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Independent variable
Task assigned to the subject
(I) of reading colour names
(II) naming colours
(III) naming colours while ignoring the word written

Dependent variable
1. Speed of responses (percentage of items covered per condition within 45 seconds)
2. Accuracy of responses (percentage of correct responses versus errors made within 45 seconds)

1. Reaction time of subjects (in naming the items) will be higher in the colour-word condition (where
the names of colours are incongruent with the ink in which they are printed) than in the word and
colour conditions.

2. No. of errors made by subjects will be higher in the colour-word condition (where the names of
colours are incongruent with the ink in which they are printed) than in the word and colour conditions.

Control variables
1. Subject variables will be controlled by using a within subject design.
2. Stimuli for all three conditions will be presented in the form of 100 items set in 5 columns with 20
items each (with a white background).
3. All three conditions shall involve the same colours- red, green, blue
4. 45 seconds will be the time limit for each condition.
5. Subject will have to say their responses aloud in all three conditions and respond as quickly as
possible to the items
6. Subject will read the stimuli column wise in each condition.
7. Only one page of the test booklet will be visible to the subject in each conditions
8. For all the conditions, the booklet will be placed on a flat surface infront of the subject.
9. The subject will be allowed to rotate the booklet up to 45 degrees to either left or right, but not
rotate the booklet to a greater degree or left the booklet off the flat surface, in any of the conditions.
10. Pointing to the items will be allowed, however covering any items or letters is going to be
prohibited, across all three conditions.

Design of the Experiment

The experiment follows a within subject design (the same subject shall be used for all the conditions).
There are three conditions in the experiment.
The first condition pertains to the word page, containing 100 names of colours written in black ink, on
a white background. The subject will be required to read aloud the colour names and will be given 45
seconds for this task, after which they will be requested to stop.
After a one minute rest pause, the second condition will be started. It pertains to the page with
coloured crosses, containing 100 items (each item consisting of 4 crosses in a particular colour) on a
white background (Colour page). The subject will be required to say aloud the colours and will be
given 45 seconds for this.
After a one minute rest pause, the third condition will be started. It pertains to the page with 100
colour names written in inrcongruent ink, on a white background (Colour-Word page). The subject
will be required to say aloud the colours in which the colour names are written and will be given 45
seconds for this.
For each of the conditions, whenever the subject makes an error, it will be pointed out to them. The
experimenter shall track the errors through the response sheet of the Stroop test. Data for the
experiment shall be analyzed in terms of number of items covered per condition out of 100 and
number (and percentage) of correct and incorrect responses per condition.
The following precautions were kept in mind while conducting the experiment-
1. The subject was selected from a non-psychology background to avoid demand
2. During the conduction of the experiment, cell phones of both the subject and the
experimenter were kept on silent mode to avoid distractions.
3. Optimal Conditions regarding the lighting, ventilation and noise were ensured in the
4. All materials were arranged appropriately and the functioning of equipment like
stopwatch were all checked before the subject arrived.
5. Wooden Screens were placed on the table to restrict peripheral vision and also to keep
the experimental material out of sight of the subject when she entered the setting.
6. Adequate rapport was formed before the commencement of the experiment.
7. Informed consent was taken verbally and in written from the subject.
8. It was ensured that all instructions were clear to the participant, especially for the
colour-word page.
9. The Stop watch was kept hidden from the subject throughout the experiment.
10. The subject was not given any feedback during the experiment.
11. The interview with the subject was audio-recorded with their consent
12. The subject was de-briefed at the end of the experiment and a wellness check was

Materials required
1. Stroop Test booklet
2. Stroop test manual
3. Response Sheets for the three conditions
4. Stop watch
5. Stationary
6. Two copies of the informed consent form

Arrangement of materials
Before the conduction of the experiment, it was ensured that the all the material needed was ready.
The material was placed behind a screen to hide it initially from the subject’s view. A stool for the
subject was placed in front of the laptop along the length of the table. As the subject was right
handed, stool of the experimenter was placed to her right along the breadth of the table in the L-
shaped arrangement.

● AGE- ____years
● SEX-
Rapport formation
The subject was personally escorted into the laboratory and made to sit comfortably on the stool
assigned for her. She was engaged in informal conversation by the experimenter. All her questions
were addressed. Once the subject appeared comfortable in the setting, the experimenter moved on
to taking informed consent.

Informed consent
The subject was explained her rights as a participant. These included voluntary participation,
confidentiality of data and her being entitled to know the outcomes of the study. She was also told
that the study would take 15-20 minutes of her time and that there were no risks of participating. She
was then requested to sign an informed consent form re-iterating the same. The form is attached in
the appendix of the report.

Instructions: Were read to the subject for the 3 conditions, as stated in the manual.

After taking informed consent, the experiment was begun.
In the first condition, the subject was carefully provided the instructions as stated in the manual. The
task required them to read aloud the colour names given on the Word page of the test booklet and
they were given 45 seconds for this task.
After a one minute rest page, the second condition was started and instructions were provided
clearly. It pertained to the page with coloured crosses, containing 100 items (each item consisting of 4
crosses in a particular colour) on a white background (Colour page). The subject was required to say
aloud the colours and was given 45 seconds for this.
After a one minute rest pause, the third condition was be started. Instructions were carefully given. It
pertained to the page with 100 colour names written in inrcongruent ink, on a white background
(Colour-Word page). The subject were required to say aloud the colours in which the colour names
were written and were given 45 seconds for this.
For each of the conditions, whenever the subject made an error, it was pointed out to them. The
subject was required to correct herself and then proceed with the following items. The experimenter
tracked the errors through the response sheet of the Stroop test. A stop watch was used to time the
three conditions.
After the conduction was complete, subject was requested to provide an introspective report. A
short interview was taken and recorded with the consent of the subject. Then the subject was
thanked and escorted out of the lab. The experimenter then returned back and noted the behavioural

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