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First partial exam

Asignatura: MANAGEMENT

Alfonso Patricio Guerra Carvajal - 735979

Maestra: Elsa Cecilia Ramírez Cepeda

Monterrey, Nuevo León a 04/02/23

Instructions: Read the questions, reflect and answer them. You need to
elaborate your answers. A minimum of 100 words per answer is required.

1 - How can I use the concepts and terms studied in my working life?
This is easy to answer because since we were little until today, people have
learned many things that we have had to apply to improve our way of life and
achieve our goals. If we apply this in our normal life, it can also be applied at
work, it is something we do instinctively. Some tips that can improve this would
be to listen carefully to what your coworkers say, learn from your mistakes,
motivate yourself to complete your projects, have good communication with
others, meet deadlines and never give up. This will undoubtedly improve your
work life, it's just getting along with the queens of your life.

2 - How does change affect my performance?

This question is my favorite of the 3 because it is the one that has impacted me
the most, the change can affect you for better or worse, it all depends on how
you handle the situation, for example if you are in a job as an employee having
a change can give you fear since you think that this change can affect your
performance but the truth is that sometimes this change is planned to grow
little by little, it is just a matter of taking it easy. I who work and study know that
change at first affects but then improves your performance, just take it as a new
route to excel at what you are good at.

3 - Why is it important to present facts and figures clearly?

Presenting facts and figures clearly is very important because data can be
complicated and complexity can be boring, but a good visual representation
can make data meaningful and send a clear message in an instant. When your
audience can easily understand the information you are presenting, they are
more likely to stay tuned and trust what you are saying. Using facts provides a
solid starting point with your audience. By providing facts, you establish
yourself as an authority, a credible information source who has a solid
understanding of the subject and can provide relevant facts that have been
confirmed to be true, which is why they are so important.

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