,
using the same DC as the original effect.
If successful, such effects are suppressed

Magic Circle against Fey nar binding spells) for a maximum of 24
hours per caster level, provided that you
School abjuration [plant]; Level cleric/ cast the spell that calls the creature within 1
oracle 3, inquisitor 3, paladin 3, sorcerer/ round of casting the magic circle. The crea-
wizard 3, summoner 3; Domain good 3 ture cannot cross the circle’s boundaries. If
a creature too large to fit into the spell’s
CASTING area is the subject of the spell, the spell acts
Casting Time 1 standard action as a normal protection from fey spell for
Components V, S, M/DF (a 3-ft.-diameter that creature only.
circle of powdered cold-forged iron)
A magic circle leaves much to be desired
EFFECT as a trap. If the circle of powdered iron
Range touch laid down in the process of spellcasting is
Area 10-ft.-radius emanation from touched broken, the effect immediately ends. The
creature trapped creature can do nothing that dis-
Duration 10 min./level turbs the circle, directly or indirectly, but
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); other creatures can. If the called creature
has Spell Resistance, it can test the trap once
Spell Resistance no; see text
a day. If you fail to overcome its Spell Re-
DESCRIPTION sistance, the creature breaks free, destroy-
All creatures within the area gain the ef- ing the circle. A creature capable of any
fects of a protection from fey spell, and evil form of dimensional travel (astral projec-
summoned creatures cannot enter the area tion, blink, dimension door,etherealness,
either. Creatures in the area, or who later gate, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport,
enter the area, receive only one attempt to and similar abilities) can simply leave the
suppress effects that are controlling them. circle through such means. You can prevent
If successful, such effects are suppressed as the creature’s extra-dimensional escape by
long as they remain in the area. Creatures casting a dimensional anchor spell on it,
that leave the area and come back are not but you must cast the spell before the crea-
protected. You must overcome a creature’s ture acts. If you are successful, the anchor
Spell Resistance in order to keep it at bay effect lasts as long as the magic circle does.
(as in the third function of protection from The creature cannot reach across the magic
evil), but the deflection and resistance bo- circle, but its ranged attacks (ranged weap-
nuses and the protection from mental con- ons, spells, magical abilities, and the like)
trol apply regardless of enemies’ Spell Re- can. The creature can attack any target it
sistance. can reach with its ranged attacks except for
the circle itself.
This spell has an alternative version that
you may choose when casting it. A magic You can add a special diagram (a two-di-
circle against fey can be focused inward mensional bounded figure with no gaps
rather than outward. When focused in- along its circumference, augmented with
ward, the spell binds a called fey creature various magical sigils) to make the magic
(such as those called by the lesser planar circle more secure. Drawing the diagram
binding, planar binding, and greater pla-
by hand takes 10 minutes and requires a

DC 20Spellcraft check. You do not know EFFECT
the result of this check. If the check fails, Range touch
the diagram is ineffective. You can take 10 Target creature touched
when drawing the diagram if you are un- Duration 1 hour/level (D)
der no particular time pressure to complete Saving Throw Will negates (harmless);
the task. This task also takes 10 full minutes. Spell Resistance no
If time is no factor at all, and you devote 3
This spell functions like mage armor ex-
hours and 20 minutes to the task, you can
cept you gain a +1 armor bonus for every
take 20.
two caster levels (maximum +8). This bo-
A successful diagram allows you to cast nus does not stack with other sources that
a dimensional anchor spell on the magic grant an armor bonus. While under the ef-
circle during the round before casting any fect of the spell, the target can, as a stan-
summoning spell. The anchor holds any dard action, collect a handful of stardust
called creatures in the magic circle for 24 and motes and hurl it at an opponent as a
hours per caster level. A creature cannot magic missile spell, cast at the level of the
use its Spell Resistance against a magic circle caster who bestowed the twilight armor
prepared with a diagram, and none of its spell. This reduces the armor bonus of the
abilities or attacks can cross the diagram. spell by 1, ending the spell when the armor
If the creature tries a Charisma check to bonus is reduced to 0.
break free of the trap (see the lesser planar
Twilight Blade
binding spell), the DC increases by 5. The
creature is immediately released if anything School evocation [force]; Level druid 2,
disturbs the diagram - even a straw laid ranger 3
across it. The creature itself cannot disturb
the diagram either directly or indirectly, as CASTING
noted above. Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
This spell is not cumulative with protection
from fey and vice versa. EFFECT
Range 0 ft.
Twilight Armor
Effect sword-like blade of shimmering
A shimmering field of dancing motes and motes
stardust swirls surrounds the spellcaster. Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
School conjuration (creation) [force]; Lev-
el sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 2, witch 3 A 3-foot-long, blade of shimmering motes
and glimmering shards springs forth from
your hand. You wield this blade-like evoca-
tion as if it were a scimitar. Attacks with the
Casting Time 1 standard action twilight blade are melee touch attacks. The
Components V, S, F (a pair of luna moth blade deals 1d8 points of force damage +
wings) 1 point per two caster levels (maximum

+10). Since the blade is immaterial, your
Strength modifier does not apply to the
damage. The wielder of a twilight blade
can, as a standard action, expel the blade’s
effect as a magic missile spell against a sin- The Dreaming (Chaotic Neutral)
gle target which creates one missile per +1
The realm known as ‘The Dreaming’ is a
on the blade.
demiplane that exists between the prime
material plane and that of Limbo. The
NEW MAGIC ITEMS Dreaming is home to fey creatures and it
is thought that this plane is made up of the
VERDANT DEW fickle whims of dreaming deities.
Aura transmutation; CL 3rd
The fey have claimed the realm, either
Slot none; Price 2250 gp; Weight —. as their birthplace as some purport, or
DESCRIPTION as a suitable sanctuary for their kind. It
is thought that the elves once graced this
This potent phosphorescent yellow-green land and have been changed by their exo-
elixir has three doses. A character can drink
dus into the Prime. The fey remain pure
one dose for the effects of a potion of cat’s
grace, two for a potion of haste, or all due to their dual existences between both
three for a combined effect of both haste realms.
and cat’s grace. If a target drinks all three No matter what has been recorded as truth
draughts at once they become fatigued
about ‘The Dreaming,’ it has been disprov-
when the duration of the effects are over.
en as well. There is no truly reliable infor-
mation on the plane, and only those of fey
blood find any real benefit from its fickle
Brew Potion, cat’s grace and haste; Cost
ways. It is thought that all who traverse
1125 gp.
The Dreaming are changed by it.

Some sages believe that it is called The

Dreaming because all who dream enter this
realm during their subconscious journeys.
The realm is as mercurial as a dream, and
dreams are but windows to this plane.

Planar Traits
The Dreaming has the following traits:

• Flowing Time: Any time spent with-

in The Dreaming does not count to-
wards physical aging, the traveler is
effectively ageless. Upon returning
to the prime material plane however,

only seconds may have passed, or as Rivers run backwards and later forwards.
much as decades. Waterfalls leap up onto cliffs above. Fish
fly and animals talk. Travel is perilous as
• Finite Shape: The Dreaming has def-
all roads lead to nowhere unless you have
inite ends as it is a demiplane, how-
a native guide. The trees move and scurry
ever, defining those ends is a difficult
from place to place, and even rocks have
task as they are always in flux.
mouths, whispering nonsense. It is as
• Highly Morphic: Features of the though the realm itself seeks to hold onto
plane change so frequently that it’s as many souls as possible, through decep-
difficult to keep a particular area sta- tion and trickery. Even in mortal dream,
ble. The plane may react dramatically one does not ever truly wish to awaken.
to specific spells, sentient thought,
or the force of will. At other times it
changes for no reason. The Dreaming belongs to the fey, this is
their world. Regardless of whether or not
• Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Neu- they are truly of this plane or not, they
tral have a deep connection with it. They are
• Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell- not hindered by its chaotic ways, and they
like abilities with the chaotic or en- navigate the world with relative ease.
chantment descriptors are enhanced. The fey find themselves timeless here,
• Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like demigods of sorts in this world of non-
abilities with the lawful descriptor are sense. The most powerful of all fey have
impeded. lived here for eons, as powerful as arch-
devils or arch-angels in their own right.
Appearance and Characteristics
It is thought that all fey cities are reflec-
At first glance, The Dreaming is a world tions or shadows of actual cities within The
much like our own. Nature is abundant Dreaming. When threatened with discov-
here, and the wilderness is ancient and ery, these cities simply slip back fully into
expansive. But the closer one looks, the this realm. If this is not true, then perhaps
more obvious it becomes that this is no they do reside in The Dreaming, but have
natural world. relatively easy access to the Prime world.
The Dreaming is a terribly chaotic realm. Religion
The world shifts and distorts the inhabit-
Religion is of little import in The Dreaming.
ant’s perceptions of time and distance,
Divine characters find that their access to
even the terrain changes at the whim of
divinely-based powers or spells have only
unseen forces. The more stable the trav-
a 50% chance to work. This may well be
eler, the more stable the terrain is, but time
a godless realm.
and distance are elusive. One cannot trust
their own senses here. Places of Interest

The Eternal Crossroads – A vast knot of to blame. The Unseelie Court however
tangled roads and crossings. It is said that are bound to the same rules as the Seelie
on these plains, the path to all worlds lie. It though, and if travelers are strong enough
is believed the Fey use these roads to travel to make their way to their court, it is possi-
through The Dreaming, and transit to and ble to petition their aid. Such things come
from the mortal world. Non-fey find the at unforeseen costs however.
Eternal Crossroads impossible to navigate,
Ephesus, the Dreaming City – The
and are often forever lost, doomed to
Dreaming City of Ephesus is a legend in
wander the roads for eternity.
many mortal realms. It goes by many
The Crawling Forest – A great swathe of names and it is said to appear on many
verdant and ancient forest. It is thought worlds at certain periods of time, only
that this forest ebbs and flows over the to disappear again as quickly as it came,
land like a body of water. In truth, the swallowing those that enter its walls and
plants may simply be sentient and migrat- trapping them forever. Those who have
ing across the land. To the inhabitant or glimpsed it however, tell of a utopia be-
traveler, the forest does not move, how- yond imagining, where mortals of all man-
ever after passing through, it becomes clear ner coexist alongside all manner of other-
that it has shifted great distances. worldly beings.
The Shimmering Palace (Seelie Court)
– This golden palace is a representation
of warmth and fertility. The Seelie Court
rules here, and the goodness of nature is
intermixed with the chaotic nature of the
fey. Many who have visited these courts
find themselves utterly spellbound by the
world of the fey and wish to never leave,
by no fault or malice of the fey inhabitants.

The Nightmare Wood (Unseelie Court)

– Somewhere within The Crawling For-
est lies a section known as The Nightmare
Wood. This portion of the forest is dark
and cold, filled with poisonous things and
decay. It is a reflection of all that is dark
in nature, given life by the whims of the
fey. Many who travel here are never seen
from again and it leaves no doubt who is

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ters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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fied as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
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logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor Cook, and Skip Williams.
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Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Skip Williams.
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Bauer and Sean O’Connor.
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Cityscapes: New Settlement Options for the Pathfinder RPG. Copyright
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cense, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, 2012, Otherverse Games. Author Chris A. Field.
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Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Alex Greenshields,
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing origi- Rob McCreary, Mark Moreland, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFar-
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tions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant
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Author(s): Brian Berg, David A. Hill, Richard A. Hunt, Bernie McCormick.
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