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Name : Muhammad Rayhanda Pasha

Class : 9.6

KD : Report Text

A. Multiple Choice
Snowy owls or nyctea scandiaca are large prey birds. They are diurnal, which means
they are active during the day instead of night. Snowy owls breed in remote areas of
artic and Sub Artic regions mostly North America.
As their name suggests, snowy owls have dark white feathers with dark brown
markings. Their feathers are thick covering even its legs and feel. They weigh around 1,6
kg to 2 kg and they stand about half a meter tall with the wing span 1,5 meter. They
have around white head, a black claws.
1. The proper title for the text is ….

Answer: c The snowy owl

2. The Latin name of the snowy owl is …

Answer: d Nyctea Scandiaca

3. The bird active during the day instead of night the other name is …

Answer: c Diurnal

4.Where mostly snowy owls breed?

Answer: a North America

5.The bird weighs about …

Answer: a 1,6 kg to 2 kg

6.The bird stand about …meter height

Answer: b Half

7.The birds wing span about ... meter

Answer: b One and a half

B. Essay

Panda is a white-black colour bear that is originally from China. It is as famous as dragon
as the animal symbol of China. Even it looks like peaceful and friendly as seen through
its colour, but panda is actually wild and dangerous animal as bear in general. Panda is
also called giant panda as to differ it from red panda which is smaller in size than giant
Before 2014, IUCN stated that the population is endangered due to the illegal human
hunt. But then, the Chinese government response this problem seriously and in 2015-
2016, the population is increased and IUCN reclassified the status from endanger to
vulnerable. Now, the population of giant panda is more than 1864 individuals.
The giant panda is primarily living in the bamboo forest of the Qinling Mountain. Giant
panda is a terrestrial animal, generally solitary and each adult protects its territory. That is
why the female giant panda is not tolerant of the other female panda in her range area.
The male meets the female only when the mating season. After mating, the male leaves
the female and the female will raise the cub alone.
Even giant panda is classified as carnivore, but in fact it eats bamboo up to 14 kg per day.
Giant panda eat 25 bamboo species in the forest to avoid starving. As carnivore, like the
other bear, giant panda also eat fish, meet, and egg if available.
Title: Giant Panda

General classification?

Panda is a white-black colour bear that is originally from China. It is as famous as dragon as the
animal symbol of China. Even it looks like peaceful and friendly as seen through its colour, but
panda is actually wild and dangerous animal as bear in general. Panda is also called giant panda
as to differ it from red panda which is smaller in size than giant panda.


What do they look like?

They are really giant like a bear giant panda has white and black color and they have a red panda
too red panda are the small panda
Giant panda are really dangerous they eat bamboo and sometimes eat fish,meat,and an egg if
available .

What is their diet?

Although the giant panda is classified as a carnivore, he eats 14 kg of bamboo per day. Giant
panda eats 25 kinds of bamboo in the forest to avoid starvation

How do they breed

That is why the female giant panda is not tolerant of the other female panda in her range area.
The male meets the female only when the mating season. After mating, the male leaves the
female and the female will raise the cub alone.

Other special information?

I think is It is as famous as dragon as the animal symbol of China.

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