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Which of the following refers to the practice of rearing domestic animals and crops?
a. agriculture
b. fishing
c. farming
d. planting

What do you call the significant changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other measures of climate that occur over
several decades or longer?
a. global warming
b. deforestation
c. typhoon
d. climate change

In what ways Climate change affects agricultural production?

a. through its positive impact to agriculture.
b. through providing the proper nutrients needed by plants.
c. through precipitation levels and temperature variations.
d. through constant temperature and providing water enough to be used by crops.

Which of the following is NOT the environmental impact of deforestation?

a. destroys the habitat of species.
b. affects the water cycle.
c. provides new habitat for species.
d. enhances the effects of climate change.

How agriculture causes climate change?

a. Changes in precipitation
b. Kaingin method
c. Use of natural or organic fertilizers
d. All are correct

Which of the following is not an example of in-stream uses of water?

a. irrigation
b. boating
c. hydroelectric power
d. swimming

Which among the choices are not areas of concerns in freshwater consumptions?
a. ecocentric
b. biocentric
c. hydrocentric
d. anthropocentric

Each of the following are the POSITIVE effects of reforestation in relation to climate change EXCEPT.
Forest trees absorb Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Forest trees provide Oxygen we breath (O2)
Forest trees can provide shelter to wild animals preserving biodiversity.
Forest trees can trap greenhouse gases thereby reducing global warming.

It refers to the usage of harmful chemicals in catching fish that leads to extinction of marine life.
a. Pollution from fish processing plants
b. Lack of Selectivity
c. Bottom trawling
d. destructive fishing technique

Which of the following statements about Hunting is true?

a. the negative effects of hunting to the environment is higher than the positive ones.
b. It is just okay to hunt as long as you have enough funds to pay for your hunting license.
c. The money that the government get from the hunting license can be used in programs in promoting wildlife.
d. both a and c

Which is not true about urbanization and industrialization?

a. Industrialization and Urbanization has proportional relationship.
b. The key indicator for urbanization is the population while the key indicator for industrialization is the utilization of technology for
c. Industrialization and Urbanization do have POSITIVE and NEGATIVE effects to the environment.
d. Industrialization can cause Urbanization, but Urbanization has nothing to do with Industrialization.

Alma is working in a call center company in Davao City, in order to save transportation fee from going back and forth from her province,
she decided to rent an apartment near the company where she works with. Under what cause of urbanization does this situation
a. social benefits and services c. employment opportunities
b. Modernization d. commercialization

Which among of the following will most likely will occur if there is too much energy consumption in an area?
a. Air pollution, due to the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
b. Global warming, for the household technology will always produce heat as a byproduct of mechanical work.
c. both a and b
d. none of the above.

How do we determine our water consumption?

a. water intake less than water discharge
b. water discharge less that water intake
c. gross water use less than water intake
d. water intake less than gross water use.

The concept of the word “DEVELOPMENT”, people have drastically cut down trees for commercialization. Which of the statement
describes the greatest immediate negative impacts of this activity?
a. An instant increase in the economy.
b. Decrease in biodiversity.
c. Habitat loss for flora and fauna.
d. Promote ecological conservation.

Which of the following is an adverse effect of overexploitation?

a. Biodiversity
b. Population growth
c. Pollution
d. Extinction

Harvesting a species from its habitat at a rate faster than the population can recover would mean that the species is
a. over explored
b. overcompensated
c. overused
d. overhunted

Which of the following is false about climate change?

a. It is caused by the emissions of greenhouse gases.
b. It did not happen overnight.
c. It can be mitigated by reducing the source of greenhouse gasses.
d. It is not the cause of melting of the ice caps.
Which of the following is NOT a potential effect of climate change?
a. Emergence of infectious disease.
b. Decrease of water quality.
c. Erosion of beaches.
d. changes of weather based on topography.

In a forest ecosystem, the number of organisms started decreasing because of agriculture and urbanization. Which factor is
responsible for the decline of animal population?
a. Lack of enough living space as their natural habitats
b. Lack of pure air

c. Lack of adequate sunlight

d. Lack of clean water

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