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When I was younger I thought getting to my “dream job” or “my career” would be easy.

Instead I’ve done countless jobs and experienced hard and easy labor. Going through those jobs
shaped me and also helped me develop talents with my hands and also my mental. So, I wanted
to play basketball my whole life. That is not the case now, I want to finish playing 4 years of
college ball and dive straight into Sports Psychology, eventually becoming a
Psychotherapist/Life Coach for athletes. Help them tough situations that they may face and also
how to deal with the serious injuries and that basketball isn’t who you are, it’s what you do.
Basketball players and athletes in general need to have other aspirations and hobbies to pursue
because once you’re done catching that ball, dribbling that rock, or running around the track,
you need something else to fall on. We all are not a part of the 1% that makes it to the big
leagues. But you can still be an outstanding father, husband, brother, employee, boss, owner,
etc. Opening your mind to more than what you see in front you is key.

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